_____ _______ are official terms used in AEMS policies to route 911 system patients away from a facility that is saturated or overcrowded to the point that emergency department resources are unavailable.
Critical patients with uncontrollable medical problems will always by triaged to the ______ _________ ______ _______ .
closest appropriate emergency department
Emergency medical condition means a medical condition manifesting itself through presentation of acute symptoms with sufficient serverity (including severe pain), such that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in the following:
- Placing the patient’s health in serious jeopardy. 2. Serious impairment of bodily function. Serious
- dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
Uncontrollable medical problems shall be defined as?
he inability to provide an adequate airway or ventilation, lack of a palpable pulse, in the non-traumatic patient.
Neighboring facilities shall be defined as?
emergency departments or trauma services located in proximate geographic areas.
Fully committed resources means?
the health care professionals at an emergency department or trauma service are at maximum capacity providing treatment to acutely ill or injured patients and are temporarily unable to provide “safe, appropriate, and timely” medical care to patients with an emergency medical condition.
Define Emergency department saturation:
An emergency department has “fully committed its resources” and is not available for any additional incoming patients with an “emergency medical condition.”
Define Trauma service saturation:
A trauma service has “fully committed its resources” and is not available for additional incoming Level One trauma.
Define Facility internal disaster/equipment failure:
Through policy and procedure established by the internal disaster plan of a hospital, the facility or hospital cannot receive any patients because of a physical plant shutdown or temporary lack of specialty equipment.
Upon notification to the Dispatch Center, the emergency medical dispatcher will Follow-up with the affected hospital in _____ hours to reconfirm the status.