0. Introduction Flashcards
Carefully explain exhustively the resons why it is convinient to have a seperate classification for Engineering computer law.
* Definition of Engineering Computer law
* The State of Engineering Computer law
Resons for a seperate classification for Engineering computer law
What is engineering computer law?
It is that branch of the law, that governs the usage of computers in generall.
Place: Infont of the gate, Image: “David in a laywer rob and a lawer hair piece, with the whole judge table”
What is the current state of engineering computer law?”
At the momment in Cameroon legislators have yet to enact a code that govens engineering computer law, instead what is refered to as engineering computer law is an eclatic amalgamation of concepts from other other laws beign applied to relatively new technologies and hardware
Place: Still infornt of the gate at david’s judge’s stand, Image: David explain the current stated of engineering computer law while swinging his judge’s hammer.
“List the resons for a seprate classification for engineering computer law.”, “
1. Tranditional concepts if Law are expanded by events in the area of computer law.
2. Solving Legal problems
Place: At the gate , Image: Saul goodman walks up to me ans says what the proble ‘Tell Saul’
Explain the point on Tranditional concepts of law beign expanded by events in computer law.
Some challenges to tratidional laws in the field of computer law include:
- Software Ownership: Unlike tratidional goods, when a user purchases a Software they only own the disk or device it came in, not the software it self, instatead all the own is the reght to use the software
- Info torts: A tort is a civil wrong, Databse may contain potentaily damaging infromation about individusals leading to a new kind of tort called an infotort
- Buglary: The tratidional sense of Buglary requires the buglar to trespass the premises of victim, but in the case of hackers who gain authorise access to a network throught a modem to alter or steal data, even thorught it is the same crime does not satisfy the conditions for Buglary
- Authentication of evidence: Unlike tratidional evidence computer files can easily be modifed to change time stamps, making it difficult to use them as evedence
- Databse searches: Databses present a new kind of threat, unlike traditonal means of data storage database, can easily and quickly be searched for specific data
Place: still infront of gate, image: me replying “So I Bought A Database….
Explan the Solving problems reson for enecting a seperate computer law.
There are cerating problems in engineering computer law that will rare occur in traditonal law:
- Dipustes: Disputes involving emails and websites extent accross state lines and even international borders
- Value: Inforation stored in database are usaly more valuable that the hardware thery are stored in
- ## Diversity: Computer law usually involves the highly specialised field of international propery law.
Place: Still taliking to Saul, Image: I finih my sentence: …DVD