2 Systematics Flashcards
- Pioneered by Carolus Linneaus
- Branch of Biology concerned with identifying, naming and classifying species
- Each kind of organism is named by a uniformly adopted system that best
expresses the degree of similarity of organisms
what is the binary system that taxonomy follows?
genus + species
Taxonomical Hierarchy follows a _______ System
Linnean System
- Study of biological diversity and its classification
- Pioneered by Charles Darwin
- Employs taxonomy and evolutionary biology to arrange organisms in categories
that reflect PHYLOGENY
evolutionary history of a SPECIES or a group of species.
What are the 5 Kingdom Scheme? (proposed by R.H Whittaker in 1969)
Plantae, fungi, animalia, protista, and monera.
What are the 3 Domain Scheme?
Bacteria, Eukarya, Archaea
- Prokaryotic organisms
- Divided into bacteria and archaea
- With thick cell wall
- Reproduction primarily by binary fission
- May be heterotrophs or autotrophs
Kingdom Monera
Mode of Nutrition in Monerans:
- Photosynthetic; use solar energy to reduce carbon dioxide to organic
Mode of Nutrition in Monerans:
- Chemosynthetic; oxidize inorganic compounds to reduce CO2 to an
organic compound
Mode of Nutrition in Monerans:
- Take in organic nutrients
- Photosynthetic bacteria
- Also known as blue-green algae
- Believed to be responsible for introducing oxygen in the primitive
Division Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria)
Forms of Bacteria
- Spirillum – cork screw shaped
- Bacillus – rod shaped
- Coccus – sherical
- Prokaryotes that are more closely related to eukaryotes than prokaryotes
- Live in harsh conditions
Archaea that live in anaerobic marshes
Archaea that live in salty lakes
Archaea that live in hot sulfuric springs
* Most unicellular; ALL are eukaryotes
* Many with amazingly high level of structural and functional complexity.
Life cycles:
* Asexual reproduction common
* Sexual reproduction may occur when conditions deteriorate
* Some life cycles simple, many extremely complex
- Complexity and diversity of protists make them difficult to classify
- Could be split into as many as a dozen kingdoms
- Mode of nutrition could either be autotrophic or heterotrophic
Kingdom Protista
The Photosynthetic Protists:
- Green algae
- Chlorohyll a and b
- Stored food: true starch
- E.g. Ulva, Volvox
The Photosynthetic Protists:
- Red algae
- Chlorohyll a and phycoerhythrin
- Stored food: rhodophycean starch
- Source of agar and carageenan
The Photosynthetic Protists:
* Brown algae
* Chlorohyll a and c, fucoxanthin
* Stored food: laminarin, mannitol
* e.g. Laminaria, Macrocysti
The Photosynthetic Protists:
- With chlorophylls a and c
- Have unique glasslike walls made of silica
- Stored food: chrysolaminarin
- Cell walls used as metal polishers
Bacilliariophyta (Diatoms)
The Photosynthetic Protists:
- With chlorophylls a and c
- Cell bounded by cellulose plates with silicates
- With 2 flagella
- May cause red tide during sudden growth called algal bloom
The Photosynthetic Protists:
- With chlorophylls a and b
- No cell wall
- Stored food: paramylon, fats, cyclic phosphatases
- With 1 long flagellum and 1 short flagellum
The Heterotrophic Protists:
- Locomotion by cilia
- With macronucleus and micronucleus
- E.g. Paramecium, Vorticella
The Heterotrophic Protists:
- Locomotion by pseudopodia
- E.g. Amoeba, Foraminiferans, Radiolarians, Gromia
The Heterotrophic Protists:
- No locomotory organelle
- Parasites
- E.g. Gregarina, Plasmodium
The Heterotrophic Protists:
- Multicellular
- No cell wall
- With amoeboid stage and a fungal mold stage.
Myxomycetes/Slime Molds
The Heterotrophic Protists:
- Multicellular
- Cell wall made of cellulose
Oomycetes/Water Molds
The Heterotrophic Protists:
- Locomotion by flagella
- Trichomonas
- Giardia
- Trypanosoma