2020 October Flashcards
In Chapter One, titled Dark Clouds Over a Closed World, _a bleak picture i_s painted of today’s world which, contrary to the “firm conviction” of such historical figures as the European Union’s founders who favored integration, a “certain regression” has taken place.
後戻り 《心理学》退行 《統計》回帰
But those present at the ceremony said the most important takeaway was Barrett’s ringing endorsement of Scalia’s application of originalist jurisprudence.
ju・ris・pru・dence | dʒʊ̀ərɪsprúːd(ə)ns |
1 法学, 法律学, 法理学 ▸ medical jurisprudence 法医学.
2 法体系, 法典, 一国の法制▸ Roman jurisprudenceローマ法.
At the acrimonious hearing, she was questioned about her past writings that explored how a Catholic jurist might handle legal cases that dealt with serious moral issues like abortion, capital punishment and euthanasia.
ac・ri・mo・ni・ous | æ̀krɪmóʊniəs
(怒り・辛辣さなどに満ち)激しい, 痛烈な〈口論など〉.
Barrett’s <strong>originalist</strong> jurisprudence “can stand in tension with the doctrine of stare decisis.
In years gone by, the sight of a pope celebrating Mass ad orientem would drive liturgical progressives apoplectic. But today one hears not a peep even from the Praytell people who are a sad group to say the least.
apoplectic 【形】
- 〈話〉〔顔を真っ赤にして〕激怒した
- 〈古〉《医》卒中の[に関する]◆【名】apoplexy
This is a suburb of Johnstown, located in the southwest corner of Cambria County, on the foothills of the Laurel Mountains.
- base of a mountain
- foot of mountain
In Cambria County his (President Trump’s) popularity is so intense, the area has gone from a dominant Democratic stronghold to now having more registered GOP voters.
- 〔戦いの〕要塞、とりで、牙城・That city is the opposition’s last stronghold. : あの都市が敵の最後の牙城である。
- 〔活動などの〕拠点、本拠地
- 避難[生息]場所、最後の拠り所
音声を聞くレベル11、発音[US] strɔ́ŋhòuld | [UK] strɔ́ŋhə̀uld、カナ[US]ストゥロングホウルドゥ、[UK]ストゥロングハウルドゥ、変化《複》strongholds、分節strong・hold
He (Trump) did win just enough of them in suburbs in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Michigan and Florida to help him eke out victories across those battlegrounds.
eke out
- 〔生活を〕辛うじてやりくりしている
- eke out a __% increase
- 何とか_%増える[の増加を達成する]
- eke out a bare living
- 暮らしを一時的にしのぐ、口しのぎをする
- eke out a compromise
- 何とか妥協する
- eke out a draw
- どうにか引き分けに持ち込む
Muller, 43, who lives with her husband and two young children in Wauwatosa, says Trump’s gruff manner isn’t ideal, but the contrived fit of the vapors by the media to anything he says, gruff or not, is what really irks her.
- しわがれ声の、どら声の
- 〔口調などが〕荒々しい
- 〔態度などが〕粗雑な、荒々しい、ぶっきらぼうな、つっけんどんな
- 〔人を〕立腹させる、イライラさせる
- Crowded train always irks me! : 電車が込んでるといつもイライラする!
発音[US] ə́rk | [UK] ə́ːk、カナアーク、変化《動》irks | irking | irked
- 枝落としこぎり
- 枝落とし職人
go for the jugular
go for the jugular
- 〔危害を加えるつもりで〕激しく攻撃する
- 〔口論などで〕痛いところを突く
- 手きびしく批判する