2016 Vocab Flashcards
mind-bending - (chiefly of a hallucinogenic drug) influencing or altering one’s state of mind.
slap the taste out of your mouth
Boy, if you don’t stop hitting your sister I am going to slap the taste out of your mouth.
- 〈話・俗〉(人)を[に]思い切りびんたする、(人)に強烈なびんたを食らわす、(人)の頬[横っ面]を思い切りひっぱたく[平手打ちする]、(人)の頬[横っ面]に強烈な平手打ちを食らわす◆【直訳】(人)の横っ面を思い切りひっぱたいて口から味覚を奪う(失わせる)
face someone down
Putin is a bully. We have to face him down. (7th Republican Debate)
face down
They have affirmed the resumption of their formal meetings, as well as a new Lambeth Conference of all Anglican bishops in 2020.
- 〔失ったものを〕取り戻す[回復する]こと
- 〔やめたことを〕再開する[再び始める]こと
Others, claiming inside knowledge of the goings on in Welby’s circle, ominously reported that he was ready to “dismantle” the Communion altogether, in view of intractable divisions among its members.
- 〔人が〕強情な、頑固な、歩み寄らない
- 〔病気などが〕難治性の
- 〔問題などが〕解決困難な、手に負えない、扱いにくい
- 〔金属などが〕加工しにくい
keep a cool head
What we need to do is to keep a cool head.
keep a cool head
point blank
at point blank range
- 的に真っすぐに狙いを定めた、真っすぐの、直射の、至近距離からの
- 単刀直入の、率直な、はっきりとした、あからさまな、包み隠さない、露骨な、腹蔵のない、あけすけの
You are early. Tailwinds.
eat someone’s dust
eat someone’s dust
You better move fast before you eat his dust.
- 〈米俗〉(人)に後れを取る
- (idiomatic, informal) To be outrun.
double-blind - denoting a test or trial, especially of a drug, in which any information that may influence the behavior of the tester or the subject is withheld until after the test.
deluge vs dirge
- 大洪水、大氾濫
- 大雨、土砂降り
- 〔殺到する〕大量の~、〈比喩的に〉氾濫する~
- 《the Deluge》《聖書》ノアの大洪水◆ノアの箱舟に乗ったノアの家族、つがいの動物たち以外の地球上の全ての生き物を滅ぼした大洪水。
- a severe flood
- 葬送歌、哀歌、悲歌
- a lament for the dead, especially one forming part of a funeral rite
guilt trip
guilt trip
- When someone tries to make you feel guilty for thinking/feeling/doing things a certain way.
- 《a ~》罪悪感
- 《a ~》他人に罪悪感を抱かせる[抱かせようとする]言動◆嫌み・しおらしいせりふ・自分の受けている被害の強調など。特に、相手を申し訳ない気分にさせて結果的に行動を操ろうとするもの。
in plain sigh
I guess you are out there hiding in plain sight.
finger splint
I love a man who keeps a finger splint handy for emergencies.
dying declaration
dying declaration - In the law of evidence, the dying declaration is testimony that would normally be barred as hearsay but may nonetheless be admitted as evidence in certain kinds of cases because it constituted the last words of a dying person.
blow over
I’m gonna keep my mouth shut and hope it will blow over.
- 〔風などが〕吹きやむ
- 〔嵐・怒りなどが〕静まる、収まる
- 〔嵐・危機などが〕過ぎ去る
- 〔悪い事態がなどが〕解消される、丸く収まる、収拾する
It will all blow over by tomorrow. : 明日になれば丸く収まってるだろう。
- 〔うわさなどが〕忘れ去られる、消える
fingernail beds
funny bone
(ひじ先の)尺骨の端 《打つとしびれる感じがする》.
Madame Secretary, the whole thing is ludcrous
tee up (someone)
So you want me to tee him up, so you can interrogate him.
- 〈話〉準備する、用意する、手配する、〔約束を〕取り決める、〔~の日時を〕設定す【同】arrange ; organize ; set up ; prepare
- make detailed arrangements or preparations
take stock in vs take stock (of)
take (put) stock in
- ~の株を買う
- ~を重んじる、信用[信頼]する
take stock (of)
- 〔資産を〕見積もる
- 〔方策を〕評価する、詮索する
get bogged down (in)
- 泥沼にはまり込む、動きが取れなくなる、行き詰まる
scrap (v)
She’s a scrapper. = a fighter〈俗〉けんか好きの人、プロボクサー
casing it for robbery
A 72 year-old man is casing a armed car?
I was casing the joint.
- 〈話〉〔犯罪の準備などで〕~を調べ上げる
- (informal) reconnoiter (a place) before carrying out a robbery
top off (your coffee cup)
- 《主に米国で用いられる》〈ガソリンタンクなどを〉いっぱいにする
- to fill up a container
shine someone on
“Where were you last Friday? You never called me back. I hate it when you shine me on like that.”
Shining me on
Shine me on - To ignore someone or continuously not follow through with an engagement.
a creature of habit
- 習慣に縛られている人
- 習慣の生き物
You are off to an early start
look over her shoulder
- I looked over my shoulder to make sure the lane I want to use is clear.
- I don’t want to live looking over my shoulder.
- He was paranoid. He kept looking over his shoulder.
- The foreman was constantly looking over my shoulder.
- 自分の肩越しに見る、後ろを振り返る[気にする]
- 不安に感じる、ビクビクする
- 《look over someone’s shoulder》(人)のやっていることを監視する[後ろからのぞき込む]◆見張られる側にとって居心地の悪い状況を暗示する。
- 肩越しに振り返って、目で見て、移りたい車線が開いているのを確かめた。
- 私はビクビクしながら生活することを望みません。/おびえながら暮らすなんて嫌です。
- 彼はパラノイア状態で、いつも何かにおびえていました。
- 作業長は常に私を監視していた。
We don’t get a lot of contract killings up this way
- 契約殺人
- 請負殺人
Could someone sustain that kind of injuries if the car’s front and side airbags deployed?
antagonize the entire lawforce agency
He antagonized many people with a scathing campaign against the popular politician.
- ~に敵意を抱かせる、~を敵に回す、~に敵対する、~の反感を買う
- 《生化学》~に拮抗する
I just heard on the radio. Your girl got popped.
- 〈米俗〉逮捕された
- 〈米俗〉酔っぱらった
- to get hit up by the police.
pervious (to)
pervious to your charm
- 〔物質が液体・気体などを〕通すことのできる、透過させる
- 〔人が意見・議論などに〕心を開いた
- 〔人が道理などを〕理解する
- 〔人の性格が〕親しみやすい、取っ付きやすい
take their gloves off
Take the gloves off and get it done.
- We have waited patiently long enough; now it’s time to take off the gloves.
- 〔勝負・議論などに〕本気で立ち向かう◆【語源】ボクシング用のグラブを取り外して素手で殴ろうとする様子から。
- to argue or compete without controlling your actions or feelings;
- to start fighting or arguing in a more determined way
give someone the slip
The guy found the bug we planted and gave us the slip.
- We gave Mary the slip when she went to the lady’s room to powder her nose.
We were on his tail until he gave us the slip. I can give her the slip in no time at all.
- ~からするりと逃げる
- to escape from a pursuer.
We were on his tail until he gave us the slip. I can give her the slip in no time at all.
Shannon limit
- シャノン限界
The Shannon limit or Shannon capacity of a communications channel is the theoretical maximum information transfer rate of the channel, for a particular noise level.
not by a long shot
Did I win the race? Not by a long shot.
Not by a long shot did she complete the assignment.
- “I guess the mess is over.” “No, it’s not over. Not by a long shot.”
- 全然~でない、絶対に~でない◆【類】never
- not by a great amount; not at all.