2013-4-15 Flashcards
suc•ces•sion /səkˈseʃn/ noun
1 [C, usually sing.] a number of people or things that follow each other in time or order 一连串;一系列;连续的人(或事物) SYN SERIES :
a succession of visitors 络绎不绝的来访者
He’s been hit by a succession of injuries since he joined the team. 自入队以来他一再受伤。
She has won the award for the third year in succession. 这是她连续第三年获得此奖。
They had three children in quick succession. 短短几年间,他们接连生了三个孩子。
The gunman fired three times in rapid succession. 歹徒连开三枪。
2 [U] the regular pattern of one thing following another thing 交替;更迭:
the succession of the seasons 四季的更迭
3 [U] the act of taking over an official position or title; the right to take over an official position or title, especially to become the king or queen of a country 继承;继任;(尤指王位的)继承权:
He became chairman in succession to Bernard Allen. 他接替伯纳德•艾伦任主席。
She’s third in order of succession to the throne. 她在王位继承人顺位中排第三。
➡ see also SUCCEED (4)
suc•ces•sive /səkˈsesɪv/ adj. [only before noun]
following immediately one after the other 连续的;接连的;相继的
This was their fourth successive win. 这是他们连续第四次获胜。
Successive governments have tried to tackle the problem. 历届政府都试图解决这个问题。
# suc•ces•sively adv. :
This concept has been applied successively to painting, architecture and sculpture. 这一概念相继应用于绘画、建筑和雕塑中。
mil•om•eter (also mile•ometer) /maɪˈlɒmɪtə(r); NAmE -ˈlɑ:m-/ (both BrE) (NAmE odom•eter) (also informal the clock US BrE ) noun
an instrument in a vehicle that measures the number of miles it has travelled 里程表;计程器
re•wind /ˌri:ˈwaɪnd/ verb (re•wound, re•wound /-ˈwaʊnd/) [VN, V]
to make a tape in a CASSETTE player, etc. go backwards 重绕(磁带等);倒带;倒片
Car•te•sian /kɑ:ˈti:ziən; -ʒən; NAmE kɑ:rˈt-/ adj.
connected with the French PHILOSOPHER Descartes and his ideas about philosophy and mathematics (法国哲学家和数学家)笛卡儿的;笛卡儿主义的
index /ˈɪndeks/ noun, verb
1 (pl. in•dexes) a list of names or topics that are referred to in a book, etc., usually arranged at the end of a book in alphabetical order or listed in a separate file or book 索引:
Look it up in the index. 在索引中查找。
Author and subject indexes are available on a library database. 作者索引和学科索引可在图书馆的数据库中找到。
3 (pl. in•dexes or in•dices /ˈɪndɪsi:z/) a system that shows the level of prices and wages, etc. so that they can be compared with those of a previous date (物价和工资等的)指数:
the cost-of-living index 生活费用指数
The Dow Jones index fell 15 points this morning. 道琼斯指数今天上午下跌了 15 点。
stock-market indices 股市指数
house price indexes 房价指数
4 (pl. in•dices /ˈɪndɪsi:z/) a sign or measure that sth else can be judged by 标志;指标;表征;量度:
The number of new houses being built is a good index of a country’s prosperity. 新建房屋的数目是国家繁荣的一个有用指标。
5 (usually indices [pl.]) (mathematics 数) the small number written above a larger number to show how many times that number must be multiplied by itself. In the EQUATION 4² = 16, the number 2 is an index. 指数,幂(如在等式 4² = 16 中,2 是指数)
■verb [VN]
1 to make an index of documents, the contents of a book, etc.; to add sth to a list of this type 为…编索引;将…编入索引:
All publications are indexed by subject and title. 所有出版物都按学科和名称编索引。
2 [usually passive] ~ sth (to sth) to link wages, etc. to the level of prices of food, clothing, etc. so that they both increase at the same rate 将(工资)等与(物价水平等)挂钩;使指数化
pros•per•ity /prɒˈsperəti; NAmE prɑ:ˈs-/ noun [U]
the state of being successful, especially in making money 兴旺;繁荣;成功;昌盛
Our future prosperity depends on economic growth. 我们未来的繁荣昌盛依赖经济的发展。
The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity. 国家正值国泰民安、繁荣昌盛的时期。
back•slash /ˈbækslæʃ/ noun
a mark ( \ ), used in computer commands (计算机符号)反斜线
ac•tu•ary /ˈæktʃuəri/ noun (pl. -ies)
a person whose job involves calculating insurance risks and payments for insurance companies by studying how frequently accidents, fires, deaths, etc. happen 精算师(以研究事故、火灾、死亡等发生的频率为依据,为保险公司计算保险风险和保险费)
# ac•tu•ar•ial /ˌæktʃuˈeəriəl; NAmE -ˈeriəl/ adj.
bibli•og•raphy /ˌbɪbliˈɒgrəfi; NAmE -ˈɑ:g-/ noun (pl. -ies)
1 [C] a list of books or articles about a particular subject or by a particular author; the list of books, etc. that have been used by sb writing an article, etc. (某一专题或作家的)书目,索引;参考书目
2 [U] the study of the history of books and their production 目录学;文献学;书志学
# bibli•og•raph•er /-ˈɒgrəfə(r); NAmE -ˈɑ:g-/ noun
# bib•lio•graph•ic•al /ˌbɪbliəˈgræfɪkl/ adj.
resi•dent /ˈrezɪdənt/ noun, adj.
1 a person who lives in a particular place or who has their home there 居民;住户:
a resident of the United States 美国的居民
There were confrontations between local residents and the police. 当地居民和警察之间有过冲突。
2 a person who is staying in a hotel (旅馆的)住宿者,旅客,房客:
The hotel restaurant is open to non-residents. 旅店的餐馆对外开放。
3 a doctor working in a hospital in the US who is receiving special advanced training (美国的)高级专科住院实习医生 ➡ compare REGISTRAR (3)
■adj. living in a particular place (在某地)居住的:
the town’s resident population (= not tourists or visitors) 镇上的居民
to be resident abroad/in the US 常驻国外╱美国
Tom’s our resident expert (= our own expert) on foreign movies. 汤姆是我们自己的外国电影专家。
Murphy’s Law
Murphy’s Law /ˌmɜ:fiz ˈlɔ:/ noun (humorous)
a statement of the fact that, if anything can possibly go wrong, it will go wrong 墨菲法则(认为任何可能出错之事必将出错)
puff /pʌf/ verb, noun
1 ~ (at/on sth) to smoke a cigarette, pipe, etc. 吸,抽(香烟、烟斗等): [V]
He puffed (away) on his pipe. 他(一口一口地)吸着烟斗。
I sat puffing my cigar. 我坐着抽雪茄。
2 ~ (sth) (out) to make smoke or steam blow out in clouds; to blow out in clouds 使喷出,冒出(烟或蒸汽): [VN]
Chimneys were puffing out clouds of smoke. 烟囱冒着滚滚浓烟。
Steam puffed out. 蒸汽向外喷出。
3 (informal) to breathe loudly and quickly, especially after you have been running 急促喘息;气喘吁吁 SYN GASP : [V]
I was starting to puff a little from the climb. 爬坡弄得我有点喘息起来。
[also V speech] ➡ see also PUFFED , PUFFED OUT
4 [V+adv./prep.] to move in a particular direction, sending out small clouds of smoke or steam 喷着汽(或烟)移动:
The train puffed into the station. 火车喷着蒸汽驶进车站。
IDM be puffed up with ˈpride, etc. to be too full of pride, etc. 自满;自负
ˌpuff and ˈpant (also ˌpuff and ˈblow, informal ) to breathe quickly and loudly through your mouth after physical effort 气喘吁吁;呼哧呼哧地喘
➡ more at HUFF v.
PHR V ˌpuff sthoˈout to make sth bigger and rounder, especially by filling it with air 吹胀;使鼓起来:
She puffed out her cheeks. 她鼓起了腮帮子。
ˌpuff ˈup | ˌpuff sthoˈup to swell or to make sth swell 膨胀;使膨胀:
Her cheeks puffed up. 她的腮帮子鼓了起来。
The frog puffed itself up. 这只青蛙胀得鼓鼓的。
1 [C] an act of breathing in sth such as smoke from a cigarette, or drugs 吸,抽(把气体经口或鼻引到体内的动作):
He had a few puffs at the cigar. 他吸了几口雪茄。
Take two puffs from the inhaler every four hours. 每隔四小时从吸药器中吸两口药。
2 [C] a small amount of air, smoke, etc. that is blown from somewhere (烟、气等的)一缕,少量:
a puff of wind 一丝清风
Puffs of white smoke came from the chimney. 烟囱冒出了袅袅白烟。
Any chance of success seemed to vanish in a puff of smoke (= to disappear quickly). 成功的机会犹如一缕青烟,瞬息即逝。
3 [C] a hollow piece of light PASTRY that is filled with cream, jam, etc. 千层酥;奶油酥;泡芙 ➡ see also CREAM PUFF
4 (NAmE also ˈpuff piece) [C] (informal, usually disapproving) a piece of writing or speech that praises sb/sth too much 吹捧的文章(或讲话)
5 [U] (informal, especially BrE) breath 呼吸;喘息:
The hill was very steep and I soon ran out of puff. 山坡陡峭,我很快就气喘吁吁了。
➡ see also POWDER PUFF
rondo /ˈrɒndəʊ; NAmE ˈrɑ:ndoʊ/ noun (pl. -os)
a piece of music in which the main tune is repeated several times, sometimes forming part of a longer piece 回旋曲
tra•verse verb, noun
■verb /trəˈvɜ:s; NAmE -ˈvɜ:rs/ [VN] (formal) or (technical 术语) to cross an area of land or water 横过;横越;穿过;横渡
■noun /ˈtrævɜ:s; NAmE -vɜ:rs/ (in mountain climbing 爬山) an act of moving sideways or walking across a steep slope, not climbing up or down it; a place where this is possible or necessary (在陡坡上的)侧向移动,横过,横越;可横越的地方
turn•around /ˈtɜ:nəraʊnd; NAmE ˈtɜ:rn-/ (BrE also turn•round) noun [usually sing.]
1 the amount of time it takes to unload a ship or plane at the end of one journey and load it again for the next one (轮船、飞机的)终点装卸时间
2 the amount of time it takes to do a piece of work that you have been given and return it (接活到交活之间的)周转期,时限
3 a situation in which sth changes from bad to good 好转;起色;转机:
a turnaround in the economy 经济好转
4 a complete change in sb’s opinion, behaviour, etc. (观点、行为等的)彻底转变