2024 March Flashcards
What is the definition of “Roister”?
To celebrate or enjoy oneself in a noisy or boisterous way.
What is the definition of “Felicitate”?
To congratulate.
What is the definition of “Nosism”?
The use of ‘we’ to refer to oneself.
What is the definition of “Prepense”?
Planned or premeditated; not accidental.
What is the definition of “Sanative”?
Having the power to cure or heal.
What is the definition of “Hertoclite”?
Not found; possibly a misspelling or a very obscure term.
What is the definition of “Felicitous”?
Well chosen or suited to the circumstances.
What is the definition of “Depute”?
Appoint or instruct (someone) to perform a task for which one is responsible.
What is the definition of “Ambit”?
The scope, extent, or bounds of something.
What is the definition of “Hobbledehoy”?
An awkward, ungainly young person.
What is the definition of “Monopsony”?
A market situation in which there is only one buyer.
What is the definition of “Quisquous”?
Confusing or difficult to deal with.
What is the definition of “Horripilation”?
What is the definition of “Aglet”?
A metal or plastic tube fixed tightly around each end of a shoelace.
What is the definition of “OCR (Optical Character Recognition)”?
The electronic or mechanical conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text.
What is the definition of “Heady”?
Having a strong effect on your senses; potent.
What is the definition of “Proficuous”?
Beneficial or useful.
What is the definition of “Parisology”?
The use of ambiguous words or expressions.
What is the definition of “Holus-Bolus”?
All at once.
What is the definition of “Aspersion”?
An attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something.