2. The 3 Patriarchs (Gen. 12-50) Flashcards
What is the 2nd Pivotal Moment in the Old Testament Story?
The 2nd Pivotal Moment in the Old Testament Story is “The 3 Patriarchs” and is found in Genesis 12-50. This section contains the Jewish and Christian story of the origins of the nation of Israel. It follows the stories of the three Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.
Who is Abram/Abraham?
Abram/Abraham is the first ancestor of the Israelites. In Genesis 12, Yahweh establishes a covenant relationship with Abraham and calls him to leave his hometown in Mesopotamia in order to start a new nation in Canaan.
What Does Yahweh promise Abraham in Genesis?
A homeland, countless descendants, and that the entire world would be blessed through him.
(Land, Descendants, Blessings)
Who is Sarai/Sarah?
Abram/Abraham’s wife
Who is Hagar?
Sarah’s servant who Sarah told to have a child with.
What problem did Abraham and Sarah have?
They were old and could not have children.
Who is Ishmael?
Abraham and Hagar’s Son
Who is Isaac?
Abraham and Sarah’s son
What land does Yahweh promise Abraham?
Canaan (often called “the promised land”)

How old is Abraham when Yahweh calls Abram?
How old is Abraham when Isaac is born?
Who is Rebekah?
Isaac’s Wife
Who are Jacob and Esau?
Isaac and Rebekah’s twin sons
What does the name Jacob mean?
“Deceiver” or “Trickster”
What does Esau sell to Jacob for a bowl of stew?
his birthright
Jacob tricks his father and brother out of what?
Esau’s blessing as the firstborn
Who does Jacob wrestle with? And what does this person change Jacob’s name to?
Yahweh and he changes Jacob’s name to Israel
What does the name Israel mean?
“Struggles with God” or “Wrestles with God”
Jacob is eventually tricked by who?
His uncle Laban tricked Jacob into marrying his oldest daughter Leah first instead of Rachel.
How many wives does Jacob have and which one does he actually love the most?
Jacob had 4 wives and loved Rachel the most
How many sons does Jacob/Israel have?
12, they become the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel
Who is Jacob’s favorite son and what does he do for him?
Joseph and Jacob got him a special coat.
What is Joseph known for doing?
having dreams or interpreting dreams
How does Joseph end up in slavery in Egypt?
Joseph’s brothers are jealous of him and conspire to kill him, but decide to sell him as a slave instead.
Why is Joseph thrown into prison after working in Potiphar’s house as his head slave?
Potiphar’s wife accuses Joseph of trying to sleep with her (which is a lie) so Potiphar throws Joseph into prison.
While in prison, whose dreams does Joseph interpret?
Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker
What are Pharaoh’s two dreams?
1st Dream: Seven cows came up out of the river. They looked healthy and fat, but then seven other skinny cows ate the seven cows that looked healthy and fat.
2nd Dream: Seven healthy and good heads of grain were growing on one stem. Then seven other thin and dry heads of grain came up and swallowed the seven healthy, full heads of grain.
What was the meaning of Pharaoh’s two Dreams?
Joseph told Pharaoh that his two dreams meant there would be seven years of abundance in the land of Egypt followed by seven years of severe famine.
Who is Judah?
Judah is Jacob’s fourth son and the son who suggested selling Joseph into slavery instead of killing him. He eventually changes and becomes a hero when he offers to sacrifice himself in place of his younger brother Benjamin.
At the end of Genesis, where is Jacob and his family?
They are living in Egypt as guests of the Pharaoh because of the famine in Canaan.
At the end of Genesis, what promise to Abraham is not being fulfilled?
The promise of a homeland (Canaan) because they are living in Egypt.