20 Rules Flashcards
Mim and nun mushaddadah
I will always read them with ghunnah
Ghunnah is for the sound to come out the nose for a duration of 2 harakat
When the 5 letters have saakin, I will read with qalqalah.
Qalqalah is for the letter to bounce back or echo, instead of stopping smoothly and immediately
Lam of Allah
When lam of Allah has Fathah/dhammah I will read full mouth. If kasrah I will read in empty mouth.
Tafkheem - to raise the back of tongue towards the palate whilst pronouncing a letter. As if the mouth is full
Ra mutaharrikah
When ra has a Dammah/fathah it will be full mouth, and when it has kasrah, it will be empty mouth
Ra Sakinah
When ra sakinah is after a dhammah/fathah it will be full mouth. And when it has kasrah it will be empty mouth
Full mouth letter
7 letters خصضغطقظ will always be read full mouth
If alif follows a full mouth letter it’ll be full mouth and if it follows an empty mouth letter it’ll be empty mouth
Ikhfa Shafawi
If mim sakin appears before a ب, there will be ikhfa shafawi with ghunnah
For the lips to touch lightly during the ghunnah and press firmly to pronounce the ب
رَبَّهُِمْ بِهِم
Idgham shafawi
If mim sakin appears before another mim, it will be isgham shafawi with ghunnah
Merge two mins
Izhar shafawi
If mim sakin appears before any other letter (except ب and م) it will be izhar shafawi without ghunnah
To read the mim sakin clearly without ghunnah
if mim sakin or tan wren appear before ب, the sakin or tanween will change to م and there will be ikhfa shafawi with ghunnah
To change the nun sakinah or tanween to mim
Idghaam without ghunnah
If nun sakin appear before ل or ر there will be idgham without ghunnah
To merge two letters together and read without a pause
Idgham with ghunnah
If nun sakin or tanween appear before any 4 letter يمنو the nun sakin or tanween will merge into the letter and be read with ghunnah
To read nun sakin and tanween clearly without ghunnah
If nun sakin of tanween appear before any 6 throat letters ء ه ع ج غ خ there will be izhar without ghunnah
Ikhfa means - tip of tongue to light touch the gums of the upper front teeth whilst ghunnah is completed
If nun sakin or tanween appear before any other letter (other than izhar, idgham with and without, and qalb letters). There will be Ikhfa with ghunnah
Mass mutassil
If a stretched letter appears before a hamza in the same word, I will stretch for four harakat
Mad munfasil
If stretched letter appears before hamzah in next word, stretch for 4 harakat
Madd arid
Stretched letter appears before stopping sukoon stretch for 4 harakat
Madd lazim
Stretched letter appears before a sukun or shaddah stretch for 6 harakat
MADD asli
Stretched letter appears before anything else, other than hamza, sukun or shaddah, it will stretch for 2 harakat