2015-02-09 Flashcards
Basket ()
() [grammar]
why do you like X / what do you get out of X
你為甚麼喜歡 X / 你覺得X有什麼好玩的?
Nǐ wéishènme xǐhuān X/ nǐ juédé X yǒu shé me hǎowán de?
remind ()
could you pls remind me about X
請你 提醒我 X
qǐng nǐ tíxǐng wǒ X
a bunch of ppl vs a bunch of items
一堆人 (or 超多人), 一大堆東西
yī duī rén (or chāo duō rén), yī dà duī dōngxī
not very clear (black & white).
Several basic concepts need to be clarified.
You must give a definite answer to the question.
bùshì hěn míngquè
需要 明確 幾個 基本 觀念。
Xūyào míngquè jǐ gè jīběn guānniàn.
你必須 明確回答 這個問題。
Nǐ bìxū míngquè huídá zhège wèntí.
I am already saving and investing
我已經有在 存錢/儲蓄 和 投資
存錢: 口語 / 儲蓄: f
wǒ yǐjīng yǒu zài cún qián/chúxù hé tóuzī / cún qián: Kǒuyǔ/ chúxù: F
Toilet paper / tissue paper / paper towel / wet wipes / towels ()
衛生紙 / 面紙 / 紙巾 / 濕紙巾 / 毛巾
wèishēngzhǐ/ miàn zhǐ/ zhǐjīn / shī zhǐjīn/ máojīn
hallway (n)
Go down the hallway, third door on the right
走道 右邊 第三個門
zǒudào yòubiān dì sān gè mén
腳踏車 (tw) / 自行車
jiǎotàchē / Zìxíngchē
The reason X is because Y ()
The reason I didn’t get married then is because I wanted to travel
X 是因為 Y
我當時 沒有結婚/不想結婚 是因為我想要 多出去 旅行 看看
wǒ dāngshí méiyǒu jiéhūn/bùxiǎng jiéhūn shì yīnwèi wǒ xiǎng yào duō chūqù lǚxíng kàn kàn
() [grammar]
X sounds better.
X 聽起來 比較好.
X tīng qǐlái bǐjiào hǎo.
one of the cups has 。。
其中一 杯有。。。
qízhōng yībēi yǒu. . .
column (n) / row (n)
What column/row are you looking on?
欄 / 列
你現在在看哪一欄 / 列
Nǐ xiànzài zài kàn nǎ yī lán / Liè
deal with (v)
he’s easy to get along with I get along with him well
他很好相處. 我跟他處得很好
Tā hěn hǎo xiāngchǔ. Wǒ gēn tā chù dé hěn hǎo
smell / flavor (n)
smell of smoke / the smell
煙味 / 味道
yān wèi/ wèidào
X and so Y ()
I wasn’t married and so I wanted to take advantage of being single and travel.
因為 X,所以 Y
因為沒有結婚, 所以 我想要 趁 單身的時候 多出去旅行
yīnwèi méiyǒu jiéhūn, suǒyǐ wǒ xiǎng yào chèn dānshēn de shíhòu duō chūqù lǚxíng
fluent ()
his chinese is v fluent
Tā de zhōngwén hěn shùn
he is in the army / he is a solider
Tā shì jūnrén
He’s not around so I’m taking the op to play around. I took advantage of when he wasn’t around and looked at his cell phone.
他不在 所以我 趁機 去 玩玩。 我趁他不在的時候,偷看她的手機。
tā bùzài suǒyǐ wǒ chènjī qù wán wán. / Wǒ chèn tā bù zài de shíhòu, tōu kàn tā de shǒujī.
() [x]
they don’t have any other business / they have nothing else to do
Tāmen méi bié de shì