2013-4-14 Flashcards
zoom in
zoom /zu:m/ verb, noun
1 [V+adv./prep.] to move or go somewhere very fast 快速移动;迅速前往 SYN RUSH , WHIZZ :
Traffic zoomed past us. 车辆从我们身边疾驰而过。
For five weeks they zoomed around Europe. 他们在欧洲各国马不停蹄地奔波了五个星期。
2 [V] ~ (up) (to …) (of prices, costs, etc. 价格、费用等) to increase a lot quickly and suddenly 急剧增长;猛涨:
House prices have zoomed up this year. 今年房屋价格飞涨。
PHR V ˌzoom ˈin/ˈout (of a camera 摄影机或摄像机) to show the object that is being photographed from closer/further away, with the use of a ZOOM LENS (用变焦距镜头)拉近,推远;使画面放大(或缩小):
The camera zoomed in on the actor’s face. 摄影机将演员的脸拉近了。
1 [C] = ZOOM LENS :
a zoom shot 用变焦距镜头拍的照片
2 [sing.] the sound of a vehicle moving very fast (车辆等)疾驰的声音
dial /ˈdaɪəl/ noun, verb
1 the face of a clock or watch, or a similar control on a machine, piece of equipment or vehicle that shows a measurement of time, amount, speed, temperature, etc. 表盘;刻度盘;标度盘;仪表盘:
an alarm clock with a luminous dial 夜光闹钟
Check the tyre pressure on the dial. 检查一下仪表盘显示的车胎压力。
➡ see also SUNDIAL
2 the round control on a radio, cooker/stove, etc. that you turn in order to adjust sth, for example to choose a particular station or to choose a particular temperature (收音机、炉、灶等的)调节盘,控制盘
3 the round part on some older telephones, with holes for the fingers, that you move around to call a particular number (旧式电话机的)拨号盘
■verb (-ll- NAmE -l-) to use a telephone by pushing buttons or turning the dial to call a number 拨(电话号码): [VN]
He dialled the number and waited. 他拨号后便等着通话。
Dial 0033 for France. 打电话到法国拨 0033。
[also V]
ca•lypso /kəˈlɪpsəʊ; NAmE -soʊ/ noun [C, U] (pl. -os)
a Caribbean song about a subject of current interest; this type of music 卡利普索民歌(以时事为主题,流行于加勒比海地区)
harp /hɑ:p; NAmE hɑ:rp/ noun, verb
■noun a large musical instrument with strings stretched on a vertical frame, played with the fingers 竖琴 ➡ see also JEW’S HARP
PHR V ˌharp ˈon (about sth) | ˈharp on sth to keep talking about sth in a boring or annoying way 喋喋不休地谈论;唠叨
pin•ball /ˈpɪnbɔ:l/ noun [U]
a game played on a pinball machine, in which the player sends a small metal ball up a sloping board and scores points as it BOUNCES off objects. The player tries to prevent the ball from reaching the bottom of the machine by pressing two buttons at the side. 弹球游戏
sig•nify /ˈsɪgnɪfaɪ/ verb (sig•ni•fies, sig•ni•fy•ing, sig•ni•fied, sig•ni•fied) (formal)
1 to be a sign of sth 表示;说明;预示 SYN MEAN : [VN]
This decision signified a radical change in their policies. 这个决定表明了他们的政策发生了根本的变化。
[V that]
This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard. 这个标志说明这些产品符合指定的标准。
The white belt signifies that he’s an absolute beginner. 白腰带表示他完全是个新手。
2 to do sth to make your feelings, intentions, etc. known 表达,表示,显示(感情、意愿等): [VN]
She signified her approval with a smile. 她笑了笑表示赞同。
[V that]
He nodded to signify that he agreed. 他点头表示同意。
3 [V] (usually used in questions or negative sentences 通常用于疑问句或否定句) to be important or to matter 具有重要性;要紧:
His presence no longer signified. 他在不在场已不重要。
phase /feɪz/ noun, verb
1 a stage in a process of change or development 阶段;时期:
during the first/next/last phase 在第一╱下一╱最后阶段
the initial/final phase of the project 工程的初始╱最后阶段
a critical/decisive phase 关键性╱决定性阶段
the design phase 设计阶段
His anxiety about the work was just a passing phase. 他对工作的担心只是暂时的。
She’s going through a difficult phase. 她正处于困难时期。
The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma’s life. 婚礼标志着埃玛生活新阶段的开始。
2 each of the shapes of the moon as we see it from the earth at different times of the month 月相;(月亮的)盈亏
IDM in phase/out of phase (with sth) (BrE) working/not working together in the right way 协调;不协调:
The traffic lights were out of phase. 红绿灯信号不协调。
■verb [VN] [usually passive] to arrange to do sth gradually in stages over a period of time 分阶段进行;逐步做:
the phased withdrawal of troops from the area 从该地区分期逐步的撤军
Closure of the hospitals was phased over a three-year period. 这些医院的关闭是在三年期间逐步进行的。
PHR V ˌphase sthoˈin to introduce or start using sth gradually in stages over a period of time 逐步引入;分阶段开始:
The new tax will be phased in over two years. 新税种将在两年内逐步实行。
ˌphase sthoˈout to stop using sth gradually in stages over a period of time 逐步废除:
Subsidies to farmers will be phased out by next year. 对农民的补贴将在明年之前逐步废除。
sin•ful /ˈsɪnfl/ adj. morally wrong or evil 不道德的;邪恶的 SYN IMMORAL : sinful thoughts 邪恶的想法 It is sinful to lie. 说谎是不道德的。 (informal) It's sinful to waste good food! 浪费好好的食物是有罪的! # sin•ful•ly /-fəli/ adv. # sin•ful•ness noun [U]
ˌself-asˈsess•ment noun [U]
1 the process of judging your own progress, achievements, etc. 自我评估(或评价)
2 (BrE) a system of paying tax in which you calculate yourself how much you should pay 自行估税
over•time /ˈəʊvətaɪm; NAmE ˈoʊvərt-/ noun [U]
1 time that you spend working at your job after you have worked the normal hours 加班;加班的时间:
to do/work overtime 加班
overtime pay/earnings/hours 加班费╱收入╱时间
The union announced a ban on overtime. 工会宣布禁止加班。
2 the money sb earns for doing overtime 加班费:
They pay $150 a day plus overtime. 他们支付每天 150 元的报酬,外加加班费。
3 (NAmE) (sport 体) = EXTRA TIME
IDM be working ˈovertime (informal) to be very active or too active 非常活跃;过分活跃:
There was nothing to worry about. It was just her imagination working overtime. 没什么可担心的。那只是她的想象力太活跃了。
fair•ly /ˈfeəli; NAmE ˈferli/ adv.
1 (before adjectives and adverbs 用于形容词和副词前) to some extent but not very 一定地;相当地:
a fairly easy book 一本相当浅易的书
a fairly typical reaction 相当典型的反应
I know him fairly well, but I wouldn’t say we were really close friends. 我相当了解他,但并不是说我们是真正的密友。
I go jogging fairly regularly. 我差不多经常练习慢跑。
We’ll have to leave fairly soon (= before very long). 我们不久得离开。
I’m fairly certain I can do the job. 我有相当把握能干这项工作。
The report was fairly incomprehensible. 这份报告相当难懂。
I think you’ll find it fairly difficult (= you do not want to say that it is very difficult). 我认为你会觉得它相当难。
➡ note at QUITE
2 in a fair and reasonable way; honestly 公平合理地;公正地:
He has always treated me very fairly. 他待我一直很公正。
Her attitude could fairly be described as hostile. 公平而论,她的态度可以说是怀有敌意。
3 (old-fashioned) used to emphasize sth that you are saying (用以强调)简直,竟然:
The time fairly raced by. 时间过得真快。
IDM fairly and squarely = FAIR AND SQUARE at FAIR adv.
nor•mal•ly /ˈnɔ:məli; NAmE ˈnɔ:rm-/ adv.
1 usually; in normal circumstances 通常;正常情况下:
I’m not normally allowed to stay out late. 通常情况下,我不能在外很晚不归。
It’s normally much warmer than this in July. 通常七月要比现在热得多。
It normally takes 20 minutes to get there. 去那儿一般要花 20 分钟。
2 in the usual or ordinary way 正常地;平常地:
Her heart is beating normally. 她心跳正常。
Just try to behave normally. 尽量表现得若无其事。
gruel /ˈgru:əl/ noun [U]
a simple dish made by boiling OATS in milk or water, eaten especially in the past by poor people (尤指旧时穷人吃的)稀粥,燕麦粥
gruel•ling (especially BrE) (NAmE usually gruel•ing) /ˈgru:əlɪŋ/ adj.
very difficult and tiring, needing great effort for a long time 使人筋疲力尽的;折磨人的
a gruelling journey/schedule 使人筋疲力尽的旅程;累人的计划
I’ve had a gruelling day. 我一天下来累得筋疲力尽。