2019 Protocols (Pediatric) Flashcards
S-160 Pediatric Airway Obstruction BLS
For a CONSCIOUS patient:
- Reassure, encourage coughing
- O2 prn
For inadequate air exchange: (airway maneuvers AHA) -Abdominal thrusts -Use chest thrusts in the obese or pregnant patient Note: for infants <1 year -5 back blows and chest thrusts -MR prn
If patient becomes UNCONSCIOUS or is found UNCONSCIOUS:
-Begin CPR
Once obstruction is removed: -O2 saturation prn -High flow O2 ventilate prn Note: if suspected epiglottits: -Place patient in sitting position -Do not visualize the oropharynx -STAT transport -Treat as per Respirator Distress Protocol S-167
S-160 Pediatric Airway Obstruction ALS+Note
If patient becomes unconscious or has a decreasing LOC:
-Direct laryngoscopy and Magill forceps SO
MR prn SO
Once obstruction is removed:
-Monitor EKG
-IV/IO SO adjust prn
If unable to secure airway, transport STAT while continuing CPR (unconscious patient).
S-161 Pediatric Altered Neurologic Function (Nontraumatic) BLS
- Ensure patent airway, O2 and/or ventilate prn
- O2 saturation prn
- Spinal stabilization when indicated
- Secretion problems; position on affected side
- Do not allow patient to walk
- Restrain prn
- Monitor blood glucose prn
Hypoglycemia (suspected) or patient’s glucometer results, if available, read <60 (Neonate <45):
- If patient is awake and has gag reflex, give oral glucose paste or 3 tablet (15g). Patient may eat or drink if able.
- If patient is unconscious, NPO
- Protect airway, and protect from injury
- Treat associate injuries
- If febrile, remove excess clothing/covering
Behavioral Emergencies:
- Restrain only if necessary to prevent injury
- Avoid unnecessary sirens
- Consider law enforcement support
S-161 Pediatric Altered Neurologic Function (Nontraumatic) ALS
- IV/IO SO adjust prn
- Monitor EKG/blood glucose prn
- Capnography SO prn
Symptomatic ?opioid (excluding opioid dependent pain management patients):
-Naloxone per drug chart IN/IV/IM SO. MR SO
Symptomatic ?opioids OD is opioid dependent pain management patients:
-Naloxone titrate per drug chart IV (dilute IV dose per drug chart) or IN/IM per drug chart SO. MR BHO
Hypoglycemia: Symptomatic patient unresponsive to oral glucose agents:
- D10 per drug chart IV SO if BS <60 (Neonate <45)
- If patient remains symptomatic and BS remains <60 (Neonate <45) MR SO
- If no IV: Glucagon per drug chart IM SO if BS <60 (Neonate <45)
-Ongoing generalized seizure lasting >5 minutes (including seizure time prior to arrival of prehospital provider) SO
-Partial seizure with respiratory compromise SO
-Recurrent tonic-clonic seizures without lucid interval SO
-Versed per drug chart slow IV, (d/c if seizure stops) SO
MR x1 in 10” SO
-If no IV: Versed per drug chart IN/IM SO
MR x1 in 10” SO
S-162 Pediatric Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis BLS
- Ensure patent airway
- O2 saturation prn
- O2 and/or ventilate prn
- Remove sting/injection mechanism
- May assist patient to self-medicate own prescribed epinephrine auto injector or MDI ONE TIME ONLY. Base hospital contact required prior to any repeat dose
- Epinephrine auto-injector 0.15mg IM x1
S-162 Pediatric Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis ALS
- Monitor EKG
- IV/IO SO adjust prn
Hives (Urticaria):
-Diphenhydramine per drug chart IV/IM SO
-Epinephrine 1:1,000 per drug chart IM SO
MR x2 q5” SO
-Fluid bolus IV/IO per drug chart SO
to maintain adequate perfusion MR SO
-Diphenhydramine per drug chart IV/IM SO
-Albuterol per drug chart via nebulizer SO for respiratory involvement MR SO
-Atrovent per drug chart via nebulizer added to first dose of Albuterol SO for respiratory involvement
-Epinephrine 1:10,000 per drug chart IV/IO BHO
MR x2 q3-5” BHO
S-162 Pediatric Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis (Anaphylaxis Critera+Angioedema+Note)
Anaphylaxis critera (may include any):
- Unknown exposure: Skin AND respiratory AND/OR cardiovascular
- Likely allergen exposure (e.g. bee sting, peanut): 2/4 systems involved (skin, GI, respiratory, cardiovascular)
- Known allergen exposure
Angioedema: lip/tongue/face swelling/difficulty swallowing, throat tightness, hoarse voice
Note: In pediatric anaphylaxis, the maximum Epinephrine dose is 0.1mg IV/IO (should not exceed adult dose).
S-163 Pediatric Dysrythmias BLS+Unstable Dysrhythmia
- Assess level of consciousness
- O2 saturation prn
- Determine peripheral pulses
- Ensure patent airway, O2 and/or ventilate prn
Unstable Dysrhythmia:
Includes heart rates listed and any of the following:
-Poor perfusion (cyanosis, delayed capillary refill, mottling)
-Altered LOC, Dyspnea
-BP 200/min.
-Pulseless and unconscious, use AED if available. If pediatric pads not available may use adult pads but ensure they do not touch each other when applied.
-When heart rate indicates patient is unstable ventilate per BVM for 30 seconds, reassess HR and begin compression if indicated:
Heart rate:
<9 yrs HR <60
9-14 yrs HR <40
S-163 Pediatric Dysrythmias ALS (Unstable Bradycardia/ Unstable/Stable Supraventricular Tachycardia)
-Monitor EKG
-Fluid bolus IV/IO per drug chart with clear lungs SO
MR to maintain systolic adequate perfusion SO
Unstable Bradycardia:
Heart rate:
Infant/Child (<9 yrs) <60
Child (9-14 yrs) <40
-Ventilate per BVM for 30 seconds, then reassess HR prior to compressions and drug therapy
-Epinephrine 1:10,000 per drug chart IV/IO SO
MR x2 q3-5” SO. MR q3-5” BHO
After 3rd dose of Epinephrine:
-Atropine per drug chart IV/IO SO. MR x1 in 5” SO
Unstable Supraventricular Tachycardia: Heart rate: <4 yrs >220 >4 yrs >180 -VSM per SO. MR SO -Adenosine per drug chart rapid IV BHPO follow with NS 20ml rapid IV -Adenosine per drug chart rapid IV BHPO follow with NS 20ml rapid IV -If no sustained rhythm change, MR x1 BHPO
prn precardioversion
-Versed per drug chart IV BHPO
-Synchronized cardioversion per drug chart* BHPO
MR per drug chart BHPO
*or according to defibrillators manufacturer’s recommendations
Stable Supraventricular Tachycardia:
-Continue to monitor
S-163 Pediatric Dysrythmias BLS (Ventricular Tachycardia/VF/Pulseless VT)
- O2 and/or ventilate prn
- CPR: Being compressions. After first 30 compressions give first ventilation
- Use AED if, pulseless and unconscious, and AED available. If pediatric pads not available may use adult pads but ensure they do not touch each other when applied.
S-163 Pediatric Dysrhythmias ALS (Ventricular Tachycardia/VF/Pulseless VT)
Ventricular Tachycardia:
- 12-lead to confirm
- Contact BHPO for direction
VF/Pulseless VT: -Begin CPR If arrest witnessed by medical personnel -Perform CPR until ready to defibrillate If unwitnessed arrest -Perform CPR x2 min.
- Defibrillate per drug chart** SO
- Resume CPR for 2 min immediately after shock
- Perform no more than 5 second rhythm/pulse check if rhythm is organized
- Defibrillate per drug chart** for persistent VF/Pulseless VT prn SO
- Continue CPR for persistent VF/Pulseless VT. Repeat 2 min cycle followed by rhythm/pulse check, followed by defibrillation/medication, if indicated
- IV/IO SO Do not interrupt CPR to establish IV/IO
Once IV/IO is established, if no pulse after pulse/rhythm check:
-Epinephrine 1:10,000 per drug chart SO
MR x2 q3-5” SO. MR q3-5” BHO
After first shock if still refractory:
- Amiodorone per drug chart IV/IO MR x1 in 3-5” SO
- *OR**
- Lidocaine per drug chart IV/IO MR x1 in 3-5” SO
- Avoid interruption of CPR
- Capnography monitoring SO
- NG/OG prn SO
** = see notes
S-163 Pediatric Dysrhythmias Notes (Ventricular Tachycardia/VF/Pulseless VT)
- For patients with a Capnography reading of less than 10mmHg or patients in nonperfusing rhythms after resuscitative effort, consider early Base Hospital contact for disposition/pronouncement at scene
- Medication should be administered as soon as possible after rhythm checks. The timing of drug delivery is less important than is the need to minimize interruptions in chest compressions
- Flush IV line with Normal Saline after medication administration
- CPR should be performed during charging of defibrillator
**or according to defibrillator manufacturer’s recommendations
S-163 Pediatric Dysrhythmias BLS (Pulseless Electrical Activity[PEA]/Asystole)
- O2 and/or ventilate prn
- CPR: begin compressions. After first 30 compressions give first ventilations
S-163 Pediatric Dysrhythmias ALS (Pulseless Electrical Activity[PEA]/Asystole)
- Perform CPR x2 min
- Perform no more than 5 second rhythm/pulse check if rhythm is organized
- CPR for 2 min
- IV/IO SO Do not interrupt CPR to establish IV/IO
Once IV/IO established, if no pulse after rhythm/pulse check:
-Epinephrine 1:10,000 per drug chart IV/IO SO
MR x2 in q3-5” SO. MR q3-5” BHO
-Fluid per drug chart IV/IO. may repeat x1
- Capnography monitoring SO
- NG/OG prn SO
- Pronouncement at scene BHPO
S-164 Pediatric Envenemation Injuries BLS
-O2 and/or ventilate prn
Jellyfish sting:
- Liberally rinse with salt water for at least 30 sec
- Scrape to remove stinger(s)
- Heat as tolerated (not to exceed 110 deg)
Stingray or Sculpin injury:
-Heat as tolerated (not to exceed 110 deg)
- Mark proximal extent of swelling and/or tenderness
- Keep involved extremity at heart level & immobile
- Remove pre-existing constrictive device
S-164 Pediatric Envenemation Injuries ALS
- IV/IO SO adjust prn
- Treat pain as per Pain Management Protocol (S-173)