20: Miscellaneous Antibiotics Flashcards
Name the miscellaneous antibiotics.
- Quinolones/fluoroquinolones
- Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ)
- Daptomycin
- Metronidazole
- Polymyxin
For quinolones:
- Mechanism
- Types
- Resistance
- Spectrum
- Pharma
- Indications
- Toxicity
- Bind topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase) or block topoisomerase IV, blocking DNA replication
- Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin
- Increasing; single mutation in genes for topoisomerase II/IV, efflux system
- GNs (Enterobac, Neisseria, Campylo, Pseudo), GPs (Pneumo, MSSA), respiratory (Myco, Legionella, Hemophilus), others (Mycobacterium tuberculosis [moxifloxacin], bacillus anthracis), limited anaerobic and enterococ
- PO/parenterally; excellent distr., in kidney, prostate, lung and bile, usually > serum; in bone, CSF, < serum; high intracellular conc.; renal elimination, metal cations decrease oral absorption;
- Empiric for CAP; complicated UTI/RTI, serious infx (osteomyelitis, pneumonia, soft tissue), STDs (gonorrhea, chancroid, chlamydial urethritis), ETEC (cipro), mutli-drug resistant TB (moxi), anthrax (cipro)
- allergic rxn, photosensitivity, joint symptoms (ruptured tendon), QT prolongation
For trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ):
- Mechanism
- Types
- Resistance
- Spectrum
- Pharma
- Indications
- Toxicity
- Sequential interference w/ folic acid synthesis –> synergism with bactericidal activity
- Just TMP-SMZ (“Bactrim”)
- TMP: decreased affinity, increased substrate; SMZ: decr. permeability, incr. substrate
- Broad; GNs (E. coli, Kleb, proteus, salmonella, shigella, vibrio, burkholderia, h. infuenzae, neisseria), GPs (staph, strep, listeria; NOT enterococci), misc (pneumocystis, ocardia, chlamydia)
- Combo abx with 1:5 ratio; PO/PE, will distr. in lungs, kidneys, biliary tree, CNS; hepatic metabolism; t.5 9-11 hrs, but prolonged in pts w/ renal insuff.
- UTIs, prostatits, PCP pneumo, diarrhea due to salmonella, shigella, ETEC, U/L RTIs
- Allergic, GI, nephrotoxicity, rare (hepatitis, megaloblastic anemia), Steven Johnson syndrome (toxic epidermal necrolysis) in AIDS subjects
For daptomycin:
- Mechanism
- Types
- Resistance
- Spectrum
- Pharma
- Indications
- Toxicity
- Bactericidal; binds & inserts into GP membrane in calcium-dependent process; inserts lipophilic tail, oligomerizes forming channel allowing ion leakage.
- Just dapto
- Altered phospholipids in membrane
- Abx-resist. GPs (VRE, MRSA, PCN-res. pneumococci)
- PE only; renal clearance, inadequate conc. in lungs
- VRE, MRSA, PCN-res. pneumo
- Myopathy (must monitor CPK)
For metronidazole:
- Mechanism
- Types
- Resistance
- Spectrum
- Pharma
- Indications
- Toxicity
- Release of short-lived free radicals that damage DNA/other molecules.
- Just metro
- Decreased ferrodoxin activity (reduced to produce radicals)
- Broad anaerobes (clostridia, bacteroides), facultative anaerobes (helicobacter), anaerobic parasites (giardia, trichomonas, entamoeba)
- PO/rect/vag/PE; renal metab., bactericidal well distr, even CSF
- Anaerobic infx, including in CNS (brain abscess), pseudomembranous colitis, bacteroides
- Disulfram effect w/ alcohol; do not use in pregnancy; interferes w/ coumadin metab.
For polymyxin:
- Mechanism
- Types
- Resistance
- Spectrum
- Pharma
- Indications
- Toxicity
- Detergent; bind to LPS and disrupt membrane.
- Colistin
- Modified LPS w/ reduced surface charge
- Mutli-drug resist. Enterobac, P. aerug, Acinetobacter
- Final line agent
- Often in ICU
- Nephro, neuro