1. The Creation and Fall of Humanity (Gen. 1-11) Flashcards
What is the 1st Pivotal Moment in Old Testament history?
The Creation and Fall of Humanity (Gen. 1-11)
Who is the traditional author of Genesis and the entire Torah?

Who is Yahweh?
Yahweh is the personal name of the Hebrew God in the Old Testament.

How many days of creation are there in Genesis?
6 and 1 day of rest

Who is Adam?
In the Bible, Adam was the first human. His name means “man” or “human” in Hebrew.

Who is Eve?
In the Bible, Eve was the first woman, she was created from Adam.

What is the Garden of Eden
In the Bible, The Garden of Eden is the earthly paradise created by Yahweh to be inhabited by his first human creations, Adam and Eve.

What two trees were in the Garden of Eden?
The tree of knowledge of good and evil & the tree of life.
What tree were Adam and Eve forbidden to eat from?
The tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Who tempted Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden tree?
The Serpent

What was the punishment for eating from the forbidden tree?
Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden and would eventually die.

Who are Cain & Abel?
The first two sons of Adam and Eve. Cain killed Abel because Yahweh accepted Abel’s sacrifice and not Cains.

Who is Seth?
Seth is the third son of Adam & Eve.
Who was Noah?
The Bible said that Noah was a righteous and blameless man. Yahweh destroyed the entire world by water but saved Noah and his family.

In Genesis, why did God want to destroy the world?
Because the humans became too wicked and were ruining Yahweh’s good creation.
What does Covenant mean?
promise or agreement
What was the sign of the covenant between God and Noah in Genesis.
Yahweh placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign that he would never destroy the world by water again.
Tell the basic story of the Tower of Babel.
- Humans gathered together to build a tower. 2. Yahweh confused their language which forced them to spread back out over the earth

What was the 1st day of creation in the Bible?
- Light and Darkness
What was the 2nd day of creation in the Bible?
- Sky
What was the 3rd day of creation in the Bible?
- Land & Plants
What was the 4th day of creation in the Bible?
- Sun, Moon & Stars
What was the 5th day of creation in the Bible?
- Birds & Fish
What was the 6th day of creation in the Bible?
- Land Animals and Humans
What did Yahweh do on the 7th Day in Genesis?
He rested.
What are the 5 major stories in Genesis 1-11
- Creation 2. Adam, Eve & the Fall 3. Cain & Abel 4. Noah & The Flood 5. Tower of Babel