2024_Jeopardy_Invitational_Tournament_Quarterfinal_Games_6-9_CSVUTF8 Flashcards
In 2024 a 40-ounce quencher tumbler from this company seemed harder to get than the same-named NHL trophy.
A modification of a Portuguese guitar, it became popular in Hawaii in the late 19th century.
3-letter word meaning to hound with continued fault-finding.
When driving a pal’s treasured 1964 Pontiac GTO, go easy on this pedal that releases the crankshaft.
the clutch
As this character, Tom Cruise radioed the tower, “This is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby” but was told the pattern was full.
No stop at this Mexican port is complete without watching the cliff divers do their thing off La Quebrada.
Oxford dictionaries once defined this 2-word event as when a group of strangers “perform a pointless act & then disperse”.
a flash mob
The double-action type of this instrument has 2 reeds tuned to the same note for extra fun when using the bellows.
an accordion
The high version of this hairstyle was worn by Barbara Eden in “I Dream of Jeannie” & has been seen on Ariana Grande.
a high ponytail
The star method is used to tighten these fasteners; follow each with the one diagonally opposite.
lug nuts
Client Rod Tidwell gets agent Jerry Maguire to say this 4-word phrase again & again, louder each time.
show me the money
Cruises in this country will likely begin at the port city of Piraeus, just 7 miles from the capital.
The manual for this robotic ’90s toy says, “You can feed me by inserting your fingertip into my mouth”.
a Furby
Ben Franklin made a “glass” type of this instrument, totally different from the “mouth organ” type.
a harmonica
This equine term refers to an old veteran such as a politician or soldier who’s served a long time & has a lot of experience.
a war horse
The belt that drives your alternator, water pump & other important components is known by this snaky adjective.
In this comedy, Tom as studio exec Les Grossman dances to “Low” by Flo Rida & T-Pain & says, “This is… when the job gets fun”.
Tropic Thunder
Many cruising to the Western Caribbean will set sail from this Texas city, the largest U.S. cruise port outside of Florida.
Co-founder Tom Anderson was your first friend on this social media platform; in 2005 he sold his company.
The Greek for “wood” gives us the name of this instrument that’s struck with padded mallets.
These vertical pieces of wood, usually 2x4s, form the framework of an interior wall.
a stud
It’s what Tesla calls the place you stick the charger into; Ford & GM have agreed to use Tesla charging tech in their EVs.
the (charge) port
“I am the world’s last barman poet”, Tom declaims in this film, “America’s getting stinking on something I stir or shake”.
The light over this river’s estuary at Le Havre was one reason the city calls itself the cradle of Impressionism.
the Seine River
This 4-letter photo-editing app has given rise to a meme that describes a person with a specific fashion aesthetic.
Also known as an etherophone, this boxy electronic instrument was used by The Beach Boys.
a theremin
Asked by Herod what she wanted, the daughter of Herodias replied, “Give me here John Baptist’s head in” one of these platters.
a charger
A seal between 2 mechanisms, the “head” one seals the combustion part of an engine to allow oil & coolant to circulate properly.
a gasket
Tom Cruise tells Max von Sydow in this flick, “If you don’t kill me, precogs were wrong & pre-crime is over”.
Minority Report
Once you arrive at this Jamaican port whose name means “8 rivers”, you can swim with dolphins or visit Margaritaville.
Ocho Rios
In January 1861 President Buchanan sent supplies & reinforcements to this fort, but the ship turned back when fired upon.
Fort Sumter
One of the masterminds behind the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 was Daniel Burnham of this Midwestern “School”.
the Chicago School
This French novelist’s 1843 swashbuckling book “Georges” follows a mixed-race adventurer who leads a slave rebellion.
He had a collab with Miles Davis called “Can I Play With U?”, included on a “Sign o’ the Times” reissue.
A twisting injury can cause this type of bone fracture characterized by a helical break.
a spiral fracture
Types of this household tool include slotted, hex & Robertson.
In 1860 California mountain man John Adams, nicknamed this, died from a head wound suffered while wrestling one of his pet bears.
In the 1960s Black architect Paul Williams co-designed the Ira Aldridge Theater at this D.C. university.
In this Hermann Hesse novel, Harry Haller reads a treatise about his dual inner self, caught between a man & a lupine creature.
This country singer collaborated with Leon Bridges on the song “If You Were Mine”.
Miranda Lambert
It’s the outer & narrower bone of the lower leg.
the fibula
Big laxative has made good use in its ads of this word for the problem its products treat.
On December 2, 1859 he rode to the gallows on his coffin & remarked, “This is a beautiful country”.
John Brown
He saw himself as a trimtab, a small but powerful rudder, for humanity, & his tombstone says, “‘Call me Trimtab’-Bucky”.
Made into a Scorsese film with Andrew Garfield, this novel by Shusaku Endo follows 17th century Jesuit priests in Japan.
In 1986 Run-DMC collabed with Aerosmith on a version of this song that VH1 called history making.
“Walk This Way”
2 regions of this bone are the manubrium, which joins with the first ribs, & the xiphoid process, which is just fun to say.
the sternum
This type of pilot in the early days of aviation would travel the country giving stunt-flying exhibitions.
New York City’s citizens, including 103 who gave $1,000 each, raised the funds to build this church; the cornerstone was laid in 1858.
St. Patrick’s
With his impressive Duomo in Florence, he was called the architect who “renewed Roman masonry work”.
In 1905 Henryk Sienkiewicz, author of this tale of ancient Rome, became the first Polish person to win a Nobel Prize in lit.
Quo Vadis
1990s hip-hop duo, Black Star, was a collaboration between Talib Kweli & this rapper, also known as Yasiin Bey.
Mos Def
This bone extends from the scapula to the ulna.
the humerus
Also a tropical cocktail, it’s a person who transports illegal liquor, no matter what type.
a rumrunner
Regular mail across the continent began with this stage line & antonymically communication went under water via the transatlantic cable.
the Overland Stage
During her Pritzker Prize acceptance speech, she said her secular & modern childhood in Iraq was an influence on her career.
This Chilean author of “The Savage Detectives” has gained wide fame in English translation since his early death in 2003.
Roberto Bolaño
Billie Holiday & this sax player first linked up in 1934; soon enough they gave each other nicknames, Lady Day & Prez.
Lester Young
Overproduction of the hormone somatotropin causes this form of gigantism marked by increased bone size.
From the Latin for “earth” & meaning to make a planet suitable for human habitation, it dates back to a 1942 sci-fi story.
First appearing in an English dictionary in 1623, mesonoxian means pertaining to this word.
“Tomorrow Will Be Different” is by Sarah McBride, the first openly trans state senator from this state, known for being first.
After visiting Michael Jackson’s family home in Gary, Ind., enjoy views of this Great Lake off I-94 East as you enter Benton Harbor.
Lake Michigan
Monopoly once added a few house rules, including all fees & taxes stashed in the middle of the board are yours when you land on this spot.
Free Parking
In the preface to “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” we learn that these calming words are on the front of the reference book.
don’t panic
A mix of tomatoes, oranges, garlic & more, this bills itself as “the perfect complement to burgers, steak, chicken…”.
Under C: “A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and wise as a man’s head”.
a cabbage
“The House of Hidden Meanings” is a 2024 memoir from this TV host & pop culture icon, both far from & totally a drag.
Put Kingman in your rear view, cruise I-40 & you’ll be in Standin’ on the Corner Park in this Arizona city in 3 hours.
The nonprofit Free Software Foundation promotes this hyphenated type of software that, by definition, can be modified & shared.
This catchphrase of Ed McMahon was uttered with creepy efficiency in “The Shining”.
Put Kingman in your rear view, cruise I-40 & you’ll be in Standin’ on the Corner Park in this Arizona city in 3 hours
The nonprofit Free Software Foundation promotes this hyphenated type of software that, by definition, can be modified & shared
This catchphrase of Ed McMahon was uttered with creepy efficiency in “The Shining”
Here’s Johnny
The U.S. spent $100 billion to defend against this glitch that threatened to doom us all as 1999 ended
Under H: “An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another”
From the satirical work by Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary.
This writer’s “test” on gender disparity in Hollywood movies began as “The Rule” in a 1985 comic strip
(Alison) Bechdel
Columbia is about midway between these 2 same-state Midwest cities that squared off in the I-70 World Series in 1985
Kansas City & St. Louis
R.E.M. titled a 1981 song for this broadcasting service that aimed to inform people under the grasp of the Soviets
Radio Free Europe
Barney on “How I Met Your Mother” often implored his friends with this command that superheroes might receive
suit up
The first movie with this designation was “Henry & June” in 1990
Under P: “A play in which the story is told without violence to the language”
a pantomime
From the satirical work by Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary.
Oscar Wilde wrote 2 plays of “importance” but sadly, also a “Ballad” about this place of confinement
Reading Gaol
Enjoy 1,700 miles of the I-95 system, south from Bangor to this 2-word city whose name comes from Spanish for “mouse’s mouth”
Boca Raton
The Wilmot Proviso, which wanted no slavery in newly acquired Mexican lands, was a precursor to this political party
the Free Soil Party
This memorable 1997 Apple ad campaign notably didn’t end with a “-ly”
Think Different
This technology introduced in 2019 brought faster connectivity all over an area
Under N: “Appointing your grandmother to office for the good of the party”
From the satirical work by Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary.
This playwright has used his uniquely gravelly voice to speak about gay rights & wrote the book for “La Cage aux Folles”
It’s about 2 1/2 hours going west on I-80 from Davenport to this state capital
Des Moines
The “free” type of this refers to an atom or molecule with a loose electron that can destabilize other molecules
a free radical
Written by Sia, this Shakira song from “Zootopia” can be heard in commercials for Disney World
“Try Everything”
The Russian creator of this ubiquitous weapon was quoted as saying, “I would prefer to have invented… a lawnmower”
an AK-47
Under Q: “A sufficient number of members of a deliberative body to have their own way and their own way of having it”
a quorum
From the satirical work by Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary.
William Baffin was the first to determine degrees of this by watching the Moon pass in front of a star in 1615
A painting on 2 panels, often hinged together; London’s National Gallery of Art has the Wilton one
a diptych
Eccentricity measures how much this planetary path deviates from a circle
its orbit (an ellipse)
Since 1908, the roundel has been a symbol of this system that also contains “round”
the Underground
In film when characters explain the plot verbally, it’s called this, also the name of a big public fair
Cordell Broadus, son of this rapper who, like us, asked “Who am I?”, was a WR for UCLA & became a streetwear fashion designer
Snoop Dogg
In 1610 he reached Canada’s James Bay; his crew soon mutinied & cast him & 8 others adrift, never to be seen again
It means a picture made of inlaid tile, or pertaining to the guy to whom the 10 Commandments were revealed
A “false thumb” or enlarged wrist bone on this animal helps it grasp bamboo stalks
a panda
This numeral is topmost center on a standard circular dartboard
In Latin “fuscus” meant dark, hence this verb meaning to deliberately bewilder
Willow Smith, daughter of Will, hit the Top 40 by doing this title quite repeatedly, “back & forth”
“Whip My Hair”
In 1776 James Cook received the Copley Medal for a paper on preventing this disease by feeding his crew cress & an orange extract
Sculptors sometimes use heat & chemicals to produce this green surface film on their bronzes
a patina
Devised by a 19th century German scientist, this scale measures a mineral’s resistance to abrasion
Mohs hardness scale
In legend, the Siege Perilous was a seat at King Arthur’s round table reserved for the knight destined to do this
find the Grail
It can mean a horse carriage for rent; add -ed to mean made commonplace by frequent use
a hackney
Kanye’s 10-year-old daughter, she raps on her dad’s 2024 track “Talking/Once Again”
North West
Born in the county of Devon, Francis Drake was knighted in 1581 & made mayor of this English Channel port there
Jean Arp coined this term for Alexander Calder’s inert sculptures, often made from sheet metal
In thermodynamics this letter stands for entropy
These alliterative items seen here are used to reduce friction
ball bearings
An attorney doesn’t need to establish cause to exclude a prospective juror with this type of challenge
This Compton rapper died in 1995, but his son Lil this is carrying on the hip-hop name
In 1823 Hugh Clapperton & his party explored Nigeria & became the first Europeans to see this nearby large lake
Lake Chad
Marcel Duchamp used mass-produced items for objects called these, like a bicycle wheel on a stool
CMEs for short, these blasts from the aura of plasma around the Sun can occur with solar flares
coronal mass ejections
The Aldar Headquarters building, 23 stories tall & presumably, 23 stories wide, too, is in this emirate, southwest of Dubai
Abu Dhabi
Meaning reverse or opposite, it’s also a rhetorical device using contrast, such as “Give me liberty or give me death”
Hip-hop artist Chris Rivers is the son of this “Big” guy born Christopher Rios, the first Latino solo rapper to go platinum
Big Pun
TIME mentioned “cruelty & enforced conformity” when summing up this novel with a “stonily silent narrator”
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
You get an “A” if you know that Horace described this emotion as “a short madness”
Not “E pluribus unum” but this national motto appears on the flags of Georgia & Mississippi
In God We Trust
Roy Wood Jr.: “If they can make a documentary about your time” in this post held by Spiro Agnew, you did the job “incorrectly”
vice president
A “quicker picker upper”, or a bonus given at some poker tournaments after knocking out specific players
a bounty
“Double your pleasure, double your fun” with this brand
From the Latin for “ask”, it’s the formal & systematic questioning of a suspect
In “Oedipus at Colonus”, he wrote, “Acceptance–that is the great lesson suffering teaches”
In 1992 this state replaced the words “The Sunshine State” on its flag with the words “The Mount Rushmore State”
South Dakota
What to do with Wanda Sykes’ ashes? “Spread ‘em over” this actress, Storm in “X-Men”; “she don’t even have to be at the funeral”
Halle Berry
In the Gospel of John, the Pharisees told Jesus that this was the penalty for adultery; he told them to be cautious judging
death by stoning
“I don’t wanna grow up, I’m” this kind of “kid”
a Toys “R” Us kid
It’s the type of photo seen here; what do we gotta do, put it on a silver plate for you
a daguerreotype
In his “Histories”, he quoted Solon as saying, “Before he dies, call no man happy–he is at best but fortunate”
Representations of the North Star & this other night sky feature appear on Alaska’s flag
the Big Dipper (Ursa Major)
His early stand-up bits like the over-chatty ventriloquist are part of what made him a legend
Albert Brooks
Look out below! CEO severance from a company may be in the form of this 2-word type with a precious metal in its name
a golden parachute
This chain promised “We’ll leave the light on for you”
Motel 6
In this type of democracy, the political party with the most legislative seats forms a government
In “The Lives of the Twelve Caesars”, it’s said that his last words were “What an artist dies with me!”
This state’s flag features the frigate Raleigh, built in Portsmouth in 1776 & the first ship to fly the U.S. flag in a sea battle
New Hampshire
On “Rolling Stone’s 500 Worst Albums”, from Blaine Capatch: “2 Foot 2 Loose” by Kenny Loggins & “Idahoication” by this bunch of Flea’s
the Red Hot Chili Peppers
There are fines & fees & then there’s this other “F” word referring to property seized by the po-po for criminal reasons
This brand has been advertised as “Two, two, two mints in one”
This “-ism” describes the ongoing habit of judging foreign groups
What is the term for property seized by law enforcement for criminal reasons?
Which brand has been advertised as ‘Two, two, two mints in one’?
What ‘ism’ describes the habit of judging foreign groups by one’s own culture?
Who was the cynic quoted as saying he was ‘looking for an honest man’?
Which state’s flag bears the words ‘Battle Born’?
In Laurie Kilmartin’s ‘Dead People Suck’, which charity is mentioned in the chapter ‘Home Hospice: Die Surrounded by Stuff You Meant to Take to’?
What Louisiana French word did Mark Twain love for something extra given after a transaction?
a lagniappe
What old-time insecticide means to move quickly from place to place?
From Latin for ‘to take away secretly’, what word means secret or sneaky?
Who explored the coast of Suriname in 1499 and has a name on two continents?
(Amerigo) Vespucci
Which playwright created the characters Laura Wingfield & Blanche DuBois?
(Tennessee) Williams
‘A’: What clear fluid surrounds a baby in its mother’s womb?
amniotic fluid
What warms your heart in song via ‘roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose’?
What song by the Killers is called a ‘millennial anthem’?
“Mr. Brightside”
What name for a tight-fitting one-piece was inspired by a French aerialist?
a leotard
What metal was Simon Iturri Patiño known as the king of in Bolivia?
Who wrote in the preface to ‘Major Barbara’ that ‘The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty’?
‘C’: In myth, what is a fire-breathing hybrid monster, in genetics, an organism with 2 distinct sets of DNA?
After deep torpor, what bird can see its body temperature rise 50 degrees up to 100-plus?
a hummingbird
Which woman claims to be the inspiration for Nas’ ‘Me & Mr. Jones’?
What style of knickers was inspired by women’s rights advocate Amelia?
Who scored a famous goal in the 1986 World Cup aided by the ‘Hand of God’?
Which playwright wrote ‘Ivanov’, an early work about a depressed young man?
‘A’: What are the alternative forms of genes you get from mom & dad?
What ‘official blanket with sleeves’ sold 4 million in the 2008 holiday season?
a Snuggie
Who was baffled by a lyric in ‘Mrs. Robinson’, telling Paul Simon, ‘I haven’t gone anywhere’?
Joe DiMaggio
What brass wind instrument is named after Belgian inventor Adolphe?
Huascar co-ruled the Inca from Cuzco; where did his brother Atahualpa rule from?
What teleplay by J.P. Miller centers on an alcoholic couple?
the Days of Wine and Roses
‘B’: What pigment gives bile its yellowish color & can lead to gallstones?
What soup includes beets, short ribs & pork butt?
What band sang ‘Mr. Jones & me tell each other fairy tales’?
Counting Crows
What Austrian composer has a number used to list his works?
Who said in 2019 that protesters would not go unpunished?
Nicolás Maduro
In which Beth Henley play does one of the Magrath sisters shoot her husband?
Crimes of the Heart
‘C’ ‘C’: What is the multistage process via which the basic unit of life reproduces itself?
the cell cycle
In which Bible book is it said, ‘Another fire shall devour them; and ye shall know that I am the Lord’?
What song did Bob Dylan write about a percussionist?
“Mr. Tambourine Man”
What Trojan hero’s name became a verb meaning to bully or harass?
Which country is alphabetically last among those formed by the collapse of the Soviet Union?
What type of custom suit is abbreviated as MTM?
What astronomical event will be seen across the U.S. on April 8th?
an eclipse
What animal is known as ‘Alley’ along a section of I-75 in Florida?
Which sport saw Germany defeat Serbia in the final of the 2023 FIBA World Cup?
What work did J.D. Salinger reportedly have with him on D-Day?
The Catcher in the Rye
What animal do you ‘play’ when feigning death?
What is a brief & succinct explanation of an event?
What is a popular alternative to hooks & eyes in tailoring?
Which politician ended his presidential run in Tallahassee?
What body part do most frogs use to catch their prey?
the tongue
What type of craft did women compete in at the Olympics as of 2021?
Which author wrote about the siege of Sevastopol in ‘Sevastopol Sketches’?
What is the way a softball pitch is thrown?
What method fixes holes using needle & thread without patches?
Who caught the Super Bowl 58-winning pass for Kansas City?
Mecole Hardman
What amphibian defends itself by spraying poison from behind its eyes?
a salamander
What Olympic sport resembles soccer but players throw the ball?
Which U.S. Navy group builds bases, airfields & bridges?
the Seabees
What is the term for uniting one piece of film with another?
What measurement can be about 30 inches on a 5’10” man?
an inseam
Which politician passed away while incarcerated at a penal colony?
What lizard is known as ‘beardies’?
the bearded dragons
What two-word term describes the first international cricket games?
test matches
Where did Kurt Vonnegut survive the 1945 Allied firebombing as a P.O.W.?
What precedes fasciitis in a foot problem?
What 8-letter type of parrot is seen in the context of a chancellor?
What part of a shirt adds strength & structure at the shoulders?
the yoke
What Roman emperor had a 40-foot-high replica statue unveiled?
What worm-like amphibian spends most of its life underground?
the caecilian
What term refers to a rider in pro cycling whose job is to help a team’s leader?
a domestique
Which author of ‘Going After Cacciato’ was wounded in Vietnam?
Tim O’Brien
What 1890s job title is associated with a German seen in a historical context?
a chancellor
What is the Christian doctrine laid out by Paul in Romans 8:29-30?
What is the term for a sung musical work first used in the 17th century?
What true crime book by R.A. Scotti is subtitled ‘The Mysterious Theft of’?
the Mona Lisa
What is a 4-letter delight that was first used for a sung musical work in the 17th century?
What is the subtitle of the true crime book ‘Vanished Smile’ by R.A. Scotti?
The Mysterious Theft of the Mona Lisa
What is the 14-letter term for the Christian doctrine laid out by Paul in Romans 8:29-30?
What band was named after the nickname that Rivers Cuomo’s biological dad used for him?
Which Scottish city is known for local slang such as ‘gallus’?
What era followed the Medieval Warm Period in a big climate switch?
the Little Ice Age
What bloody period of the French Revolution ended with the execution of Robespierre?
The Terror
Which notorious London gangsters painted while in prison?
the Krays
What is the 14-letter nonmedical umbrella term for people whose brains work differently?
Which group gained fame with the song ‘High Hopes’?
Panic! at the Disco
Antigua & Quetzaltenango are sites in which country?
What type of guy reigned as Clement VII during the Great Schism beginning in 1378?
What was ‘Primal’ in the title of a Richard Gere & Edward Norton film?
Who is the film auteur of the documentary ‘F for Fake’ that includes art forger Elmyr de Hory?
Orson Welles
What is the 13-letter adjective meaning outside of the power of a court of law?
Which group of anarchists is known for the pro-drinking song ‘Tubthumping’?
In which city is the International Civil Rights Center & Museum located?
What seaport was captured by the Ottomans in 1354?
What is the second word of ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ where the narrator admits he was dreadfully so?
Which Boston museum had a painting by Vermeer stolen in 1990?
the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
What is the 13-letter term for a toothed dino bird of the Jurassic period?
Which power pop group was named after a statuary store on Route 46 in New Jersey?
Fountains of Wayne
What area in Queensland stretches from Paradise Point to Coolangatta?
the Gold Coast
Which Oxford theologian led an effort to translate the Bible into English in the 1380s?
What loanword for a general sense of dread or unease was popularized by Freud’s works?
Which artist fled Rome after catching a body in 1606?
What is the 14-letter term for a sequence of fantastic & weird images seen in dreams?
Which band with songs like ‘1985’ riffed on a Steve Martin sketch for its name?
Bowling for Soup
What place in India was dubbed ‘the Rome of the Orient’?
In a 1950 novel, what did a girl walk into and rub her face against?
a wardrobe