2 week wait referral criteria Flashcards
Refer people using a suspected cancer pathway referral for lung cancer if they have…
- chest X-ray findings which suggest lung cancer
OR - aged 40+ with haemoptysis
Offer urgent CXR (within 2 weeks) to assess for lung cancer in _____ if they have ________
Offer an urgent chest X-ray (to be done within 2 weeks) to assess for lung cancer
in people aged 40 and over if they have 2 or more of the following unexplained
symptoms, or if they have ever smoked and have 1 or more of the following
unexplained symptoms:
- cough
- shortness of breath
- chest pain
- fatigue
- weight loss
- appetite loss
Consider an urgent chest X-ray (within 2 weeks) for lung cancer ______
Consider an urgent chest X-ray (to be done within 2 weeks) to assess for lung
cancer in people aged 40 and over with any of the following:
- persistent or recurrent chest infection
- finger clubbing
- supraclavicular lymphadenopathy or persistent cervical lymphadenopathy
- chest signs consistent with lung cancer
- thrombocytosis
Refer people using a suspected cancer pathway referral for mesothelioma if they have…
chest X-ray findings that suggest mesothelioma
Offer an urgent CXR to assess for mesothelioma in people ____
Aged 40 and over if:
2 or more of the following unexplained symptoms
1 or more of the following unexplained symptoms + have ever smoked
1 or more of the following unexplained symptoms + have been exposed to asbestos
- fatigue
- weight loss
- appetite loss
- chest pain
- shortness of breath
- cough
Consider an urgent CXR to assess for mesothelioma in people aged 40+ with:
finger clubbing or chest signs compatible with pleural disease
Offer urgent direct access upper GI endoscopy (within 2 weeks) to assess for oesophageal cancer in people:
- with dysphagia
- aged 55+ with weight loss and any of the following:
- upper abdominal pain
- reflux
- dyspepsia
Consider non-urgent direct access upper GI endoscopy to assess for oesophageal cancer in people with:
people aged 55+ with:
- treatment resistant dyspepsia
OR - upper abdominal pain with low haemoglobin levels
OR - raised platelet count with any of the following:
nausea, vomiting, weight loss, reflux, dyspepsia, upper abdominal pain
- nausea and vomiting with any of the following:
weight loss, reflux, dyspepsia, upper abdominal pain
Refer people using a suspected cancer pathway referral for pancreatic cancer if:
aged 40+ with jaundice
Consider urgent direct access CT or an urgent ultrasound scan if CT not available to assess for pancreatic cancer in:
people aged 60 with weight loss and any of the following:
- diarrhoea
- constipation
- back pain
- abdominal pain
- nausea
- vomiting
- new onset diabetes
Offer urgent direct access upper GI endoscopy to assess for stomach cancer in people:
with dysphagia
aged 55+ with weight loss and any of the following:
- upper abdominal pain
- reflux
- dyspepsia
Consider non-urgent, direct access upper GI endoscopy to assess for stomach cancer in:
people aged 55+ with:
- treatment resistant dyspepsia
- upper abdominal pain with low Hb levels
- raised platelet count with any of the following:
nausea, vomiting, weight loss, reflux, dyspepsia, upper abdominal pain
nausea and vomiting with any of the following:
- weight loss
- reflux
- dyspepsia
- upper abdominal pain
Consider an urgent direct access ultrasound scan to assess for gallbladder cancer in people with…
an upper abdominal mass consistent with an enlarged gall bladder
Consider an urgent direct access ultrasound to assess for liver cancer in people…
with an upper abdominal mass consistent with an enlarged liver
Offer FIT testing for suspected colorectal cancer in adults:
- with an abdominal mass
- change in bowel habit
- iron deficiency anaemia
- aged 40+ with unexplained weight loss and abdominal pain
- aged under 50 with rectal bleeding and either of the following unexplained symptoms: abdominal pain, weight loss
- aged 50 and over with any of the following unexplained symptoms: rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, weight loss
Should FIT be offered even if person has previously had a negative FIT result through NHS bowel cancer screening programme?
Which people do not need to be offered FIT before referral is considered?
- rectal mass
- unexplained anal mass
- unexplained anal ulceration
What FIT result would result in suspected colorectal cancer referral?
At least 10mcg of Hb per gram of faeces
Consider a suspected cancer pathway referral for anal cancer in people with…
- unexplained anal mass
- unexplained anal ulceration
Refer for suspected breast cancer pathway if patient is:
- aged 30+ with an unexplained breast lump with or without pain
- aged 50 with any of the following symptoms in one nipple only: discharge, retraction, any other changes of concern
Consider suspected breast cancer referral in people…
- with skin changes that suggest breast cancer
- aged 30+ with an unexplained lump in axilla
Consider non-urgent breast referral in people…
aged under 30 with an unexplained breast lump, with or without pain
Make referral to gynaecological cancer service using suspected cancer pathway referral if…
physical examination identifies ascites and/or pelvic or abdominal mass (which is not obviously uterine fibroids)
Carry out tests in primary care for ovarian cancer if patient reports…
ANY of the following symptoms on a persistent/frequent basis - particularly if aged 50 or over and if more than 12 times per month
- persistent abdominal distension (bloating)
- early satiety/loss of appetite
- pelvic/abdominal pain
- increased urinary urgency/frequency
If patient reports unexplained weight loss, fatigue, changes in bowel habit
Carry out appropriate tests for ovarian cancer in any female patient aged 50+ who has experienced….
symptoms within the last 12 months that suggest IBS, as IBS rarely presents for the first time in women of this age
Measure __ in primary care in patients with symptoms that suggest ovarian cancer