2017 Vocab Flashcards
When fatty acids reach the liver they’re converted into acetoacetate, an excellent metabolic fuel that belongs to a family of chemicals called ketones. That’s why very low-carb diets are sometimes called ‘ketogenic’ diets.
Acetoacetate decomposes to carbon dioxide and acetone, the smelly solvent best known for its ability to remove nail polish. This is why very low-carb dieters and people who are fasting often have sweet smelling breath.
break down to, decay, become rotten
When I put on sackloth in mourning, then they make me a byword, the gossip of men at the gates, a the subject of drunkards’ songs.
名詞C1 «…の» 見本, 好例, 代名詞 «for» ▸
become a byword for AAの代名詞[代表例]となる.
2 ⦅主に米⦆決まり文句, 合い言葉.
The Times added, “He also commented uncritically on a video of a fight between two African American girls; that thread was titled “Sheboons fighting in a gas station.”
Racist slang term for black woman, usually obese and loud-mouthed.
Check out the huge ass on that sheboon!
Speak to the people of Israel, and bid them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put upon the tassel of each corner a cord of blue; and it shall be to you a tassel to look upon and remember all the commandments of the Lord, to do them, not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to go after wantonly. (Numbers 15:38-39)
Is this a reserved and restrained Marian devotion? Yes, it is. But this very reserve and restraint only emphasise its joy and beauty. Here, the Reformation critique of Latin Marian devotion ends not with iconoclasm, but in delight in and with the Maiden of Nazareth, she who St Augustine described as “part of the Church, a holy member, a quite exceptional member, the supremely wonderful member, but still a member of the whole body”. Thus, as a locus of Marian devotion for the Anglican tradition, the Magnificat at Evensong gives expression to a deeply patristic and catholic imagination, in which our participation in Christ shares in that of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
a particular position, point, or place
It’s always a proxy for something.
1 C «…の» 代理人, 代用品; 代わり[尺度]となるもの «for»
2 U «…の» 代理 «for» ; C委任状
▸ by proxy 代理を立てて.
It’s always a proxy for something.
1 C «…の» 代理人, 代用品; 代わり[尺度]となるもの «for»
2 U «…の» 代理 «for» ; C委任状
▸ by proxy 代理を立てて.
Premiums are unaffordable for many people, and health costs continue their meteoric rise, causing many millions of people to simply ignore the ACA mandate to buy insurance.
meteoric /mìːtiɔ́ːrɪk|-ɔ́r-/ /⦅強勢移動⦆
/ 形容詞
1 たちまちの, 流星のような▸ a meteoric rise(人気階級などの)急上昇, 大出世.2 流星の.
At the turn of the year, we sat down with our kids and asked them how they wanted to pursue at a closer relationship with God in 2017
pursue verb (ATTEMPT)
[T] to try to achieve:
She single-mindedly pursued her goal of earning a law degree.
pursue verb (CONTINUE)
[T] to continue to do:
The hobbies that I pursue in my spare time are crafts – woodworking, mainly.
[T] To pursue is also to continue to consider:
I don’t think the idea is worth pursuing.
get someone off
[INTRANSITIVE] to not be punished severely or at all for something that you have been accused of in court
He was charged with manslaughter, but got off.
get off with:
At best you can hope to get off with a $100 fine.
Tom and I returned a number of times, always on Saturday afternoons, sometimes together, but I remember once going by myself. I’m somewhat tongue-tied around famous people and found it a bit awkward to chitchat with Alfred Hitchcock, but we did, enjoyably, in his living room.
an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets.
synonyms - fight, battle, clash, conflict, encounter, engagement, fray, combat
“the unit was caught up in a skirmish”
an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets.
synonyms - fight, battle, clash, conflict, encounter, engagement, fray, combat
“the unit was caught up in a skirmish”
Cher・no・byl /tʃɚnóʊbl|tʃəːnˈəʊ‐/
チェルノブイリ 《ウクライナ共和国の首都 Kiev 北方にある都市; 1986 年同市にある原子力発電所で事故が起こり,広範囲に放射能汚染が生じた》.
rent out an office space
He rented out his house while he worked abroad…
He repaired the boat, and rented it out for $150.
rent out an office space
He rented out his house while he worked abroad…
He repaired the boat, and rented it out for $150.
In interview last month with the German newspaper Die Zeit, Pope Francis condemned proselytizing in a discussion about Germany’s vocations crisis.
名詞U⦅かたく⦆(宗教政党などへの)勧誘(活動); 改宗[転向]をせまること.
proselytize /prɑ́(ː)s(ə)lətàɪz|prɔ́s-/
動詞⦅かたく⦆他動詞(強い態度で)〈人〉を改宗させる; …の宗旨を変えさせる.自動詞⦅まれ⦆〈人が〉改宗する.
“You told [Hillary Clinton] not to go to Wisconsin.” “Is there a smug liberal problem?
smug /smʌɡ/ 形容詞独りよがりの; «…に» うぬぼれた, 自己満足した «about» .
serfdom /sə́ːrfdəm/ 名詞U農奴の身分; 農奴制.
prolong - prolongation
prolongation /pròʊlɔːŋɡéɪʃ(ə)n|-lɔŋ-/
名詞1 U延長; 延期.2 C延長部分.
When men and women provide for themselves and their families in such a way as to be of service to the community as well, they can rightly look upon their work as a prolongation of the work of the creator…
coagulant /koʊǽɡjələnt/
unwilling or refusing to change one’s views or to agree about something.
(synonyms) uncompromising, inflexible, unbending, unyielding, diehard, unshakable, unwavering, resolute, rigid, unaccommodating, uncooperative, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, pigheaded, single-minded, iron-willed, stiff-necked
The regime remained intransigent in its opposition to wider participation in the political process.
unwilling or refusing to change one’s views or to agree about something.
(synonyms) uncompromising, inflexible, unbending, unyielding, diehard, unshakable, unwavering, resolute, rigid, unaccommodating, uncooperative, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, pigheaded, single-minded, iron-willed, stiff-necked
The regime remained intransigent in its opposition to wider participation in the political process.
One detail which somebody could suss out … someone who knows how to burrow around in the files of the Catholic Herald and the Tablet … who was that Westminster auxiliary whom Oddie forced into a retraction?
(場所を)探す; (事件などを)調査する
▸ burrow into the pocket [affair]ポケットを探る[事件に探りを入れる].
despot /déspɑ(ː)t|-pɔt/ 名詞C専制君主, 独裁者, 暴君(tyrant, dictator).
“The legal recognition of same-sex unions poses a multifaceted threat to the very fabric of society, striking at the source from which society and culture come and which they are meant to serve.
… a publication that at times was the official organ of the Archbishop of New York…
3 ⦅かたく⦆(政府などの)機関, 組織▸ an organ of the state国の機関.4 ⦅かたく⦆機関紙[誌].
The post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) was published one year ago on the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Since then, two competing interpretations, or, rather, pastoral applications of Chapter 8 (on divorce, remarriage and the sacraments) have emerged.
They are epitomized in two sets of diocesan guidelines, each of which is meant to apply the teaching of the document to respective dioceses.
epitomize /ɪpɪ́təmàɪz/
be a perfect example of
approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively 〈知らない人〉に近寄って(ぶしつけに)話しかける; 〈売春婦浮浪者などが〉〈通行人〉に声をかける
Rporters accosted him in the street
He was accosted by a thief, demanding his money or his life
A man tried to accost the girl on her way to school.
approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively 〈知らない人〉に近寄って(ぶしつけに)話しかける; 〈売春婦浮浪者などが〉〈通行人〉に声をかける
Rporters accosted him in the street
He was accosted by a thief, demanding his money or his life
A man tried to accost the girl on her way to school.