2.1 Computer Crimes Flashcards
What is a computer crime?
A computer crime is any illigal act involving a computer or computer network
Differenciate between the two types of computer crime
“Computer related crimes are crimes that target computers or networks dirrectly
What are 5 examples of computer related crime?
- Software piracy
- Caracking
- Hacking
- Diddling
What some examples of Computer assited crimes
- scamming
- harrasment
- Spamming
- Social engineering
What is Hacking?
“It is when a technically suffisticated computer user called a hacker
What is cracking
“It is when an unskillfull
what is DOS
“It is a malicious attempt at making computer resources unavailble for the internted user”
What is Diddling
“Modifying data befor/after it enters the computer system”
What is scamming?
“Conducting illegal activities on a network”
“Sending bulk unsolicited messages to a computer user for cormcial puposes”
“Sendint threatening messages ove a network”
Social engineering?
“Manipulation people into givng away data that can be used to steal data or subvert a system”