2.0) Mobilising Exercises Flashcards
Hip flexion
Flexors thigh coming in contact abdomen
Lie on side pulling knee to chest
Hip extension
Iliofemoral pubofemoral ischiofemoral
Lie on side extension of leg to the side
Hip abduction
Iliofemoral Pubofemoral
Supine lieing extend leg out
Hip adduction
Iliofemoral ischiofemoral
Supine lieing move leg medially
Hip medial rotation
Supine lieing turn foot in
Hip lateral rotation
Supine lieing turn foot out
Knee flexion
Calf in contact with thigh
Side lieing heel to bum
Knee extension
Chair slide foot out locks into extension
Knee medial rotation
Chair turn foot in
Knee lateral rotation
Chair turn foot out
Posterior joint capsule posterior tibialfibular ligament talus wedged in mortise soleus gastrocnemius
Ball under foot roll foot back
Anterior joint capsule anterior tibiafibular ligament articular surface tibialis anterior
Ball under foot roll foot forward
Subtalar inversion
Peroneus longus and brevis
Chair turn foot in
Subtalar eversion
Tibialis anterior and posterior
Chair turn foot out
Shoulder flexion
Pole and push up
Shoulder abduction
With a pole put it on the palm and push up
Shoulder medial rotation
Table and cloth
Wall and reach back
Shoulder lateral rotation
Table and cloth
Elbow flexion
Table and cloth
Elbow extension
Table and cloth
Elbow 90° roll palm over ball
Turning cards over
Elbow 90° roll palm over ball
Turning cards over
Wrist flexion
Roll over a ball
Wrist extension
Sideways extend wrist with ball
Wrist ulna deviation
Towards pinky with band
Table and cloth
Wrist radial deviation
Towards thumb with band
Table and cloth
Finger flexion
Rolling pin
Finger extension
Rolling pin
Shoulder extension
Other hand pull it up
Shoulder adduction
Pulling on door handle and walk forward