2.05 Key Terms Flashcards
A risk-response strategy that involves choosing not to do something that is considered risky
Business Risk
The possibility of loss (failure) or gain (success) inherent in conducting business
The rivalry between two or more businesses to attract scarce customer dollars
Cost of Goods
The amount of money a business pays for the products it sells or for the raw materials from which it produces goods to sell; the amount of money a business pays for the products (or for any part of the products) it sells
Direct competition
Rivalry between or among businesses that offer similar types of goods or services
Economic risks
The possibility of loss or failure that occurs as a result of the economy
The money that a business spends
Gross Profit
Money left after the cost-of-goods expense is subtracted from total income (income from sales-cost of goods=gross profit)
Human risks
The possibility of loss or failure from human error
The money received by resource owners and by producers for supplying goods and services to customers
Indirect competition
The rivalry between or among businesses that offer different goods or services
Market structure
The type of market, or environment, in which businesses operate
A type of market structure in which a market is controlled by one supplier, and there are no substitute goods or services readily available
Natural Risks
The possibility of loss or failure from nature
Net profit
Money left after the cost-of-goods expense and the operating expense are each subtracted from the total income (gross profit-operating expense=net profit)