2017 Flashcards
What is the typical appearance of confirmed insulinomas in ferrets?
hypoechoic, homogeneous, smoothly marginated
about 50/50 distribution in right and left lobes
What is the appearance of multifocal oligodendroglioma in the spinal cord and brain of a dog?
8yo NM toy poodle
T1 and T2 hyperintense, contrast enhancing intramedullary mass in the cervical spinal cord
three nodules present on the surface of the thalamus, with enhancement most evidence on delayed images
Compared to the young group and the aging group, dogs with dementia had significantly lower ______
Interthalamic adhesion thickness
interthalamic adhesion thickness/brain height ratio
interthalamic adhesion thickness/brain height ratio/lateral ventricle to brain height ratio
This study supports the use of these parameters to quantify brain atrophy in dogs with cognitive dysfunction
in a study phenotyping lumbosacral stenosis in labrador retrievers…
which was the most common site of lumbosacral stenosis?
What was common in dogs with clinical signs of lumbosacral pain?
the four quantitative variables measured were significantly smaller at the ____ aspect of the L6 and L7 vertebral foramina
What was a significant predictor of lumbosacral stenosis at all locations, best at L6?
multiple sites of lumbosacral stenosis
cranial aspect
fat area ratio
screening radiographs for non-cardiopulmonary changes more likely to have abnormalities in dogs with ____ and cats with ___
These screening radiographs were ___ to change clinical plan
dogs with elevated lactate
cats with anemia/low HCT
unlikely to change treatment plan
What interfered with indirect CT lymphangiography of sentinel lymph nodes in 11% of dogs with tumors of the head in one study?
In dogs with tumors of the head, 89% of cases had the sentinel lymph node successfully identified within 3 minutes of contrast injection
11% of cases had compression of lymphatic vessels from endotracheal tube ties and/or the patient’s own body weight
over all, CT lymphangiography with acqueous contrast can be used successfully to rapidly identify sentinel lymph nodes in dogs with masses on the head
Where does Angiostrongylus vasorum reside in dogs?
Pulmonary arteries
What was the predominant CT abnormality in dogs with Angiostrongylus vasorum infection?
Increased lung attenuation due to poorly defined ground glass opacity or consolidation
there were regions of mosaic attenuation due to peripheral bronchiectasis
PREDOMINANTLY PERIPHERAL DISTRIBUTION!!! The distribution always affected the pleural and subpleural region with varied peribronchovascular involvement
50% of dogs had hyperattenuating nodules of various sizes and ill defined margins
tracheobronchial lymphadenopathy was frequently observed
What is more common in dogs with malignant pleural effusion than pleuritis?
older age
more frequently had pleural thickening, especially of the parietal pleura only
more marked pleural thickening (3mm vs. 0mm)
thoracic wall invasion ONLY seen in dogs with malignant pleural effusion
NO significant differences in pleural fluid volume, distribution, attenuation, degree of pleura contrast accumulation, amount of pannus, or prevalence of mediastinal lymphadenopathy
cavalier king charles spaniels had significantly ____ tympanic bullae than pugs
French bulldogs and Pugs had significantly more __________
All brachycephalic breeds had _____ versus labs
Middle ear effusion seen in ___ of brachy breeds
Is there a significant relationship between tympanic bulla morphology and presence of middle ear effusion?
FBs and pugs have more overlap between tympanic bullae and TMJ joint
all brachys had significantly lower tympanic bulla volume:weight ratios vs. labs
middle ear effusion seen in 48% of brachy breeds
NO significant relationship between tympanic bulla morphology and the presence of middle ear effusion
Which part of the english bulldog contributes the most to airflow resistance?
overall measures of airflow resistance may ____ the maximum local resistance
rostral 3rd
may underestimate maximum local resistance
When examining metacarpophalangeal joint injury patterns on MRI in TBs vs. SDB…
- _____ develop higher rate of stress fracture and more severe scores of subchrondral sclerosis and bone marrow lesions
- ____ had more sites of subchondral bone defects and resorption, as well as higher synovitis and joint capsule thickening scores
- Did TBs and standardbreds develop multifocal subchondral lesions not limited to the distal palmar condyle frequently?
- __ had a higher tendency to develop DORSOmedial joint pole subchondral injuries
- TBs
- yes
How does the sensitivity of T2w SAG and STIR SAG compare for the identification of intervertebral disc extrusion?
A consensus between 2 radiologists found NO significant difference in sensitivity between T2w and STIR sagittal images for IVDH
BUT STIR identified IVDH in 66.7% of cases where evaluation of T2sag in isolation provided a false negative diagnosis
one radiologist found that evaluation of STIR and T2w sag together provided a significantly increased sensitivity than T2w sag in isolation
In a study evaluating per-nodal hyperintensity of abdominal lymph nodes in dogs and cats…
What was associated with malignancy in dogs and cats?
Which type of canine neoplasia was significantly more likely to have hyperechoic perinodal fat?
Were lymph nodes with neoplasia other than above and lymphadenitis equally likely to have normal or hyperechoic perinodal fat?
Reactive lymph nodes are more likely to have what kind of perinodal fat?
greater maximum long axis diameter in dogs and cats and a greater number of abnormal lymph nodes in cats were associated with malignancy
canine lymph nodes with round cell neoplasia were significantly more likely to have hyperechoic perinodal fat
neoplasia other than round cell (in dogs) and lymphadenitis were were equally likely to have normal or hyperechoic perinodal fat
reactive lymph nodes were way more likely to have normal perinodal fat
What was associated with increasing pulmonary arterial hypertension severity?
Were scores of thoracic radiographs associated with severity?
Right ventricular enlargement (reverse D and 3/5 - 2/5 cardiac ratio), main pulmonary artery enlargement, caudal lobar artery enlargement by “3rd rib” method
no, radiographic findings performed poorly for differentiating severity of pulmonary arterial hypertension
What had the highest sensitivity in detecting small volume pneumothorax in the horse?
2D ultrasound and M-mode ultrasound
radiography only had 48% sensitivity (vs. about 80% for 2d and M-mode u/s)
the specificity and positive predictive value were similar for all imaging modalities
agreement was best for ultrasound and good for radiographs
how well did indirect CT lymphagiography detect lympphatic pathways and sentinel lymph nodes in dogs with anal sac adenocarcinoma?
IDed in 92%
the sentinel lymph nodes were more likely to be ipsilateral but were also contralateral in some
sacral, internal iliac, and medial iliac lymph nodes were identified as sentinel lns
positioning in sternal recumbency recommended
comparing MRI and CT for tumor staging in dogs with nasal neoplasia…
How well did CT and MRI agree on bone involvement?
estimation of tumor volume was larger in which modality? and by how much?
where did CT and MRI disagree?
high level of agreement for bone involvement
usually larger on MRI (5/6 cases), median tumor volume 18.4% higher than CT imaging
CT and MRI disagreed with meningeal enhancement, which was seen only on MRI in 2 dogs
What is the performance prognosis for horses with sagittal groove injury of the proximal phalanx and concurrent OA?
In regards for ADC to differentiate Meningioma and Histiocytic sarcoma….
what was significant?
What did cases of Histiocytic Sarcoma have on MRI that was unique?
there were significant differences in ADC between meningioma and histiocytic sarcoma (variably higher and lower)
There were also significant differences in fractional anisotropy
All cases of intracranial HS showed leptomeningeal enhancement and/or mass formation invading into the sulci post contrast
What showed the highest sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy in determining metastasis to the sentinel lymph node in dogs with mammary gland tumors using indirect CT lymphangiography?
absence of opacification or heterogeneous opacification 1min after injection showed the highest sensitivity and specificity
- specifically lower than 444HU in the center of the SLN provided significant sensitivity and specificity
the size and shape of the lymph node showed the lowest sensitivity and specificity
comparing transverse CT excretory urography to MIP images for diagnosing ectopic ureters….
was there a difference in diagnoses between these methods?
What about reader confidence?
there was no significant difference in reader diagnoses between viewing methods
reader confidence was significantly greater in 2 and 5 slab thick MIP images with significant interobserver agreement between readers for all viewing methods
the diagnostic accuracy of MIP images was similar to or better than transverse source CTEU images when assessed by a radiologist
Is the sensitivity and specificity of CT for detecting wooden foreign bodies good?
What is the typical shape and attenuation of wooden foreign bodies?
What CT findings are associated with acute wooden foreign bodies?
What CT findings are associated with chronic wooden foreign bodies?
good - 79 % sensitivity, 93% specificity
rectangular or linear shape, median 111HU
gas in soft tissues –> acute cases
suspected foreign material, cavitary lesions, fat stranding, and periosteal reaction –> chronic cases
What should be used for comparison/measurements when imaging equine lumbosacral nerves?
the other side –> nerves are typically bilaterally symmetric within horses
there is significant variation in size between horses
What artifact affects interspinous space width in horses?
geometric distortion
When CTing the thyroid glands in 8 hyperthyroid and 7 euthyroid cats….
What is significant about the size of the thyroid glands?
What decreased with methimazole treatment?
did pretreatment thyroid gland volume correlate with dose needed to achieve euthyroidism?
thyroid volume was significantly larger in hyperthyroid cats compared to euthyroid cats AND remained unchanged by methimazole treatment
attenuation and heterogeneity reduced with methimazole treatment
there was a positive correlation between pretreatment thyroid gland volume and dose needed to achieve euthyroidism
how often was a “sentinel clot sign” seen adjacent to a bleeding organ?
What is the HU of the sentinel clot vs. the hemoabdomen?
What was associated with active bleeding?
88% of the time a sentinel clot was seen in the proximity of the confirmed bleeding organ
sentinel clot - 56HU; hemoabdomen - 34HU (means)
extravasation of contrast medium associated with active bleeding
do hair shafts on ultrasound exhibit distal acoustic shadowing?
____ blood images depicted the course of the ductus in 3 dogs with PDA
Black blood images, achieved while performing CE-MRA
Which location are spinal mast cell tumors typically?
- 2 cases epidural
- one case invaded from paravertebral space
- one case had polyostotic lesions
What can spinal mast cell tumor mimic?
polyostotic lesions typically seen in multiple myeloma
What factors are associated with failure/recurrence of hypercalcemia after radiofrequency heat ablation?
nodule size (>0.35cm^2) and hypothyroidism
biochemistry values and CKD were not associated with recurrence/failure
Dogs with CSF:L2SSTSE attenuation of ____ are unlikely to develop progressive myelomalacia
less than or equal to 7.4
Dogs with CSF:L2SSTSE attenuation of ___ are likely to develop progressive myelomalacia
mean CSF:L2SSTSE attenuation value was significantly higher for dogs that developed progressive myelomalacia
What was associated with survival in dogs with MUE?
age at the time of diagnosis and CSF TNCC
midline shift was not associated with survival
What is the typical CT appearance of a lipoma?
round to oval shaped, well marginated, fat attenuating
What is the typical CT appearance of an infiltrative lipoma?
homogeneous and fat attenuating with some linear components that are hyperattenuating to surrounding fat, irregular shape
What is the typical CT appearance of liposarcoma?
heterogeneous, fat to soft tissue attenuating (but don’t need to have fat attenuating component!), multinodular appearance, regional lymphadenopathy, amorphous mineralization
contrast enhancement common (not typical of lipoma/infiltrative lipoma)
Changes in GFR between _____ before and after treatment of cats with CKD should be considered to be due to inherent variability rather than treatment effect
-0.4 and + 0.4 ml/min/kg
What metabolites were different in proton MR spectroscopy in dogs with tick-borne encephalitis
mild to moderate decrease in N-acetyl aspartate and creatine peaks
mild increases in glutamate/glutamine peaks
MRI has _____ sensitivity for diagnosis of intradural spinal cord lesions
specificity varied after provision of ____
MRI was insensitive for diagnosing _____
MRI has good sensitivity and moderate specificity for diagnosing _____
Sensitivity was lower for diagnosing ____
excellent sensitivy for intradural lesions
specificity varied after clinical data provided
mri insensitive for vascular lesions
mri good for neoplasia, lower for inflammatory (although this improved after clinical data provided)
What was more prevalent in rats with thoracic neoplasia?
mediastinal lesions
What is the typical MRI appearance of idiopathic oculomator neuropathy?
What is the prognosis for idiopathic oculomotor neuropathy?
unilateral enlargement with contrast enhancement (see at the level of the pituitary/thalamus
good prognosis
What is the typical appearance of feline ependymomas?
T2, FLAIR, PD, and DWI hyperintense, ADC iso, subtle to strong contrast enhancement
variable T2*GRE and T1w appearance with iso to hyperintensity
4 small and homogeneous, 1 centrally cavitated
What were common findings in addition to feline ependymoma?
obstructive hydrocephalus, transtentorial herniation, foramen magnum herniation, perilesional edema
What changed and what did not change in sedation vs. GA for dogs with pulmonary fibrosis?
changed - ground glass attenuation, mosaic attenuation
did not change - consolidation, nodules, parenchymal and subpleural bands, bronchial wall thickening, bronchiectasis
What were the most common causes of dysphagia in a population of 216 dogs?
esophageal dysmotility and lower esophageal sphincter/hiatus origin
When performing dual phase CT, the mucosal surface enhancement in the small and large intestine is best at ___, while the gastric mucosal enhancement is best at ___
What is the portal vein attenuation HU associated with the strongest mucosal surface enhancement?
30s, 60s, 43-150HU
What did not change PIP or DIP joint width or distal phalanx height?
lateromedial stance variation
15 degree dorsolateral to caudomedial and dorsomedial to caudolateral variation from dorsopalmar axis
What percentage of incidental canine thyroid masses were malignant in one CT study?
70% malignant –> thyroid carcinoma
you should sample incidental thyroid nodules!
mineralization, vascular invasion, and tissue invasion were seen only in malignant tumors
intratumoral vascularization was significantly associated with the presence of thyroid malignancy
What is the most common distribution and location for vertebral sinus abnormalities in sighthounds?
____ of dogs with these abnormalities had clinical signs that matched location of the abnormalities
usually unilateral, often right sided, C6/7
majority of dogs
What does leukoaraiosis look like and what is the common age and concurrent mri finding?
bilaterally symmetric, periventricular T2w/FLAIR hyperintensities that are iso on T1 and non contrast enhancing
10/14 dogs had concurrent brain atrophy
13yo median age
What is associated with clinical signs and survival time in dogs with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
severity of pulmonary CT findings
What is the most common finding in CT of IPF?
ground glass pattern
IPF dogs have higher ___ than control dogs
higher lung attenuation (-560 vs -760)
What plane and position resulted in narrowing of the L7/S1 neuroforaminal dimension?
parasagittal oblique and hyperextended position
What are some common causes of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema?
airway obstruction, direct pulmonary injury, severe neuro stimulation, systemic disease, near drowning, anaphylaxis, blood transfusion
What is the typical radiographic distribution of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema?
mixed, symmetric, peripheral, multifocal, bilateral, dorsal
if unilateral, usually right-sided
postobstrutive more likely to be asymmetric, unilateral, and dorsal
When using kinematic MRI for dogs with osseous associated cervical spondylomyelopathy, what position results in detection of more compressions?
extension (32 vs 25 sites)
there was a significant association between extension positioning and presence of a compressive lesion at C4/5
extension changed the most severe site of compression in 33% of dogs
no deterioration after kinematic imaging
What is more likely to have marked peritumoral edema - meningioma or intracranial histiocytic sarcoma?
What is more likely to be T1w hypointense - meningioma or intracranial histiocytic sarcoma?
What is more likely to invade sulci? mening vs. HS
What is the origin of intracranial HS vs. Meningioma
HS - pia mater
Mening - arachnoid
What is the typical ultrasound appearance of a gossypiboma?
and does it always shadow on ultrasound?
Irregular, heterogeneous, thick and hypoechoic periphery, hyperechoic center, some anechoic internal cavities possible in internal area
nope Louvet et al had a case that didn’t shadow!!! weird because that is described as a very common finding in textilomas
In CT angiography of small dogs with different catheter sizes and contrast injection rates…
are time to peak enhancement and time to scan delay affected
are aortic, portal, and hepatic enhancement affected
are separation between each phase and quality of images different?
NO difference with different injection rates and catheter sizes in small dogs!
What can appear as multiple, superficial, avascular, hypoechoic, round to irregularly marginated muscular lesions?
metastatic hemangiosarcoma
What are more likely CT findings in the lungs of older dogs?
heterotopic new bone
lung collapse
(lung collapse was also associated with greater body weight and anesthesia)
What was different about the cricoid cartilage and trachea on CT of brachycephalic and mesaticephalic breeds?
cricoid cartilage was significantly more oval in Pugs and Fbs compared to mesaticephalic breeds.
The cricoid transverse-sectional area was smallest for the Pug and, after adjusting for weight, significantly smaller for Pugs, Boston Terriers, and FBs compared to JRTs
The tracheal transverse-sectional area at C4 of Eng. Bulldogs significantly smaller than JRT and Labs.
cricoid cartilage transverse-sectional area:weight ratio was significantly lower in brachycephalic vs. mesaticephalic
cricoid cartilage:trachea at C4 transverse-sectional area for brachycephalics was significantly larger than for mesaticephalics, –> SO the trachea was the narrowest part of the airway.
In 25 dogs with leptospirosis, what organ was the most commonly affected?
What were the most common renal findings?
What were the most common hepatic findings?
What were the most common gall bladder abnormalities
What other abnormalities were seen?
Kidneys were the most commonly affected (100% of animals)
- increased renal cortical echogenicity (100%)
increased medullary echogenicity (86%)
reduced corticomedullary definition (80%),
ortical thickening (74%), renomegaly (60%)
pelvic dilation (31%)
medullary band (14%).
Hepatic changes were identified in 83% of the dogs –> diffuse hypoechoic parenchyma and hepatomegaly
gallbladder in 60% - biliary sludge, wall thickening (29%), mucocele, and hyperechoic wall.
other most frequently observed abdominal abnormalities
- perirenal and peritoneal effusions, small intestinal wall thickening. and lymphadenopathy.
2dogs presented with a small intestinal intussusception.
No association between serogroups and the presence of ultrasonographic findings.