2. Supplementary Deck: Human Flashcards
National Institute Korean Dictionary. https://krdict.korean.go.kr/eng/dicSearch/senseCategory?ParaWordNo=¤tPage=4&nation=eng&blockCount=100&searchFlag=Y&lgCategoryCode=1&miCategoryCode=1007&rowsperPage=100&_csrf=003e14a0-34ad-4fd4-9cad-04e12a1075a3#minus
Inside the Belly
뱃속. 배 = Belly. 속 = Inside. Combined Meaning = 뱃속 refers to the inside of the belly. 뱃속이 불편하다. (My stomach feels uncomfortable.)
복부. 복 = Belly. 부 = Part. Combined Meaning = 복부 refers to the abdomen. 복부 통증이 있다. (I have abdominal pain.)
Stomach and intestines
비위. 비 = Spleen. 위 = Stomach. Combined Meaning = 비위 refers to the stomach and intestines. 비위가 약하다. (I have a weak stomach.)
뺨. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The soft part of the face below the eye. 뺨을 맞았다. (I was slapped on the cheek.)
사지. 사 = Four. 지 = Limbs. Combined Meaning = 사지 refers to the four limbs of the body. 사지가 멀쩡하다. (My limbs are intact.)
살. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The soft tissue of the body. 살이 찐다. (I am gaining flesh.)
Upper body
상반신. 상 = Upper. 반신 = Half of the body. Combined Meaning = 상반신 refers to the upper body. 상반신 운동을 했다. (I did an upper body workout.)
Upper body
상체. 상 = Upper. 체 = Body. Combined Meaning = 상체 refers to the upper body. 상체 근육이 발달했다. (My upper body muscles have developed.)
속눈썹. 속 = Inside. 눈썹 = Eyebrow. Combined Meaning = 속눈썹 refers to the eyelashes. 속눈썹이 길다. (My eyelashes are long.)
손. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The part of the body at the end of the arm. 손을 씻었다. (I washed my hands.)
손끝. 손 = Hand. 끝 = Tip. Combined Meaning = 손끝 refers to the fingertips. 손끝이 차갑다. (My fingertips are cold.)
Back of the hand
손등. 손 = Hand. 등 = Back. Combined Meaning = 손등 refers to the back of the hand. 손등이 까졌다. (The back of my hand is scratched.)
손목. 손 = Hand. 목 = Neck. Combined Meaning = 손목 refers to the wrist. 손목이 아프다. (My wrist hurts.)
손바닥. 손 = Hand. 바닥 = Palm. Combined Meaning = 손바닥 refers to the palm of the hand. 손바닥이 따갑다. (My palm feels sore.)
Hands and feet
손발. 손 = Hand. 발 = Foot. Combined Meaning = 손발 refers to the hands and feet. 손발이 차갑다. (My hands and feet are cold.)
손아귀. 손 = Hand. 아귀 = Grip. Combined Meaning = 손아귀 refers to the grip of the hand. 손아귀 힘이 세다. (My grip is strong.)
손톱. 손 = Hand. 톱 = Nail. Combined Meaning = 손톱 refers to the fingernails. 손톱을 깎았다. (I trimmed my fingernails.)
수염. 수 = Beard. 염 = Hair. Combined Meaning = 수염 refers to facial hair. 수염을 깎았다. (I shaved my beard.)
신체. 신 = Body. 체 = Body. Combined Meaning = 신체 refers to the physical body. 신체 검사를 받았다. (I had a physical examination.)
Mind and body
심신. 심 = Mind. 신 = Body. Combined Meaning = 심신 refers to the mind and body. 심신이 피로하다. (My mind and body are tired.)
Double eyelid
쌍꺼풀. 쌍 = Double. 꺼풀 = Eyelid. Combined Meaning = 쌍꺼풀 refers to double eyelids. 쌍꺼풀이 있다. (I have double eyelids.)
Naked body
알몸. 알 = Naked. 몸 = Body. Combined Meaning = 알몸 refers to the naked body. 알몸으로 있었다. (I was naked.)
앞머리. 앞 = Front. 머리 = Hair. Combined Meaning = 앞머리 refers to the hair at the front of the head. 앞머리를 잘랐다. (I cut my bangs.)
Both hands
양손. 양 = Both. 손 = Hand. Combined Meaning = 양손 refers to both hands. 양손으로 들었다. (I lifted it with both hands.)
어금니. 어 = Molar. 금니 = Tooth. Combined Meaning = 어금니 refers to the molars. 어금니가 아프다. (My molar hurts.)
어깨. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The part of the body between the neck and the upper arm. 어깨가 아프다. (My shoulder hurts.)
얼굴. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The front part of the head. 얼굴이 예쁘다. (Your face is pretty.)
엄지. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The short, thick first digit of the human hand. 엄지가 아프다. (My thumb hurts.)
Thumb (finger)
엄지손가락. 엄지 = Thumb. 손가락 = Finger. Combined Meaning = 엄지손가락 refers to the thumb finger. 엄지손가락이 아프다. (My thumb finger hurts.)
엉덩이. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The fleshy part of the body that you sit on. 엉덩이가 아프다. (My buttocks hurt.)
옆구리. 옆 = Side. 구리 = Area. Combined Meaning = 옆구리 refers to the side of the body. 옆구리가 아프다. (My side hurts.)
Right foot
오른발. 오른 = Right. 발 = Foot. Combined Meaning = 오른발 refers to the right foot. 오른발이 아프다. (My right foot hurts.)
Right hand
오른손. 오른 = Right. 손 = Hand. Combined Meaning = 오른손 refers to the right hand. 오른손으로 썼다. (I wrote with my right hand.)
Right arm
오른팔. 오른 = Right. 팔 = Arm. Combined Meaning = 오른팔 refers to the right arm. 오른팔이 아프다. (My right arm hurts.)
Whole body
온몸. 온 = All. 몸 = Body. Combined Meaning = 온몸 refers to the whole body. 온몸이 아프다. (My whole body hurts.)
Left foot
왼발. 왼 = Left. 발 = Foot. Combined Meaning = 왼발 refers to the left foot. 왼발이 아프다. (My left foot hurts.)
Left hand
왼손. 왼 = Left. 손 = Hand. Combined Meaning = 왼손 refers to the left hand. 왼손으로 썼다. (I wrote with my left hand.)
Right brain
우뇌. 우 = Right. 뇌 = Brain. Combined Meaning = 우뇌 refers to the right hemisphere of the brain. 우뇌가 발달했다. (The right brain is developed.)
육체. 육 = Flesh. 체 = Body. Combined Meaning = 육체 refers to the physical body. 육체가 건강하다. (The body is healthy.)
이. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The hard structures in the mouth used for biting. 이가 아프다. (My tooth hurts.)
이마. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The part of the face above the eyes. 이마에 땀이 났다. (Sweat appeared on my forehead.)
Human body
인체. 인 = Human. 체 = Body. Combined Meaning = 인체 refers to the human body. 인체의 구조를 공부했다. (I studied the structure of the human body.)
입. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The opening in the face used for eating and speaking. 입이 아프다. (My mouth hurts.)
Mouth area
입가. 입 = Mouth. 가 = Area. Combined Meaning = 입가 refers to the area around the mouth. 입가에 주름이 생겼다. (Wrinkles formed around my mouth.)
입술. 입 = Mouth. 술 = Lip. Combined Meaning = 입술 refers to the lips. 입술이 터졌다. (My lips are chapped.)
잇몸. 이 = Tooth. 몸 = Flesh. Combined Meaning = 잇몸 refers to the gums. 잇몸이 아프다. (My gums hurt.)
Whole body
전신. 전 = Whole. 신 = Body. Combined Meaning = 전신 refers to the whole body. 전신 마사지를 받았다. (I received a full-body massage.)
젖. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The mammary glands on the chest. 젖이 나왔다. (Milk came out.)
Calf (leg)
종아리. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The back part of the lower leg. 종아리가 아프다. (My calf hurts.)
Left brain
좌뇌. 좌 = Left. 뇌 = Brain. Combined Meaning = 좌뇌 refers to the left hemisphere of the brain. 좌뇌가 발달했다. (The left brain is developed.)
주먹. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The hand closed tightly. 주먹을 쥐었다. (I clenched my fist.)
지문. 지 = Finger. 문 = Print. Combined Meaning = 지문 refers to the fingerprint. 지문을 찍었다. (I left my fingerprint.)
Inside the body
체내. 체 = Body. 내 = Inside. Combined Meaning = 체내 refers to inside the body. 약이 체내로 흡수되었다. (The medicine was absorbed into the body.)
치아. 치 = Tooth. 아 = Tooth. Combined Meaning = 치아 refers to the teeth. 치아를 닦았다. (I brushed my teeth.)
코. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The part of the face used for smelling. 코가 막혔다. (My nose is stuffy.)
Bridge of the nose
콧날. 코 = Nose. 날 = Edge. Combined Meaning = 콧날 refers to the bridge of the nose. 콧날이 오똑하다. (The bridge of the nose is high.)
Nose bridge
콧등. 코 = Nose. 등 = Back. Combined Meaning = 콧등 refers to the bridge of the nose. 콧등을 찡그렸다. (I wrinkled the bridge of my nose.)
턱. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The lower part of the face. 턱이 아프다. (My chin hurts.)
털. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The strands that grow on the body. 털이 많다. (I have a lot of hair.)
팔. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The limb used for lifting and carrying. 팔이 아프다. (My arm hurts.)
팔꿈치. 팔 = Arm. 꿈치 = Elbow. Combined Meaning = 팔꿈치 refers to the elbow. 팔꿈치를 다쳤다. (I injured my elbow.)
품. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The front part of the body between the neck and the abdomen. 품에 안았다. (I hugged him in my chest.)
피부. 피 = Skin. 부 = Flesh. Combined Meaning = 피부 refers to the skin. 피부가 건조하다. (My skin is dry.)
Lower body
하반신. 하 = Lower. 반신 = Half-body. Combined Meaning = 하반신 refers to the lower body. 하반신 마비가 왔다. (I am paralyzed in the lower body.)
Lower body
하체. 하 = Lower. 체 = Body. Combined Meaning = 하체 refers to the lower body. 하체 운동을 했다. (I did lower body exercise.)
허리. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The part of the body above the hips. 허리가 아프다. (My waist hurts.)
허벅지. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The part of the leg between the hip and the knee. 허벅지가 아프다. (My thigh hurts.)
혀. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The muscular organ in the mouth used for tasting and speaking. 혀가 아프다. (My tongue hurts.)
To stiffen
골다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To become stiff or rigid. 몸이 골았다. (My body stiffened.)
To fart
뀌다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To release gas from the anus. 방귀를 뀌었다. (I farted.)
To cause
끼치다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To cause or give (trouble, harm, etc.). 불편을 끼쳤다. (I caused inconvenience.)
To excrete
누다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To excrete (urine or feces). 소변을 누었다. (I urinated.)
눈물. 눈 = Eye. 물 = Water. Combined Meaning = 눈물 refers to tears. 눈물이 났다. (Tears came out.)
대변. 대 = Big. 변 = Feces. Combined Meaning = 대변 refers to feces or stool. 대변을 봤다. (I had a bowel movement.)
땀. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The moisture excreted through the skin. 땀이 났다. (I sweated.)
Motion sickness
멀미. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The feeling of nausea caused by motion. 멀미가 났다. (I felt motion sickness.)
To be thirsty
목마르다. 목 = Throat. 마르다 = To be dry. Combined Meaning = 목마르다 refers to feeling thirsty. 물이 목마르다. (I am thirsty.)
목소리. 목 = Throat. 소리 = Sound. Combined Meaning = 목소리 refers to the voice. 목소리가 크다. (His voice is loud.)
방귀. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The gas released from the anus. 방귀가 났다. (I farted.)
To be hungry
배고프다. 배 = Stomach. 고프다 = To be hungry. Combined Meaning = 배고프다 refers to feeling hungry. 배고프다. (I am hungry.)
To be full
배부르다. 배 = Stomach. 부르다 = To be full. Combined Meaning = 배부르다 refers to feeling full. 배부르다. (I am full.)
소변. 소 = Small. 변 = Feces. Combined Meaning = 소변 refers to urine. 소변을 봤다. (I urinated.)
소화. 소 = Small. 화 = Fire. Combined Meaning = 소화 refers to digestion. 소화가 잘 된다. (My digestion is good.)
수면. 수 = Sleep. 면 = Sleep. Combined Meaning = 수면 refers to sleep. 수면이 부족하다. (I lack sleep.)
숨. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The act of breathing. 숨을 쉬다. (I breathe.)
Sound of breathing
숨소리. 숨 = Breath. 소리 = Sound. Combined Meaning = 숨소리 refers to the sound of breathing. 숨소리가 들린다. (I hear breathing.)
Cold sweat
식은땀. 식다 = To cool. 땀 = Sweat. Combined Meaning = 식은땀 refers to cold sweat. 식은땀이 났다. (I broke out in a cold sweat.)
오줌. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The liquid waste excreted by the kidneys. 오줌을 눴다. (I urinated.)
Sound of crying
울음소리. 울음 = Crying. 소리 = Sound. Combined Meaning = 울음소리 refers to the sound of crying. 울음소리가 들린다. (I hear crying.)
Sound of laughing
웃음소리. 웃음 = Laughing. 소리 = Sound. Combined Meaning = 웃음소리 refers to the sound of laughing. 웃음소리가 들린다. (I hear laughing.)
음성. 음 = Sound. 성 = Voice. Combined Meaning = 음성 refers to the voice or sound. 음성이 아름답다. (Her voice is beautiful.)
재채기. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The act of expelling air from the nose and mouth involuntarily. 재채기가 났다. (I sneezed.)
To doze off
졸다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To fall asleep unintentionally. 수업 중에 졸았다. (I dozed off during class.)
To be sleepy
졸리다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To feel sleepy. 졸리다. (I am sleepy.)
졸음. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The feeling of wanting to sleep. 졸음이 온다. (Sleepiness is coming.)
Cold sweat (from fear or tension)
진땀. 진 = True. 땀 = Sweat. Combined Meaning = 진땀 refers to cold sweat caused by fear or tension. 진땀이 났다. (I broke out in a cold sweat.)
침. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The liquid produced in the mouth. 침을 뱉었다. (I spat out my saliva.)
코피. 코 = Nose. 피 = Blood. Combined Meaning = 코피 refers to a nosebleed. 코피가 났다. (I had a nosebleed.)
Nasal discharge
콧물. 코 = Nose. 물 = Water. Combined Meaning = 콧물 refers to nasal discharge or a runny nose. 콧물이 났다. (I have a runny nose.)
Snoring sound
쿨쿨. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The sound of snoring. 쿨쿨 잤다. (I snored while sleeping.)
트림. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The release of gas from the stomach through the mouth. 트림을 했다. (I burped.)
하품. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The act of opening the mouth wide and inhaling deeply due to tiredness or boredom. 하품이 났다. (I yawned.)
한숨. 한 = One. 숨 = Breath. Combined Meaning = 한숨 refers to a deep breath or sigh. 한숨을 쉬었다. (I sighed.)
Laughing sound
허허. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = An expression of laughter. 허허 웃었다. (I laughed heartily.)
To feel pity
가엾다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To feel pity or compassion. 그는 가엾게 느껴졌다. (He felt pity for him.)
가책. 가 = False. 책 = Responsibility. Combined Meaning = 가책 refers to feeling guilt or remorse. 양심의 가책을 느꼈다. (I felt a pang of conscience.)
To be earnest
간절하다. 간 = Liver. 절 = Earnest. Combined Meaning = 간절하다 refers to being earnest or desperate. 간절한 소원이 있다. (I have an earnest wish.)
간절히. 간 = Liver. 절 = Earnestly. 히 = Adverbial suffix. Combined Meaning = 간절히 refers to doing something earnestly. 간절히 기도했다. (I prayed earnestly.)
갈등. 갈 = Difference. 등 = Conflict. Combined Meaning = 갈등 refers to a conflict or dilemma. 갈등을 해결했다. (I resolved the conflict.)
-감. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = -감 refers to a sense or feeling of something. 불안감을 느꼈다. (I felt a sense of anxiety.)
감. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 감 refers to a sense or feeling of something. 기쁨을 감으로 느꼈다. (I felt joy.)
Deep emotion
감격. 감 = Feel. 격 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 감격 refers to being deeply moved. 감격의 눈물을 흘렸다. (I shed tears of deep emotion.)
감격스럽다. 감 = Feel. 격 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 감격스럽다 refers to feeling moved. 감격스러운 순간이다. (It is a moving moment.)
감동. 감 = Feel. 동 = Move. Combined Meaning = 감동 refers to being moved or impressed. 감동을 받았다. (I was impressed.)
감동적. 감 = Feel. 동 = Move. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 감동적 refers to something moving or touching. 감동적인 이야기였다. (It was a touching story.)
감명. 감 = Feel. 명 = Bright. Combined Meaning = 감명 refers to being impressed. 감명을 받았다. (I was impressed.)
감사. 감 = Feel. 사 = Thank. Combined Meaning = 감사 refers to gratitude or thanks. 감사드립니다. (Thank you.)
감상. 감 = Feel. 상 = Appreciate. Combined Meaning = 감상 refers to appreciation or enjoyment. 예술 작품을 감상했다. (I appreciated the artwork.)
감성. 감 = Feel. 성 = Nature. Combined Meaning = 감성 refers to sensitivity or sensibility. 감성이 풍부하다. (He has rich sensibility.)
감성적. 감 = Feel. 성 = Nature. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 감성적 refers to being emotional or sensitive. 감성적인 사람이다. (He is an emotional person.)
감수성. 감 = Feel. 수 = Receive. 성 = Nature. Combined Meaning = 감수성 refers to sensitivity. 감수성이 예민하다. (He is highly sensitive.)
감정. 감 = Feel. 정 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 감정 refers to emotion or feeling. 감정을 표현했다. (I expressed my emotions.)
감정적. 감 = Feel. 정 = Feeling. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 감정적 refers to being emotional. 감정적인 반응이다. (It is an emotional reaction.)
감탄. 감 = Feel. 탄 = Admire. Combined Meaning = 감탄 refers to admiration or wonder. 그의 용기에 감탄했다. (I admired his courage.)
감회. 감 = Feel. 회 = Return. Combined Meaning = 감회 refers to sentiment or nostalgia. 감회가 깊다. (I have deep sentiment.)
감히. 감 = Dare. 히 = Adverbial suffix. Combined Meaning = 감히 refers to daringly or boldly. 감히 말할 수 있다. (I dare say.)
To feel suffocated
갑갑하다. 갑 = Shell. 갑 = Suffocating. Combined Meaning = 갑갑하다 refers to feeling suffocated or stuffy. 갑갑한 방이다. (It is a stuffy room.)
거부감. 거 = Reject. 부 = Negative. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 거부감 refers to a feeling of aversion or rejection. 거부감이 들었다. (I felt aversion.)
걱정. 걱 = Worry. 정 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 걱정 refers to worry or concern. 걱정이 많다. (I have many worries.)
To be worried
걱정스럽다. 걱 = Worry. 정 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 걱정스럽다 refers to feeling worried. 걱정스러운 얼굴이다. (He looks worried.)
겁. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Fear or fright. 겁이 났다. (I felt scared.)
To be scared
겁나다. 겁 = Fear. 나다 = To arise. Combined Meaning = 겁나다 refers to being scared. 겁이 났다. (I got scared.)
To be reverent
경건하다. 경 = Respect. 건 = Diligent. Combined Meaning = 경건하다 refers to being reverent or pious. 경건한 마음으로 기도했다. (I prayed with reverence.)
경악. 경 = Frighten. 악 = Evil. Combined Meaning = 경악 refers to being shocked or appalled. 경악을 금치 못했다. (I was shocked.)
고독. 고 = Alone. 독 = Solitude. Combined Meaning = 고독 refers to loneliness or solitude. 고독을 느꼈다. (I felt lonely.)
To be thankful
고마워하다. 고 = High. 마 = Thanks. 워하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 고마워하다 refers to feeling thankful. 도와줘서 고마워하다. (I am thankful for your help.)
To be thankful
고맙다. 고 = High. 맙다 = Thanks. Combined Meaning = 고맙다 refers to feeling thankful. 고맙습니다. (Thank you.)
공감. 공 = Together. 감 = Feel. Combined Meaning = 공감 refers to feeling sympathy or empathy. 공감을 얻었다. (I gained sympathy.)
Common ground
공감대. 공 = Together. 감 = Feel. 대 = Field. Combined Meaning = 공감대 refers to shared feelings or common ground. 공감대를 형성했다. (We formed common ground.)
공포. 공 = Fear. 포 = Terror. Combined Meaning = 공포 refers to fear or terror. 공포에 질렸다. (I was terrified.)
Feeling of fear
공포감. 공 = Fear. 포 = Terror. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 공포감 refers to a feeling of fear. 공포감을 느꼈다. (I felt fear.)
To feel empty
공허하다. 공 = Empty. 허 = Void. Combined Meaning = 공허하다 refers to feeling empty or hollow. 공허한 마음이다. (I feel empty.)
과민. 과 = Excessive. 민 = Sensitive. Combined Meaning = 과민 refers to being overly sensitive. 과민 반응이다. (It is a hypersensitive reaction.)
관심. 관 = Concern. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 관심 refers to interest or concern. 관심을 끌다. (To attract interest.)
To be okay
괜찮다. 괜 = Safe. 찮다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 괜찮다 refers to being okay or fine. 괜찮습니다. (I am okay.)
괴로움. 괴 = Suffer. 로움 = Suffering. Combined Meaning = 괴로움 refers to suffering or pain. 괴로움을 겪다. (To suffer pain.)
To suffer
괴로워하다. 괴 = Suffer. 로워하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 괴로워하다 refers to suffering or being in pain. 괴로워하다. (To suffer.)
To be painful
괴롭다. 괴 = Suffer. 롭다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 괴롭다 refers to being painful or distressing. 괴롭다. (It is painful.)
권태. 권 = Lazy. 태 = Sluggish. Combined Meaning = 권태 refers to boredom or ennui. 권태를 느끼다. (To feel bored.)
To find cute
귀여워하다. 귀 = Cute. 여워하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 귀여워하다 refers to finding something cute. 아기를 귀여워하다. (To find the baby cute.)
To be cute
귀엽다. 귀 = Cute. 엽다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 귀엽다 refers to being cute. 강아지가 귀엽다. (The puppy is cute.)
To be precious
귀중하다. 귀 = Precious. 중 = Valuable. Combined Meaning = 귀중하다 refers to being precious or valuable. 귀중한 물건이다. (It is a precious item.)
To be annoying
귀찮다. 귀 = Annoying. 찮다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 귀찮다 refers to being annoying or bothersome. 일이 귀찮다. (The task is annoying.)
Isn’t that so?
그렇지. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Isn’t that so? 그렇지 않습니까? (Isn’t that so?)
그리움. 그리 = Longing. 움 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 그리움 refers to longing or missing someone. 가족에 대한 그리움. (Longing for family.)
To miss
그립다. 그리 = Longing. ㅂ다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 그립다 refers to missing someone or something. 집이 그립다. (I miss home.)
근심. 근 = Diligence. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 근심 refers to anxiety or worry. 근심이 많다. (I have many anxieties.)
기대감. 기대 = Expectation. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 기대감 refers to a feeling of expectation. 기대감을 갖다. (To have a sense of expectation.)
To be amazing
기막히다. 기 = Spirit. 막히다 = To be blocked. Combined Meaning = 기막히다 refers to being amazing or incredible. 기막힌 이야기다. (It is an amazing story.)
기분. 기 = Spirit. 분 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 기분 refers to mood or feeling. 기분이 좋다. (I feel good.)
To be happy
기뻐하다. 기 = Spirit. 뻐하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 기뻐하다 refers to feeling happy or pleased. 기뻐하다. (To feel happy.)
To be happy
기쁘다. 기 = Spirit. ㅃ다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 기쁘다 refers to being happy. 기쁘다. (I am happy.)
기쁨. 기 = Spirit. 쁨 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 기쁨 refers to joy or happiness. 기쁨을 느끼다. (To feel joy.)
긴장. 긴 = Tight. 장 = Tension. Combined Meaning = 긴장 refers to tension or nervousness. 긴장을 풀다. (To release tension.)
Feeling of tension
긴장감. 긴 = Tight. 장 = Tension. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 긴장감 refers to a feeling of tension. 긴장감을 느끼다. (To feel tension.)
To feel uneasy
꺼림칙하다. 꺼림 = Uneasy. 칙하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 꺼림칙하다 refers to feeling uneasy. 꺼림칙하다. (I feel uneasy.)
끔찍이. 끔 = Terrible. 찍이 = Adverbial suffix. Combined Meaning = 끔찍이 refers to doing something terribly or intensely. 끔찍이 사랑하다. (To love terribly.)
To be terrible
끔찍하다. 끔 = Terrible. 찍하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 끔찍하다 refers to being terrible or horrible. 사고가 끔찍하다. (The accident is terrible.)
낙관. 낙 = Joy. 관 = View. Combined Meaning = 낙관 refers to optimism. 낙관적인 태도. (An optimistic attitude.)
낙심. 낙 = Fall. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 낙심 refers to discouragement or disappointment. 낙심하지 마라. (Don’t be discouraged.)
To be embarrassed
난감하다. 난 = Difficult. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 난감하다 refers to feeling embarrassed or awkward. 상황이 난감하다. (The situation is embarrassing.)
Inner feelings
내심. 내 = Inner. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 내심 refers to inner feelings or thoughts. 내심 걱정했다. (I worried inwardly.)
To be inclined
내키다. 내 = Inner. 키다 = To be inclined. Combined Meaning = 내키다 refers to feeling inclined or willing. 마음이 내키다. (To feel inclined.)
To be angry
노하다. 노 = Angry. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 노하다 refers to being angry. 그는 노했다. (He was angry.)
To be surprised
놀라다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To feel surprise or shock. 놀랐다. (I was surprised.)
To be surprising
놀랍다. 놀 = Surprise. ㅂ다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 놀랍다 refers to being surprising. 놀라운 소식이다. (It is surprising news.)
To feel
느끼다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To perceive or experience something. 감동을 느끼다. (To feel touched.)
느낌. 느 = Feel. 김 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 느낌 refers to a feeling or sensation. 좋은 느낌이 들다. (I have a good feeling.)
To feel frustrated
답답하다. 답 = Stuffy. 답하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 답답하다 refers to feeling frustrated or stuffy. 답답한 마음이다. (I feel frustrated.)
당연히. 당 = Right. 연히 = Naturally. Combined Meaning = 당연히 refers to doing something naturally or of course. 당연히 해야 한다. (Of course, it must be done.)
To be proud
대견하다. 대 = Big. 견하다 = To be proud. Combined Meaning = 대견하다 refers to feeling proud. 아들이 대견하다. (I am proud of my son.)
Fellow feeling
동병상련. 동 = Same. 병 = Illness. 상련 = Pity. Combined Meaning = 동병상련 refers to fellow feeling or sympathy for someone in the same situation. 동병상련의 마음이다. (I have a fellow feeling.)
동요. 동 = Move. 요 = Shake. Combined Meaning = 동요 refers to agitation or unrest. 동요하지 마라. (Do not be agitated.)
동정. 동 = Same. 정 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 동정 refers to sympathy or compassion. 동정을 느끼다. (To feel sympathy.)
동질성. 동 = Same. 질 = Quality. 성 = Nature. Combined Meaning = 동질성 refers to homogeneity or similarity. 동질성을 느끼다. (To feel homogeneity.)
두려움. 두 = Fear. 려움 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 두려움 refers to fear or dread. 두려움을 극복하다. (To overcome fear.)
To fear
두려워하다. 두 = Fear. 려워하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 두려워하다 refers to feeling fear. 그는 두려워했다. (He felt fear.)
To be afraid
두렵다. 두 = Fear. 렵다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 두렵다 refers to being afraid. 어둠이 두렵다. (I am afraid of the dark.)
To feel reassured
든든하다. 든 = Sturdy. 든하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 든든하다 refers to feeling reassured or secure. 그는 든든한 지원이다. (He is a reassuring support.)
To be vague
막연하다. 막 = Vague. 연하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 막연하다 refers to being vague or unclear. 막연한 기대. (A vague expectation.)
만족. 만 = Full. 족 = Foot. Combined Meaning = 만족 refers to satisfaction. 만족감을 느끼다. (To feel satisfied.)
Satisfaction level
만족도. 만 = Full. 족 = Foot. 도 = Degree. Combined Meaning = 만족도 refers to the level of satisfaction. 만족도가 높다. (The satisfaction level is high.)
To be satisfactory
만족스럽다. 만 = Full. 족 = Foot. 스럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 만족스럽다 refers to being satisfactory. 결과가 만족스럽다. (The result is satisfactory.)
To be displeased
못마땅하다. 못 = Not. 마땅하다 = Appropriate. Combined Meaning = 못마땅하다 refers to being displeased or unsatisfactory. 그의 행동이 못마땅하다. (I am displeased with his behavior.)
묘미. 묘 = Exquisite. 미 = Beauty. Combined Meaning = 묘미 refers to delight or charm. 여행의 묘미. (The delight of travel.)
To be scared
무서워하다. 무 = Fear. 서워하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 무서워하다 refers to feeling scared. 아이가 무서워하다. (The child is scared.)
To be scary
무섭다. 무 = Fear. 섭다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 무섭다 refers to being scary. 영화가 무섭다. (The movie is scary.)
To be terrifying
무시무시하다. 무 = Fear. 시무시하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 무시무시하다 refers to being terrifying. 그는 무시무시하다. (He is terrifying.)
To feel a lump in the throat
뭉클하다. 뭉 = Lump. 클하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 뭉클하다 refers to feeling a lump in the throat. 그의 말에 뭉클했다. (I felt a lump in my throat at his words.)
미련. 미 = Not. 련 = Clear. Combined Meaning = 미련 refers to regret or attachment. 미련이 남다. (Regret remains.)
To be sorry
미안. 미 = Not. 안 = Comfortable. Combined Meaning = 미안 refers to feeling sorry. 미안합니다. (I am sorry.)
To be heartbroken
미어지다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be heartbroken or torn apart. 마음이 미어졌다. (My heart was broken.)
미움. 미 = Hate. Combined Meaning = 미움 refers to hatred or dislike. 미움을 받았다. (I received hatred.)
To be sensitive
민감하다. 민 = Sensitive. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 민감하다 refers to being sensitive. 피부가 민감하다. (My skin is sensitive.)
To be embarrassed
민망하다. 민 = Feel. 망하다 = To be embarrassed. Combined Meaning = 민망하다 refers to feeling embarrassed. 상황이 민망하다. (The situation is embarrassing.)
믿음. 믿 = Believe. 음 = Faith. Combined Meaning = 믿음 refers to faith or belief. 믿음을 주다. (To give faith.)
To be hateful
밉다. 미 = Hate. Combined Meaning = 밉다 refers to feeling hatred. 그는 밉다. (I hate him.)
반감. 반 = Oppose. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 반감 refers to antipathy or hostility. 반감을 느꼈다. (I felt antipathy.)
To be glad
반갑다. 반 = Return. 갑다 = Glad. Combined Meaning = 반갑다 refers to feeling glad. 친구를 만나서 반갑다. (I am glad to meet my friend.)
반목. 반 = Oppose. 목 = Look. Combined Meaning = 반목 refers to enmity or mutual hatred. 반목을 일으키다. (To cause enmity.)
To be overwhelming
벅차다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be overwhelming or too much. 기쁨이 벅차다. (I am overwhelmed with joy.)
변덕. 변 = Change. 덕 = Virtue. Combined Meaning = 변덕 refers to capriciousness or unpredictability. 변덕이 심하다. (He is very capricious.)
보람. 보 = Preserve. 람 = Good. Combined Meaning = 보람 refers to being worthwhile or rewarding. 보람을 느끼다. (To feel rewarded.)
부끄러움. 부끄 = Shame. 러움 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 부끄러움 refers to feeling shame. 부끄러움을 느꼈다. (I felt ashamed.)
To be ashamed
부끄러워하다. 부끄 = Shame. 러워하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 부끄러워하다 refers to feeling ashamed. 그는 부끄러워했다. (He felt ashamed.)
To be shy
부끄럽다. 부끄 = Shame. 럽다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 부끄럽다 refers to being shy or embarrassed. 부끄럽다. (I am shy.)
Sense of burden
부담감. 부 = Carry. 담 = Burden. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 부담감 refers to a sense of burden. 부담감을 느끼다. (To feel burdened.)
To be burdensome
부담스럽다. 부 = Carry. 담 = Burden. 스럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 부담스럽다 refers to being burdensome. 부담스럽다. (It is burdensome.)
To be envious
부러워하다. 부 = Envy. 러워하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 부러워하다 refers to feeling envious. 친구를 부러워하다. (I am envious of my friend.)
To be jealous
부럽다. 부 = Envy. 럽다 = Be. Combined Meaning = 부럽다 refers to being jealous or envious. 부럽다. (I am jealous.)
To be choked up
북받치다. 북 = Rise. 받치다 = To be filled. Combined Meaning = 북받치다 refers to being choked up with emotion. 감정이 북받치다. (I am choked up with emotion.)
분노. 분 = Wrath. 노 = Anger. Combined Meaning = 분노 refers to rage or fury. 분노를 느끼다. (To feel rage.)
To be furious
분하다. 분 = Wrath. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 분하다 refers to feeling furious. 분한 마음이다. (I am furious.)
To be ominous
불길하다. 불 = Not. 길 = Auspicious. Combined Meaning = 불길하다 refers to being ominous. 불길한 예감이 들다. (I have an ominous feeling.)
불만. 불 = Not. 만 = Satisfied. Combined Meaning = 불만 refers to dissatisfaction. 불만이 있다. (I have dissatisfaction.)
불만족. 불 = Not. 만족 = Satisfaction. Combined Meaning = 불만족 refers to dissatisfaction. 불만족스럽다. (To be dissatisfied.)
To be unsatisfactory
불만족스럽다. 불 = Not. 만족 = Satisfied. 스럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 불만족스럽다 refers to being unsatisfactory. 불만족스럽다. (It is unsatisfactory.)
To be pitiful
불쌍하다. 불 = Not. 쌍하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 불쌍하다 refers to being pitiful. 불쌍하다. (I feel pity.)
불안. 불 = Not. 안 = Peace. Combined Meaning = 불안 refers to anxiety or unease. 불안을 느끼다. (To feel anxiety.)
Sense of anxiety
불안감. 불 = Not. 안 = Peace. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 불안감 refers to a sense of anxiety. 불안감을 갖다. (To have a sense of anxiety.)
불쾌. 불 = Not. 쾌 = Pleasant. Combined Meaning = 불쾌 refers to unpleasantness or discomfort. 불쾌감을 느끼다. (To feel unpleasant.)
To be proud
뿌듯하다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To feel proud or satisfied. 성취감에 뿌듯하다. (I am proud of my achievement.)
사기. 사 = Spirit. 기 = Energy. Combined Meaning = 사기 refers to morale or spirit. 사기가 높다. (Morale is high.)
사랑. 사 = Love. 랑 = Love. Combined Meaning = 사랑 refers to love. 사랑한다. (I love you.)
To be lovable
사랑스럽다. 사 = Love. 랑 = Love. 스럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 사랑스럽다 refers to being lovable. 아이가 사랑스럽다. (The child is lovable.)
상심. 상 = Hurt. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 상심 refers to heartbreak or sorrow. 상심에 빠지다. (To fall into heartbreak.)
To be hurt
상하다. 상 = Hurt. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 상하다 refers to being hurt or damaged. 마음이 상하다. (To be hurt emotionally.)
To be sorrowful
서글프다. 서 = Sad. 글프다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 서글프다 refers to being sorrowful. 서글픈 표정이다. (He has a sorrowful expression.)
To be sad
서럽다. 서 = Sad. 럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 서럽다 refers to being sad or sorrowful. 서럽다. (I am sad.)
To feel regretful
서운하다. 서 = Regret. 운하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 서운하다 refers to feeling regretful or sorry. 친구와 서운하다. (I feel regretful towards my friend.)
선의. 선 = Good. 의 = Will. Combined Meaning = 선의 refers to goodwill or good intentions. 선의로 도왔다. (I helped out of goodwill.)
선입견. 선 = Before. 입 = Enter. 견 = View. Combined Meaning = 선입견 refers to prejudice or preconceived notions. 선입견이 있다. (To have prejudice.)
선정적. 선 = Select. 정 = Emotion. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 선정적 refers to being sensational or provocative. 선정적인 사진이다. (It is a provocative photo.)
선호. 선 = Prefer. 호 = Like. Combined Meaning = 선호 refers to preference. 선호하는 음식. (Preferred food.)
To be excited
설레다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be excited or flutter. 마음이 설레다. (My heart flutters.)
설움. 설 = Sad. 움 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 설움 refers to sorrow or sadness. 설움을 겪다. (To suffer sorrow.)
To feel regretful
섭섭하다. 섭 = Sad. 섭하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 섭섭하다 refers to feeling regretful or sorry. 친구와 섭섭하다. (I feel regretful towards my friend.)
소감. 소 = Think. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 소감 refers to impression or thoughts. 소감을 말하다. (To share an impression.)
소름. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Goosebumps or chills. 소름이 돋다. (I got goosebumps.)
Feeling of alienation
소외감. 소 = Small. 외 = Exclude. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 소외감 refers to a feeling of alienation. 소외감을 느끼다. (To feel alienated.)
To be precious
소중하다. 소 = Small. 중 = Valuable. Combined Meaning = 소중하다 refers to being precious or valuable. 소중한 사람. (A precious person.)
To feel upset
속상하다. 속 = Inside. 상하다 = To be hurt. Combined Meaning = 속상하다 refers to feeling upset or distressed. 속상하다. (I am upset.)
To be sad
슬퍼하다. 슬 = Sad. 퍼하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 슬퍼하다 refers to feeling sad. 그는 슬퍼했다. (He felt sad.)
To be sad
슬프다. 슬 = Sad. 프다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 슬프다 refers to being sad. 슬프다. (I am sad.)
슬픔. 슬 = Sad. 픔 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 슬픔 refers to sadness. 슬픔을 느끼다. (To feel sadness.)
To have mixed feelings
시원섭섭하다. 시원 = Refreshing. 섭섭하다 = To feel sorry. Combined Meaning = 시원섭섭하다 refers to having mixed feelings. 졸업이 시원섭섭하다. (Graduation is bittersweet.)
To be refreshing
시원하다. 시원 = Refreshing. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 시원하다 refers to being refreshing. 시원한 바람. (A refreshing breeze.)
신경질. 신경 = Nerve. 질 = Disease. Combined Meaning = 신경질 refers to nervousness or irritability. 신경질이 나다. (To feel irritable.)
To be excited
신나다. 신 = New. 나다 = To arise. Combined Meaning = 신나다 refers to being excited or enthusiastic. 신난다. (I am excited.)
신명. 신 = New. 명 = Life. Combined Meaning = 신명 refers to excitement or joy. 신명이 난다. (I am excited.)
신물. 신 = New. 물 = Water. Combined Meaning = 신물 refers to tedium or weariness. 신물이 난다. (I am fed up.)
실망. 실 = Lose. 망 = Hope. Combined Meaning = 실망 refers to disappointment. 실망을 느끼다. (To feel disappointed.)
To be disappointing
실망스럽다. 실 = Lose. 망 = Hope. 스럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 실망스럽다 refers to being disappointing. 실망스럽다. (It is disappointing.)
To dislike
싫다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To feel dislike. 싫다. (I don’t like it.)
To dislike
싫어하다. 싫 = Dislike. 어하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 싫어하다 refers to feeling dislike. 그는 싫어했다. (He disliked it.)
싫증. 싫 = Dislike. 증 = Symptom. Combined Meaning = 싫증 refers to dislike or boredom. 싫증이 난다. (I am bored.)
-심. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = -심 refers to the heart or mind. 관심. (Interest.)
State of mind
심경. 심 = Heart. 경 = Condition. Combined Meaning = 심경 refers to the state of mind. 심경의 변화. (A change of heart.)
심리. 심 = Heart. 리 = Logic. Combined Meaning = 심리 refers to psychology. 심리학을 공부하다. (To study psychology.)
심리적. 심 = Heart. 리 = Logic. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 심리적 refers to being psychological. 심리적인 영향. (Psychological impact.)
심정. 심 = Heart. 정 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 심정 refers to the heart or feelings. 그의 심정. (His heart.)
To be bittersweet
씁쓸하다. 씁 = Bitter. 쓸하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 씁쓸하다 refers to feeling bittersweet. 결과가 씁쓸하다. (The result is bittersweet.)
To feel regretful
아깝다. 아 = Sad. 깝다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 아깝다 refers to feeling regretful or wasteful. 시간이 아깝다. (Time feels wasted.)
To feel anyhow
아무렇다. 아무 = Any. 그렇다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 아무렇다 refers to feeling anyhow. 아무렇지 않다. (It is not a big deal.)
아쉬움. 아 = Regret. 쉬움 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 아쉬움 refers to regret or a sense of loss. 아쉬움을 느끼다. (To feel regret.)
To feel regretful
아쉽다. 아 = Regret. 쉽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 아쉽다 refers to feeling regretful. 아쉽다. (I feel regretful.)
Oh dear
아이고. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = An exclamation of surprise or sympathy. 아이고, 놀랐다! (Oh dear, I was surprised!)
To feel dizzy
아찔하다. 아 = Dizzy. 찔하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 아찔하다 refers to feeling dizzy. 고소공포증이 아찔하다. (I feel dizzy from acrophobia.)
아픔. 아 = Pain. 픔 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 아픔 refers to pain. 아픔을 느끼다. (To feel pain.)
아하. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = An exclamation of realization or understanding. 아하, 그렇구나! (Ah, I see!)
To be impatient
안달. 안 = Comfortable. 달 = Suffering. Combined Meaning = 안달 refers to being impatient or anxious. 안달복달하다. (To be very impatient.)
안도. 안 = Comfortable. 도 = Road. Combined Meaning = 안도 refers to relief or a sense of comfort. 안도의 한숨. (A sigh of relief.)
To feel pity
안되다. 안 = Not. 되다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 안되다 refers to feeling pity or regret. 그는 안되었다. (I feel pity for him.)
To feel relieved
안심. 안 = Comfortable. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 안심 refers to feeling relieved. 안심하다. (To feel relieved.)
To feel sorry
안쓰럽다. 안 = Not. 쓰럽다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 안쓰럽다 refers to feeling sorry or pity. 안쓰럽다. (I feel sorry for him.)
안정. 안 = Comfortable. 정 = Stable. Combined Meaning = 안정 refers to stability. 정서적 안정. (Emotional stability.)
Sense of stability
안정감. 안 = Comfortable. 정 = Stable. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 안정감 refers to a sense of stability. 안정감을 느끼다. (To feel stable.)
To feel sorry
안타까워하다. 안 = Comfortable. 타까워하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 안타까워하다 refers to feeling sorry or regret. 그는 안타까워했다. (He felt sorry.)
To feel regretful
안타깝다. 안 = Comfortable. 타깝다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 안타깝다 refers to feeling regretful. 안타깝다. (I feel regretful.)
Sense of pressure
압박감. 압 = Press. 박 = Pressure. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 압박감 refers to a sense of pressure. 압박감을 느끼다. (To feel pressure.)
앗. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = An exclamation of surprise. 앗, 깜짝이야! (Oh, I was surprised!)
애. 애 = Sorrow. Combined Meaning = 애 refers to sorrow or grief. 애통하다. (To be sorrowful.)
애정. 애 = Love. 정 = Emotion. Combined Meaning = 애정 refers to affection or love. 애정을 느끼다. (To feel affection.)
To be anxious
애타다. 애 = Love. 타다 = To burn. Combined Meaning = 애타다 refers to being anxious or eager. 애타게 기다리다. (To wait anxiously.)
To be affectionate
애틋하다. 애 = Love. 틋하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 애틋하다 refers to being affectionate. 애틋한 마음. (An affectionate heart.)
양심. 양 = Conscience. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 양심 refers to conscience. 양심을 지키다. (To keep one’s conscience.)
어려움. 어 = Difficulty. 려움 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 어려움 refers to difficulty or hardship. 어려움을 겪다. (To face difficulty.)
To be puzzled
어리둥절하다. 어 = Confused. 리둥절하다 = To be puzzled. Combined Meaning = 어리둥절하다 refers to being puzzled or confused. 상황이 어리둥절하다. (The situation is puzzling.)
Oh my
어머. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = An exclamation of surprise or shock. 어머, 놀랐다! (Oh my, I was surprised!)
To be absurd
어이없다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be absurd or ridiculous. 그의 행동이 어이없다. (His behavior is absurd.)
To be ridiculous
어처구니없다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be absurd or unbelievable. 그 말이 어처구니없다. (That statement is ridiculous.)
To feel wronged
억울하다. 억 = Resentment. 울 = Grievance. Combined Meaning = 억울하다 refers to feeling wronged. 억울한 일을 당했다. (I was wronged.)
To feel uncomfortable
언짢다. 언 = Feelings. 짢다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 언짢다 refers to feeling displeased or uncomfortable. 언짢은 기분이다. (I feel displeased.)
To be disgusting
역겹다. 역 = Reverse. 겹다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 역겹다 refers to feeling disgusted. 음식이 역겹다. (The food is disgusting.)
Inferiority complex
열등감. 열 = Inferior. 등 = Rank. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 열등감 refers to an inferiority complex. 열등감을 극복했다. (I overcame my inferiority complex.)
열의. 열 = Passion. 의 = Will. Combined Meaning = 열의 refers to enthusiasm or zeal. 열의를 보였다. (He showed enthusiasm.)
오기. 오 = Mistake. 기 = Spirit. Combined Meaning = 오기 refers to stubbornness or persistence. 오기로 이겨냈다. (I overcame with stubbornness.)
외로움. 외 = Alone. 로움 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 외로움 refers to loneliness. 외로움을 느꼈다. (I felt lonely.)
To feel lonely
외롭다. 외 = Alone. 롭다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 외롭다 refers to feeling lonely. 외롭다. (I feel lonely.)
욕구. 욕 = Desire. 구 = Seek. Combined Meaning = 욕구 refers to desire or urge. 욕구를 충족했다. (I satisfied my desire.)
욕망. 욕 = Desire. 망 = Hope. Combined Meaning = 욕망 refers to ambition or desire. 욕망이 강하다. (He has a strong ambition.)
욕심. 욕 = Desire. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 욕심 refers to greed. 욕심을 부리다. (To be greedy.)
To be funny
우습다. 우 = Laugh. 습다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 우습다 refers to being funny or humorous. 그 이야기가 우습다. (That story is funny.)
우울. 우 = Depressed. 울 = Sorrow. Combined Meaning = 우울 refers to depression or gloom. 우울한 기분이다. (I feel depressed.)
우정. 우 = Friend. 정 = Emotion. Combined Meaning = 우정 refers to friendship. 우정을 나누다. (To share friendship.)
원망. 원 = Resent. 망 = Hope. Combined Meaning = 원망 refers to blame or resentment. 원망을 받았다. (I was blamed.)
Sense of incongruity
위화감. 위 = Surplus. 화 = Harmony. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 위화감 refers to a sense of incongruity. 위화감을 느꼈다. (I felt a sense of incongruity.)
To be suspicious
의아하다. 의 = Suspicious. 아 = Doubt. Combined Meaning = 의아하다 refers to feeling suspicious. 의아한 눈빛이다. (He has a suspicious look.)
의외로. 의 = Unexpected. 외 = Outside. 로 = Adverbial suffix. Combined Meaning = 의외로 refers to unexpectedly. 의외로 쉽다. (It is unexpectedly easy.)
의욕. 의 = Will. 욕 = Desire. Combined Meaning = 의욕 refers to will or motivation. 의욕이 넘치다. (He is full of motivation.)
의혹. 의 = Suspicion. 혹 = Doubt. Combined Meaning = 의혹 refers to doubt or suspicion. 의혹을 받았다. (I was suspected.)
이기심. 이 = Self. 기 = Benefit. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 이기심 refers to selfishness. 이기심이 강하다. (He is very selfish.)
이심전심. 이 = Different. 심 = Heart. 전 = Transmit. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 이심전심 refers to telepathy or mutual understanding. 이심전심으로 통했다. (We communicated telepathically.)
인심. 인 = Human. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 인심 refers to generosity. 인심이 좋다. (He has a generous heart.)
인정. 인 = Recognize. 정 = Emotion. Combined Meaning = 인정 refers to recognition or acknowledgment. 인정받았다. (I was recognized.)
To be proud
자랑스럽다. 자랑 = Pride. 스럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 자랑스럽다 refers to feeling proud. 자랑스러운 순간이다. (It is a proud moment.)
자부심. 자 = Self. 부 = Respect. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 자부심 refers to pride. 자부심을 느끼다. (To feel pride.)
자신. 자 = Self. 신 = Believe. Combined Meaning = 자신 refers to confidence or self-assurance. 자신이 있다. (I have confidence.)
자신감. 자 = Self. 신 = Believe. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 자신감 refers to self-confidence. 자신감이 넘치다. (He is full of self-confidence.)
자존심. 자 = Self. 존 = Respect. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 자존심 refers to self-esteem or pride. 자존심이 강하다. (He has strong self-esteem.)
To be admirable
장하다. 장 = Excellent. 하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 장하다 refers to being admirable. 장한 아들이다. (He is an admirable son.)
재미. 재 = Talent. 미 = Beautiful. Combined Meaning = 재미 refers to fun or interest. 재미있는 이야기. (A fun story.)
절망. 절 = Absolute. 망 = Hope. Combined Meaning = 절망 refers to despair. 절망에 빠지다. (To fall into despair.)
To be desperate
절실하다. 절 = Absolute. 실하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 절실하다 refers to being desperate. 절실한 상황이다. (It is a desperate situation.)
정. 정 = Emotion. Combined Meaning = 정 refers to affection or emotion. 정이 넘치다. (He is full of affection.)
Warm feeling
정감. 정 = Emotion. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 정감 refers to a warm feeling or affection. 정감을 느끼다. (To feel warm affection.)
정성. 정 = Emotion. 성 = Sincere. Combined Meaning = 정성 refers to sincerity. 정성을 다하다. (To give one’s best effort.)
정열. 정 = Emotion. 열 = Passion. Combined Meaning = 정열 refers to passion or ardor. 정열을 쏟다. (To pour out one’s passion.)
To feel nervous
조마조마. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To feel nervous or anxious. 조마조마했다. (I felt nervous.)
To be satisfied
족하다. 족 = Sufficient. 하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 족하다 refers to being satisfied. 이 정도면 족하다. (This much is enough.)
To be good
좋다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be good or pleasant. 좋다. (It is good.)
To like
좋아하다. 좋 = Good. 아하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 좋아하다 refers to liking something. 그는 음악을 좋아한다. (He likes music.)
좌절. 좌 = Collapse. 절 = Cut. Combined Meaning = 좌절 refers to frustration or despair. 좌절을 겪다. (To experience frustration.)
To be sorry
죄송스럽다. 죄 = Sin. 송 = Regret. 스럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 죄송스럽다 refers to feeling sorry. 죄송스럽다. (I feel sorry.)
To be sorry
죄송하다. 죄 = Sin. 송하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 죄송하다 refers to feeling sorry. 죄송합니다. (I am sorry.)
Sense of guilt
죄책감. 죄 = Sin. 책 = Responsibility. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 죄책감 refers to a sense of guilt. 죄책감을 느끼다. (To feel guilty.)
즐거움. 즐 = Enjoy. 거움 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 즐거움 refers to enjoyment. 즐거움을 느끼다. (To feel enjoyment.)
To enjoy
즐거워하다. 즐 = Enjoy. 거워하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 즐거워하다 refers to feeling enjoyment. 그는 즐거워했다. (He felt enjoyment.)
To be joyful
즐겁다. 즐 = Enjoy. 겁다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 즐겁다 refers to being joyful. 즐겁다. (It is joyful.)
증오. 증 = Hate. 오 = Detest. Combined Meaning = 증오 refers to hatred. 증오를 느끼다. (To feel hatred.)
To be tedious
지겹다. 지 = Boring. 겹다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 지겹다 refers to being tedious. 그 이야기가 지겹다. (The story is tedious.)
진심. 진 = True. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 진심 refers to sincerity. 진심을 다하다. (To be sincere.)
진정. 진 = True. 정 = Calm. Combined Meaning = 진정 refers to tranquility. 진정을 찾다. (To find tranquility.)
To be calm
진정하다. 진 = True. 정하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 진정하다 refers to being calm. 진정하다. (To be calm.)
질투. 질 = Jealous. 투 = Envy. Combined Meaning = 질투 refers to jealousy. 질투가 나다. (To feel jealous.)
To be creepy
징그럽다. 징 = Creepy. 그럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 징그럽다 refers to being creepy. 징그럽다. (It is creepy.)
짜증. 짜 = Irritated. 증 = Symptom. Combined Meaning = 짜증 refers to annoyance. 짜증이 나다. (To feel annoyed.)
To be annoying
짜증스럽다. 짜 = Irritated. 증 = Symptom. 스럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 짜증스럽다 refers to being annoying. 짜증스럽다. (It is annoying.)
Unrequited love
짝사랑. 짝 = Half. 사랑 = Love. Combined Meaning = 짝사랑 refers to unrequited love. 짝사랑을 했다. (I had unrequited love.)
To be touched
찡하다. 찡 = To be touched. 하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 찡하다 refers to feeling touched. 그의 말에 찡했다. (I was touched by his words.)
창피. 창 = Hide. 피 = Ashamed. Combined Meaning = 창피 refers to shame. 창피를 당했다. (I felt ashamed.)
책임. 책 = Responsibility. 임 = Duty. Combined Meaning = 책임 refers to responsibility. 책임을 지다. (To take responsibility.)
Sense of responsibility
책임감. 책 = Responsibility. 임 = Duty. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 책임감 refers to a sense of responsibility. 책임감이 강하다. (He has a strong sense of responsibility.)
First love
첫사랑. 첫 = First. 사랑 = Love. Combined Meaning = 첫사랑 refers to first love. 첫사랑을 잊지 못하다. (I can’t forget my first love.)
초조. 초 = Nervous. 조 = Restless. Combined Meaning = 초조 refers to nervousness. 초조한 마음이다. (I feel nervous.)
충족. 충 = Fulfill. 족 = Enough. Combined Meaning = 충족 refers to satisfaction. 충족을 느끼다. (To feel satisfied.)
치욕. 치 = Shame. 욕 = Disgrace. Combined Meaning = 치욕 refers to humiliation. 치욕을 겪다. (To experience humiliation.)
Sense of intimacy
친근감. 친 = Close. 근 = Proximity. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 친근감 refers to a sense of intimacy. 친근감을 느끼다. (To feel intimacy.)
To feel friendly
친근하다. 친 = Close. 근하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 친근하다 refers to feeling friendly. 그는 친근하다. (He is friendly.)
친밀. 친 = Close. 밀 = Intimate. Combined Meaning = 친밀 refers to intimacy. 친밀한 관계. (An intimate relationship.)
Sense of intimacy
친밀감. 친 = Close. 밀 = Intimate. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 친밀감 refers to a sense of intimacy. 친밀감을 느끼다. (To feel intimacy.)
To be familiar
친숙하다. 친 = Close. 숙하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 친숙하다 refers to being familiar. 그는 친숙하다. (He is familiar.)
컨디션. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Condition or state. 컨디션이 좋다. (I am in good condition.)
Sense of pleasure
쾌감. 쾌 = Pleasant. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 쾌감 refers to a sense of pleasure. 쾌감을 느끼다. (To feel pleasure.)
쾌락. 쾌 = Pleasant. 락 = Enjoyment. Combined Meaning = 쾌락 refers to pleasure. 쾌락을 즐기다. (To enjoy pleasure.)
편안. 편 = Comfortable. 안 = Peace. Combined Meaning = 편안 refers to comfort. 편안한 분위기. (A comfortable atmosphere.)
한. 한 = Resentment. Combined Meaning = 한 refers to deep resentment or sorrow. 한이 맺히다. (To be full of resentment.)
행복. 행 = Happiness. 복 = Fortune. Combined Meaning = 행복 refers to happiness. 행복을 느끼다. (To feel happiness.)
향수. 향 = Long. 수 = Water. Combined Meaning = 향수 refers to nostalgia. 향수를 느끼다. (To feel nostalgic.)
To be futile
허망. 허 = Empty. 망 = Vain. Combined Meaning = 허망 refers to being futile or vain. 그의 꿈이 허망하다. (His dream is futile.)
To feel empty
허무. 허 = Empty. 무 = Void. Combined Meaning = 허무 refers to feeling empty or void. 허무한 마음이다. (I feel empty.)
To feel empty
허전하다. 허 = Empty. 전하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 허전하다 refers to feeling empty or lonely. 마음이 허전하다. (I feel lonely.)
To feel despondent
허탈. 허 = Empty. 탈 = Collapse. Combined Meaning = 허탈 refers to feeling despondent. 허탈한 기분이다. (I feel despondent.)
혐오. 혐 = Dislike. 오 = Detest. Combined Meaning = 혐오 refers to disgust. 혐오감을 느끼다. (To feel disgust.)
호감. 호 = Like. 감 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 호감 refers to favor or good feeling. 호감을 얻다. (To gain favor.)
호기심. 호 = Like. 기 = Strange. 심 = Heart. Combined Meaning = 호기심 refers to curiosity. 호기심이 많다. (He has a lot of curiosity.)
To feel relieved
홀가분하다. 홀 = Free. 가분하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 홀가분하다 refers to feeling relieved. 일이 끝나서 홀가분하다. (I feel relieved that the work is over.)
화. 화 = Fire. Combined Meaning = 화 refers to anger. 화를 내다. (To get angry.)
To be angry
화나다. 화 = Fire. 나다 = To arise. Combined Meaning = 화나다 refers to feeling angry. 화가 났다. (I got angry.)
To get angry
화내다. 화 = Fire. 내다 = To release. Combined Meaning = 화내다 refers to expressing anger. 그는 화를 냈다. (He got angry.)
환희. 환 = Joy. 희 = Pleasure. Combined Meaning = 환희 refers to joy or delight. 환희에 찬다. (To be filled with joy.)
To be absurd
황당하다. 황 = Absurd. 당하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 황당하다 refers to being absurd or ridiculous. 그의 말이 황당하다. (His words are absurd.)
회의. 회 = Doubt. 의 = Suspicion. Combined Meaning = 회의 refers to skepticism. 회의를 느끼다. (To feel skeptical.)
To be skeptical
회의적. 회 = Doubt. 의 = Suspicion. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 회의적 refers to being skeptical. 회의적인 태도. (A skeptical attitude.)
To feel relieved
후련하다. 후 = Relaxed. 련하다 = To feel. Combined Meaning = 후련하다 refers to feeling relieved. 마음이 후련하다. (I feel relieved.)
후회. 후 = After. 회 = Regret. Combined Meaning = 후회 refers to regret. 후회하지 마라. (Do not regret.)
To feel regretful
후회스럽다. 후 = After. 회 = Regret. 스럽다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 후회스럽다 refers to feeling regretful. 후회스럽다. (I feel regretful.)
To feel pleased
흐뭇하다. 흐 = Gentle. 뭇하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 흐뭇하다 refers to feeling pleased or content. 그는 흐뭇했다. (He felt pleased.)
흥. 흥 = Excitement. Combined Meaning = 흥 refers to excitement or fun. 흥이 넘치다. (To be full of excitement.)
To be enjoyable
흥겹다. 흥 = Excitement. 겹다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 흥겹다 refers to being enjoyable. 파티가 흥겹다. (The party is enjoyable.)
To be interesting
흥미롭다. 흥 = Excitement. 미롭다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 흥미롭다 refers to being interesting. 책이 흥미롭다. (The book is interesting.)
흥분. 흥 = Excitement. 분 = Stimulation. Combined Meaning = 흥분 refers to excitement or arousal. 흥분을 느끼다. (To feel excited.)
희로애락. 희 = Joy. 로 = Anger. 애 = Sorrow. 락 = Happiness. Combined Meaning = 희로애락 refers to emotions. 삶의 희로애락. (The joys and sorrows of life.)
희망. 희 = Hope. 망 = Wish. Combined Meaning = 희망 refers to hope. 희망을 가지다. (To have hope.)