21. Hypothyroidism Flashcards
Outline the aetiology of hypothyroidism
Congenital = athyreosis, thyroid dysgenesis, dyshormonogenesis
Acquired = prematurity, hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hypopituitarism, trisomy 21
What are the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism?
- prolonged neonatal jaundice
- widely opened posterior fontanelle
- poor feeding
- hypotonia
- dry skin
- inactivity
- sleepiness
- slow feeding
- little crying
- constipation
How would you investigate Hypothyroidism?
Bloods = high TSH, low T4
Thyroid Abs = anti-thyroid peroxidase Abs, antithyroglobulin Abs
X-ray L wrist + hand = examine ossification centre
How would you manage hypothyroidism?
NEONATE = Levothyroxine - 15mcg/kg/d, adjust by 5mcg every 2w to typical dose of 20-50mcg
<2ys = 5mcg/kg/d, adjust 10mcg every 2-4w
> 2ys = 50mcg, adjust 25mcg every 2-4w
SE = ◦ Arrhythmia (cardiac disease, severe, >50 - starting dose 25mcg, dose slowly titrated) ◦ Hyperthyroidism ◦ Reduced bone mineral density ◦ Worsening angina ◦ AF
What are the complications of hypothyroidism?
Outline Hashimotos
Anti-thyroid peroxidase, anti-Tg Ab
More common in women
Outline Sub acute - De-Quervains hypothyroidism
Follows a viral infection
Typically presents with hyperthyroidism
- Phase 1 = hyper, PAINFUL goitre, raised ESR
- Phase 2 = euthyroid
- Phase 3 = hypothyroidism
- Phase 4 = thyroid structure/function back to normal
• Reduced uptake on iodine 131-scan
• Self limiting
• Pain = aspirin, NSAIDs
• Steroids
Outline congenital hypothyroidism
If not Dx and treated in the first 4 weeks it causes irreversible cognitive impairment
Prolonged neonatal jaundice
Delayed mental + physical milestones
Short stature
Puffy face, macroglossia
Screened using heel prick test
Outline pendreds syndrome
Autosomal recessive
Bilateral sensorineural deafness
Mild hypothyroidism
Def in organification of iodine = dyshormogenesis
Treat = hormone replacement