(2.1) - (2.3) Conceptualizing brand equity & CBBE components Flashcards
What is brand equity?
Differential effect that the knowledge of a brand has on customers’ attitudes and behaviors towards the branded product == the added value of the brand to the product
How to describe the knowledge out of the Journal of Marketing?
Marketing is an underestimated domain, but has more citations than Albert Einstein
Explain the associative network memory model
Memory as network of:
- nodes = stored info/concepts
- connecting links = strentg of association between nodes
Network can be activated to induce brand-related behavior: trigger nodes, make them spread to other nodes, the spread is determined by the strength and number of network linkages
What are the 2 components of brand knowledge?
- Brand Awareness = ability to identify the brand, existence and connectedness of brand nodes»_space; likelihood and easy with which a brand name will come to mind.
- Brand Image = perceptions about the brand that are reflected by the brand associations in consumer theory»_space; meaning of the brand
Explain the 2 components of brand awareness
- Brand recognition
The degree to which consumers can confirm prior exposure to the brand when provided with a brand element ex. advertising icons, mascots - Brand recall
The degree to which consumers can retrieve the brand from memory without a brand cue when given:
> Brand category
> Perceived needs
> Purchase or usage situation
Why does brand awareness matters?
It is the necessary condition before anything else!
* Learning advantage: first step is to create the node in the consumer memory
* Consideration advantage: likelihood of being part of the customers evoked set, which influences purchase decisions
* Choice advantage: even affects decisions about brands if no other brand associations exist ex. in low involvement decisions: heuristics to only buy familiar, well established brands
How is brand image build?
The whole set of associations linked to the brand that are hold in the memory – any potential encounter with the brand has the chance to build those associations.
What are the different type of brand associations?
- Attributes = features that characterize the brand, related to the performance and appearance»_space; could be concrete or more abstract
- Benefits = personal value that the customer associated with a brand and its usage
> Functional, the practical, utilitarian kind
> Experimental, self oriented and enjoyment-related needs
> Symbolic, needs for social approval and self-expression
Give 3 important dimensions of brand associations
1) Favourability - valence
2) Strength - intensity
3) Uniqueness - distinctiveness
Explain the Favourability - valence dimension of brand associations
> Positive, negative or neutral feelinds about the brand
Explain the strength - intensity dimension of brand associtations
> Amount of processed information about the brand
Nature or quality of the processing
Explain the uniqueness - distinctive dimension of brand associations
> How many associations are shared with competing brands?
Relates to the USP, unique selling position of the brand
Which compelling reason is offered for buying that particular brand
» Shared associations become “category membership”