1. Main Vocabulary Flashcards
Part 6 of the top 6000 words. https://www.topikguide.com/6000-most-common-korean-words-6/
Prize money
상금. 상 = Prize, award, reward. 금 = Money, gold, metal. Combined Meaning = 상 signifies a prize or award, and 금 signifies money or valuable metal. Thus, 상금 refers to the money awarded as a prize or reward. 그는 대회에서 1등을 해서 상금을 받았다. (He won first place in the competition and received prize money.)
Spoon and chopsticks
수저. 수 = Spoon. 저 = Chopsticks. Combined Meaning = 수저 refers to the combination of spoon and chopsticks used for eating. 그는 수저로 밥을 먹었다. (He ate rice with a spoon and chopsticks.)
식욕. 식 = Food, meal. 욕 = Desire, craving. Combined Meaning = 식욕 refers to the desire or craving for food. 운동 후에 식욕이 증가했다. (His appetite increased after exercising.)
Coastal waters
앞바다. 앞 = Front. 바다 = Sea. Combined Meaning = 앞바다 refers to the coastal waters or the sea area near the shore. 우리는 앞바다에서 낚시를 했다. (We fished in the coastal waters.)
얄밉다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To feel annoying or vexing. 그의 행동이 정말 얄밉다. (His behavior is really annoying.)
양상추. 양 = Western, foreign. 상추 = Lettuce. Combined Meaning = 양상추 refers to western-style lettuce. 샐러드에 양상추를 넣었다. (I put lettuce in the salad.)
Female college student
여대생. 여 = Female. 대 = Big, university. 생 = Student. Combined Meaning = 여대생 refers to a female college student. 그녀는 여대생이다. (She is a female college student.)
To postpone
연기하다. 연 = To extend. 기 = Period, time. Combined Meaning = 연기하다 refers to postponing or delaying an event. 회의를 연기했다. (The meeting was postponed.)
온라인. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Related to the internet or digital activities. 온라인으로 쇼핑을 했다. (I shopped online.)
Maternal grandparents’ house
외갓집. 외 = External, maternal. 갓집 = Grandparents’ house. Combined Meaning = 외갓집 refers to the house of one’s maternal grandparents. 방학 동안 외갓집에 갔다. (I went to my maternal grandparents’ house during the vacation.)
Maternal grandmother
외할머니. 외 = External, maternal. 할머니 = Grandmother. Combined Meaning = 외할머니 refers to one’s maternal grandmother. 외할머니께서 맛있는 음식을 해주셨다. (My maternal grandmother cooked delicious food.)
유능하다. 유 = To have. 능 = Ability. Combined Meaning = 유능하다 refers to being competent or capable. 그는 매우 유능한 직원이다. (He is a very competent employee.)
Historical site
유적지. 유 = Remain. 적 = Trace. 지 = Place. Combined Meaning = 유적지 refers to a place where historical remains are found. 경주에는 많은 유적지가 있다. (There are many historical sites in Gyeongju.)
음악가. 음 = Sound, music. 악 = Music. 가 = Person. Combined Meaning = 음악가 refers to a person who makes music, a musician. 그는 유명한 음악가이다. (He is a famous musician.)
To respond
응답하다. 응 = To answer. 답 = To respond. Combined Meaning = 응답하다 refers to giving a response or reply. 질문에 즉시 응답했다. (I responded to the question immediately.)
이롭다. 이 = Benefit. 롭다 = To be full of. Combined Meaning = 이롭다 refers to being beneficial or advantageous. 이 음식은 건강에 이롭다. (This food is beneficial for health.)
This person
이분. 이 = This. 분 = Person. Combined Meaning = 이분 refers to this person, used politely. 이분이 우리 선생님이십니다. (This is our teacher.)
인삼. 인 = Person. 삼 = Ginseng. Combined Meaning = 인삼 refers to the ginseng plant, often used for its medicinal properties. 인삼차를 마셨다. (I drank ginseng tea.)
인상. 인 = To print, mark. 상 = Image, impression. Combined Meaning = 인상 refers to the impression or image that is left. 첫 인상이 좋았다. (The first impression was good.)
Joining a company
입사. 입 = To enter. 사 = Company. Combined Meaning = 입사 refers to joining or entering a company. 그는 대기업에 입사했다. (He joined a large company.)
자. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to oneself or the self. 자존심이 강하다. (He has a strong sense of self-esteem.)
재활용. 재 = Again. 활용 = Use. Combined Meaning = 재활용 refers to the process of recycling or reusing materials. 재활용을 통해 환경을 보호합시다. (Let’s protect the environment through recycling.)
Store clerk
점원. 점 = Store. 원 = Member, staff. Combined Meaning = 점원 refers to a clerk or staff member in a store. 점원이 친절했다. (The store clerk was kind.)
Ancestral rites day
제삿날. 제사 = Ancestral rites. 날 = Day. Combined Meaning = 제삿날 refers to the day when ancestral rites are performed. 제삿날에 가족들이 모였다. (The family gathered on the day of ancestral rites.)
주름살. 주름 = Wrinkle. 살 = Flesh. Combined Meaning = 주름살 refers to the wrinkles on the skin. 나이가 들면서 주름살이 생겼다. (Wrinkles formed as he got older.)
To refer to
참고하다. 참 = To refer. 고 = To look up. Combined Meaning = 참고하다 refers to looking up or referring to information. 자료를 참고해서 보고서를 작성했다. (I wrote the report by referring to the data.)
찻잔. 차 = Tea. 잔 = Cup. Combined Meaning = 찻잔 refers to a cup used for drinking tea. 찻잔에 차를 따랐다. (I poured tea into the teacup.)
철학적. 철학 = Philosophy. 적 = Suffix meaning related to. Combined Meaning = 철학적 refers to something related to philosophy. 그의 생각은 매우 철학적이다. (His thoughts are very philosophical.)
초대. 초 = To invite. 대 = To receive, treat. Combined Meaning = 초대 refers to an invitation. 친구를 파티에 초대했다. (I invited a friend to the party.)
To recommend
추천하다. 추 = To push forward. 천 = To recommend. Combined Meaning = 추천하다 refers to recommending something or someone. 좋은 책을 추천해 주세요. (Please recommend a good book.)
칫솔. 칫 = Tooth. 솔 = Brush. Combined Meaning = 칫솔 refers to a toothbrush. 매일 아침 칫솔로 이를 닦는다. (I brush my teeth with a toothbrush every morning.)
Main road
큰길. 큰 = Big. 길 = Road. Combined Meaning = 큰길 refers to a main road or a big street. 큰길을 따라 쭉 가세요. (Go straight along the main road.)
To be sold
판매되다. 판 = To sell. 매 = To sell. 되다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 판매되다 refers to something being sold. 이 제품은 잘 판매되고 있다. (This product is selling well.)
편. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to a side or direction. 내 편을 들어줬다. (He took my side.)
포근하다. 포 = To wrap. 근 = Close, intimate. Combined Meaning = 포근하다 refers to something being cozy or warm. 이 이불은 정말 포근하다. (This blanket is really cozy.)
포도. 포 = Grape. 도 = Grape. Combined Meaning = 포도 refers to grapes. 포도가 맛있다. (The grapes are delicious.)
하나님. 하 = Big, great. 나님 = Refers to a deity or God. Combined Meaning = 하나님 refers to God in a Christian context. 하나님을 믿는다. (I believe in God.)
Academic background
학력. 학 = Learning, study. 력 = Strength, power. Combined Meaning = 학력 refers to one’s academic background or educational history. 그의 학력이 뛰어나다. (His academic background is outstanding.)
To limit
한정하다. 한 = Limit. 정 = To set. Combined Meaning = 한정하다 refers to setting a limit or restricting something. 이 제품은 한정 판매됩니다. (This product is sold in limited quantities.)
To improve
향상되다. 향 = To rise. 상 = To go up. 되다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 향상되다 refers to something being improved or enhanced. 기술이 많이 향상되었다. (Technology has greatly improved.)
홈페이지. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to the main page of a website. 회사의 홈페이지를 방문했다. (I visited the company’s homepage.)
Pedestrian crossing
횡단보도. 횡 = Across. 단 = Stage, step. 보도 = Walkway, pavement. Combined Meaning = 횡단보도 refers to a pedestrian crossing. 횡단보도를 건너다. (Cross the pedestrian crossing.)
가톨릭. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to the Roman Catholic Church or its members. 그녀는 가톨릭 신자다. (She is a Catholic.)
강당. 강 = Lecture. 당 = Hall. Combined Meaning = 강당 refers to an auditorium or a lecture hall. 강당에서 연설을 했다. (He gave a speech in the auditorium.)
To be dry
건조하다. 건 = Dry. 조 = To assist, help. Combined Meaning = 건조하다 refers to something being dry. 날씨가 건조하다. (The weather is dry.)
걷기. 걷다 = To walk. 기 = Noun-forming suffix. Combined Meaning = 걷기 refers to the act of walking. 매일 아침 걷기를 한다. (I walk every morning.)
Paternal aunt’s husband
고모부. 고모 = Paternal aunt. 부 = Husband. Combined Meaning = 고모부 refers to the husband of one’s paternal aunt. 고모부가 우리 집에 오셨다. (My paternal aunt’s husband came to our house.)
Public phone
공중전화. 공중 = Public. 전화 = Phone. Combined Meaning = 공중전화 refers to a public telephone. 공중전화로 전화를 걸었다. (I made a call from a public phone.)
공통. 공 = Common. 통 = Together. Combined Meaning = 공통 refers to something common or shared. 공통의 관심사. (Common interests.)
The past
과거. 과 = Past. 거 = To go. Combined Meaning = 과거 refers to the past. 과거를 잊어라. (Forget the past.)
국가적. 국 = Country. 가 = House, family. 적 = Suffix meaning related to. Combined Meaning = 국가적 refers to something related to the nation. 국가적인 문제다. (It is a national issue.)
Inside the ear
귓속. 귀 = Ear. 속 = Inside. Combined Meaning = 귓속 refers to the inside of the ear. 귓속이 간지럽다. (The inside of my ear itches.)
그래픽. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to visual elements or designs, often related to computers. 그래픽 디자인을 공부한다. (I study graphic design.)
근교. 근 = Near. 교 = Outskirts. Combined Meaning = 근교 refers to the suburbs or the outskirts of a city. 서울 근교에 살고 있다. (I live in the suburbs of Seoul.)
기초적. 기 = Base. 초 = Beginning. 적 = Suffix meaning related to. Combined Meaning = 기초적 refers to something basic or fundamental. 기초적인 지식이 필요하다. (Basic knowledge is necessary.)
녹음. 녹 = Record. 음 = Sound. Combined Meaning = 녹음 refers to the act of recording sound. 노래를 녹음했다. (I recorded a song.)
다양성. 다 = Many. 양 = Type. 성 = Nature, characteristic. Combined Meaning = 다양성 refers to diversity or variety. 문화의 다양성을 존중해야 한다. (We should respect cultural diversity.)
To leave
떠나오다. 떠나다 = To leave. 오다 = To come. Combined Meaning = 떠나오다 refers to leaving a place and coming back. 고향을 떠나왔다. (I left my hometown and came back.)
To greet
마중. 마 = To greet. 중 = To meet. Combined Meaning = 마중 refers to going out to meet someone. 역에서 마중 나갔다. (I went to the station to meet someone.)
밝다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be bright in terms of light or disposition. 방이 밝다. (The room is bright.)
밤중. 밤 = Night. 중 = Middle. Combined Meaning = 밤중 refers to the middle of the night. 그는 밤중에 깨어났다. (He woke up in the middle of the night.)
배드민턴. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A sport played with rackets and a shuttlecock. 우리는 공원에서 배드민턴을 쳤다. (We played badminton in the park.)
To be full
배부르다. 배 = Stomach. 부르다 = To be full. Combined Meaning = 배부르다 refers to feeling full after eating. 너무 많이 먹어서 배부르다. (I ate too much and feel full.)
버튼. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A small device used to operate or control a machine. 버튼을 눌러서 시작하세요. (Press the button to start.)
보수적. 보 = To protect. 수 = To guard. 적 = Suffix meaning related to. Combined Meaning = 보수적 refers to being conservative or traditional. 그의 생각은 매우 보수적이다. (His thoughts are very conservative.)
캐나다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The country of Canada. 캐나다에서 유학 중이다. (I am studying abroad in Canada.)
불확실하다. 불 = Not. 확실 = Certain. 하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 불확실하다 refers to something being uncertain or unsure. 미래가 불확실하다. (The future is uncertain.)
비만. 비 = Fat. 만 = Full. Combined Meaning = 비만 refers to being overweight or obese. 비만은 건강에 해롭다. (Obesity is harmful to health.)
빗방울. 빗 = Rain. 방울 = Drop. Combined Meaning = 빗방울 refers to drops of rain. 빗방울이 떨어지기 시작했다. (Raindrops began to fall.)
사회자. 사 = To gather. 회 = To meet. 자 = Person. Combined Meaning = 사회자 refers to a moderator or host of an event. 사회자가 발표자를 소개했다. (The moderator introduced the speaker.)
샤워. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The act of washing oneself under a spray of water. 매일 아침 샤워를 한다. (I take a shower every morning.)
서투르다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be clumsy or unskilled. 그는 요리에 서투르다. (He is clumsy at cooking.)
Washing machine
세탁기. 세 = To wash. 탁 = To rinse. 기 = Machine. Combined Meaning = 세탁기 refers to a washing machine. 세탁기로 빨래를 했다. (I did the laundry with the washing machine.)
손뼉. 손 = Hand. 뼉 = Clap. Combined Meaning = 손뼉 refers to clapping hands. 손뼉을 치며 환호했다. (He clapped his hands and cheered.)
By hand
손수. 손 = Hand. 수 = By. Combined Meaning = 손수 refers to doing something by hand. 그는 손수 음식을 만들었다. (He made the food by hand.)
Rice cake
송편. 송 = Pine. 편 = Cake. Combined Meaning = 송편 refers to a type of rice cake traditionally eaten during Korean holidays. 추석에 송편을 먹었다. (I ate rice cakes during Chuseok.)
To wilt
시들다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To wither or wilt, typically used for plants. 꽃이 시들었다. (The flower wilted.)
시디. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Compact Disc, used for storing data or music. 새로운 시디를 샀다. (I bought a new CD.)
신사. 신 = New. 사 = Gentleman. Combined Meaning = 신사 refers to a gentleman. 그는 신사답게 행동했다. (He acted like a gentleman.)
Newlywed couple
신혼부부. 신혼 = New marriage. 부부 = Couple. Combined Meaning = 신혼부부 refers to a newlywed couple. 신혼부부가 여행을 떠났다. (The newlywed couple went on a trip.)
싱겁다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be bland or not salty enough. 음식이 너무 싱겁다. (The food is too bland.)
쓸데없이. 쓸데 = Use. 없이 = Without. Combined Meaning = 쓸데없이 refers to something being unnecessary or needless. 쓸데없이 시간을 낭비하지 마라. (Don’t waste time needlessly.)
야하다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be risqué or provocative. 그 옷은 너무 야하다. (That outfit is too risqué.)
By chance
어쩌다가. 어쩌다 = To happen. 가 = By. Combined Meaning = 어쩌다가 refers to something happening by chance or accidentally. 어쩌다가 만났다. (We met by chance.)
Old story
옛날이야기. 옛날 = Old times. 이야기 = Story. Combined Meaning = 옛날이야기 refers to an old story or tale. 할머니께서 옛날이야기를 해주셨다. (Grandmother told us an old story.)
오븐. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A kitchen appliance used for baking or roasting. 오븐에 케이크를 구웠다. (I baked a cake in the oven.)
All day
온종일. 온 = All. 종일 = Day. Combined Meaning = 온종일 refers to the entire day. 온종일 집에 있었다. (I was at home all day.)
와인. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = An alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes. 저녁에 와인을 마셨다. (I drank wine in the evening.)
왕비. 왕 = King. 비 = Queen. Combined Meaning = 왕비 refers to a queen. 왕비가 왕궁에 도착했다. (The queen arrived at the palace.)
To win
우승하다. 우 = To excel. 승 = To win. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 우승하다 refers to winning a championship or first place. 그는 대회에서 우승했다. (He won the competition.)
To transport
운반. 운 = To transport. 반 = To carry. Combined Meaning = 운반 refers to the act of transporting or carrying something. 물건을 운반했다. (I transported the goods.)
웃어른. 웃 = Above, superior. 어른 = Adult. Combined Meaning = 웃어른 refers to an elder or someone older and respected. 웃어른께 인사를 드렸다. (I greeted the elder.)
Greeting words
인사말. 인사 = Greeting. 말 = Words. Combined Meaning = 인사말 refers to greeting words or a salutation. 인사말을 건넸다. (He gave a greeting.)
Vending machine
자판기. 자 = Automatic. 판 = To sell. 기 = Machine. Combined Meaning = 자판기 refers to a vending machine. 자판기에서 음료수를 뽑았다. (I got a drink from the vending machine.)
장모님. 장 = Chief. 모 = Mother. 님 = Honorific. Combined Meaning = 장모님 refers to one’s mother-in-law (wife’s mother). 장모님이 우리 집에 오셨다. (My mother-in-law came to our house.)
저녁때. 저녁 = Evening. 때 = Time. Combined Meaning = 저녁때 refers to the time in the evening. 저녁때 산책을 했다. (I took a walk in the evening.)
저울. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A device used for weighing. 저울에 무게를 쟀다. (I measured the weight on the scale.)
To decrease
적어지다. 적다 = Few. 지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 적어지다 refers to something becoming less or decreasing. 돈이 점점 적어지고 있다. (The money is gradually decreasing.)
Paper money
지폐. 지 = Paper. 폐 = Currency. Combined Meaning = 지폐 refers to paper money or banknotes. 지폐로 계산했다. (I paid with paper money.)
진실로. 진실 = Truth. 로 = Truly. Combined Meaning = 진실로 refers to something being true or genuinely. 그는 진실로 나를 사랑했다. (He truly loved me.)
촛불. 촛 = Candle. 불 = Light. Combined Meaning = 촛불 refers to the light of a candle. 촛불을 켰다. (I lit the candle.)
출퇴근. 출 = To go out. 퇴근 = To return from work. Combined Meaning = 출퇴근 refers to the act of commuting to and from work. 출퇴근 시간이 길다. (The commute is long.)
치과. 치 = Tooth. 과 = Department. Combined Meaning = 치과 refers to a dental clinic or dentist. 치과에 갔다. (I went to the dentist.)
테스트. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = An examination or trial. 영어 테스트를 봤다. (I took an English test.)
통역. 통 = To pass through. 역 = To interpret. Combined Meaning = 통역 refers to the act of interpreting or translating spoken language. 회의에서 통역을 했다. (I interpreted at the meeting.)
To leave work
퇴근하다. 퇴근 = To leave work. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 퇴근하다 refers to leaving work or finishing the workday. 퇴근 후에 친구를 만났다. (I met a friend after work.)
To mark
표시하다. 표 = To express. 시 = To show. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 표시하다 refers to marking or indicating something. 중요한 부분을 표시했다. (I marked the important part.)
To be tired
피로하다. 피 = Fatigue. 로 = Tired. 하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 피로하다 refers to feeling tired or fatigued. 일을 많이 해서 피로하다. (I am tired from working a lot.)
Summer school
하. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Summer school refers to educational courses taken during the summer vacation. 그는 여름방학 동안 하에 다녔다. (He attended summer school during the summer vacation.)
한데. 한 = One. 데 = Place. Combined Meaning = 한데 refers to being together in one place. 우리는 한데 모였다. (We gathered together in one place.)
Talking to oneself
혼잣말. 혼자 = Alone. 말 = Words. Combined Meaning = 혼잣말 refers to talking to oneself. 그는 혼잣말을 중얼거렸다. (He mumbled to himself.)
To get angry
화나다. 화 = Anger. 나다 = To arise. Combined Meaning = 화나다 refers to getting angry or mad. 그는 쉽게 화를 낸다. (He gets angry easily.)
To be filial
효도하다. 효 = Filial piety. 도 = To practice. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 효도하다 refers to showing filial piety or respect to one’s parents. 그는 부모님께 효도했다. (He showed filial piety to his parents.)
힘없이. 힘 = Strength. 없이 = Without. Combined Meaning = 힘없이 refers to being without strength or helpless. 그는 힘없이 쓰러졌다. (He collapsed helplessly.)
가로. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to something being horizontal or width-wise. 가로로 길게 쓰세요. (Write it horizontally.)
To transfer
갈아타다. 갈아 = To change. 타다 = To ride. Combined Meaning = 갈아타다 refers to changing or transferring to another vehicle. 버스를 갈아탔다. (I transferred to another bus.)
Opposite room
건넌방. 건넌 = Across. 방 = Room. Combined Meaning = 건넌방 refers to the room across from another. 그는 건넌방에 산다. (He lives in the room across the hall.)
Shortly after
곧이어. 곧 = Soon. 이어 = Following. Combined Meaning = 곧이어 refers to something happening shortly after another event. 곧이어 비가 내렸다. (It started raining shortly after.)
공기. 공 = Empty. 기 = Air. Combined Meaning = 공기 refers to the air or atmosphere. 공기가 맑다. (The air is clear.)
To be great
굉장하다. 굉 = Magnificent. 장 = Great. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 굉장하다 refers to something being great or magnificent. 그 공연은 굉장했다. (The performance was great.)
그래서. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to something happening as a result. 그래서 그가 떠났다. (That’s why he left.)
기업인. 기 = Business. 업 = Industry. 인 = Person. Combined Meaning = 기업인 refers to a businessman or entrepreneur. 그는 성공한 기업인이다. (He is a successful businessman.)
To be nervous
긴장되다. 긴장 = Tension. 되다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 긴장되다 refers to feeling nervous or tense. 발표 전에 긴장되었다. (I felt nervous before the presentation.)
To become clean
깨끗해지다. 깨끗 = Clean. 해지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 깨끗해지다 refers to something becoming clean. 집이 깨끗해졌다. (The house became clean.)
Fishing rod
낚싯대. 낚시 = Fishing. 대 = Rod. Combined Meaning = 낚싯대 refers to a fishing rod. 새 낚싯대를 샀다. (I bought a new fishing rod.)
Younger brother
남동생. 남 = Male. 동생 = Younger sibling. Combined Meaning = 남동생 refers to a younger brother. 내 남동생은 열 살이다. (My younger brother is ten years old.)
냇물. 냇 = Stream. 물 = Water. Combined Meaning = 냇물 refers to water in a stream. 냇물이 맑다. (The stream water is clear.)
Regular customer
단골. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A frequent or regular customer. 그 가게의 단골이다. (I am a regular customer at that store.)
Sweet taste
단맛. 단 = Sweet. 맛 = Taste. Combined Meaning = 단맛 refers to a sweet taste. 이 과일은 단맛이 난다. (This fruit has a sweet taste.)
담요. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A blanket or a throw. 담요를 덮었다. (I covered myself with a blanket.)
대. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A period of time representing a group of people born and living around the same time. 그들은 같은 대에 태어났다. (They were born in the same generation.)
To become dirty
더러워지다. 더럽다 = Dirty. 지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 더러워지다 refers to something becoming dirty. 옷이 더러워졌다. (The clothes became dirty.)
To heat
데우다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To make something warm or hot. 음식을 데웠다. (I heated the food.)
도착. 도 = Arrive. 착 = Reach. Combined Meaning = 도착 refers to arriving at a destination. 목적지에 도착했다. (I arrived at the destination.)
To be round
동그랗다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be round in shape. 동그란 모양이다. (It is round in shape.)
안동. 安 (안) = Peace. 東 (동) = East. Combined Meaning = 안동 is a city in South Korea known for its cultural heritage. 안동은 한국의 전통을 잘 보존하고 있다. (Andong preserves Korea’s tradition well.)
To be hot and humid
무덥다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be hot and humid, typically referring to weather. 오늘 날씨가 무덥다. (The weather is hot and humid today.)
뭘. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A colloquial term for “what.” 뭘 먹을래? (What do you want to eat?)
Opposite side
반대편. 반대 = Opposite. 편 = Side. Combined Meaning = 반대편 refers to the opposite side. 길 반대편에 있다. (It is on the opposite side of the street.)
Sole of the foot
발바닥. 발 = Foot. 바닥 = Bottom. Combined Meaning = 발바닥 refers to the bottom or sole of the foot. 발바닥이 아프다. (The sole of my foot hurts.)
발톱. 발 = Foot. 톱 = Nail. Combined Meaning = 발톱 refers to a toenail. 발톱을 깎았다. (I cut my toenails.)
To become brighter
밝아지다. 밝다 = Bright. 지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 밝아지다 refers to something becoming brighter. 하늘이 밝아졌다. (The sky has become brighter.)
To stay up all night
밤새다. 밤 = Night. 새다 = To stay up. Combined Meaning = 밤새다 refers to staying up all night. 그는 시험 공부하느라 밤샜다. (He stayed up all night studying for the exam.)
Wealthy family
부잣집. 부자 = Rich person. 집 = House. Combined Meaning = 부잣집 refers to a wealthy family or household. 그는 부잣집 아들이다. (He is the son of a wealthy family.)
To become clear
분명해지다. 분명 = Clear. 해지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 분명해지다 refers to something becoming clear or obvious. 그의 의도가 분명해졌다. (His intention has become clear.)
사진기. 사 = To take a picture. 진 = Picture. 기 = Machine. Combined Meaning = 사진기 refers to a camera. 새 사진기를 샀다. (I bought a new camera.)
Mountain path
산길. 산 = Mountain. 길 = Path. Combined Meaning = 산길 refers to a path or trail in the mountains. 산길을 걸었다. (I walked along the mountain path.)
상추. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A leafy green vegetable often used in salads. 샐러드에 상추를 넣었다. (I added lettuce to the salad.)
섭씨. 섭 = To take in. 씨 = Degree. Combined Meaning = 섭씨 refers to the Celsius temperature scale. 오늘 기온은 섭씨 25도이다. (Today’s temperature is 25 degrees Celsius.)
소시지. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A cylindrical meat product. 아침으로 소시지를 먹었다. (I ate sausage for breakfast.)
쇼핑. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The activity of purchasing goods. 주말에 쇼핑을 갔다. (I went shopping on the weekend.)
수업. 수 = To give. 업 = Class, business. Combined Meaning = 수업 refers to a class or lesson. 수업이 끝났다. (The class is over.)
스케줄. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A plan of activities or events. 내일 스케줄이 꽉 찼다. (My schedule is full tomorrow.)
스키. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A sport or activity involving sliding down snow-covered hills on skis. 겨울에 스키를 타러 갔다. (I went skiing in the winter.)
Suburban area
시외. 시 = City. 외 = Outside. Combined Meaning = 시외 refers to the suburban or outskirts area outside the city. 시외로 나갔다. (I went to the suburbs.)
To become serious
심각해지다. 심각 = Serious. 해지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 심각해지다 refers to something becoming serious or severe. 상황이 심각해졌다. (The situation became serious.)
싹. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A young shoot or bud of a plant. 나무에 새싹이 돋았다. (New buds have sprouted on the tree.)
To be washed
씻기다. 씻다 = To wash. 기다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 씻기다 refers to something being washed. 손이 씻겨졌다. (My hands were washed.)
To be relieved
안심하다. 안 = Peace. 심 = Mind. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 안심하다 refers to feeling relieved or at ease. 그 소식을 듣고 안심했다. (I felt relieved after hearing the news.)
약. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Substances used for treating illness or injury. 약을 먹었다. (I took medicine.)
Mineral spring
약수. 약 = Medicine. 수 = Water. Combined Meaning = 약수 refers to water from a mineral spring believed to have medicinal properties. 약수를 마셨다. (I drank the mineral spring water.)
약품. 약 = Medicine. 품 = Item. Combined Meaning = 약품 refers to medicinal products or drugs. 약품을 구입했다. (I bought medicinal products.)
양배추. 양 = Western. 배추 = Cabbage. Combined Meaning = 양배추 refers to Western-style cabbage. 샐러드에 양배추를 넣었다. (I added cabbage to the salad.)
To yield
양보. 양 = Yield. 보 = Give. Combined Meaning = 양보 refers to the act of yielding or giving way to others. 노인에게 자리를 양보했다. (I gave my seat to the elderly person.)
Both sides
양옆. 양 = Both. 옆 = Side. Combined Meaning = 양옆 refers to both sides of something. 길 양옆에 나무가 있다. (There are trees on both sides of the street.)
얕다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be shallow or not deep. 이 강은 얕다. (This river is shallow.)
To become dark
어두워지다. 어둡다 = Dark. 지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 어두워지다 refers to something becoming dark. 하늘이 어두워졌다. (The sky became dark.)
어쩜. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Indicates uncertainty or possibility. 어쩜 그는 올지도 몰라. (Perhaps he might come.)
The other day
엊그제. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to a few days ago. 엊그제 만났는데 또 만났다. (I met him the other day and again today.)
Female high school student
여고생. 여 = Female. 고 = High. 생 = Student. Combined Meaning = 여고생 refers to a female high school student. 그녀는 여고생이다. (She is a female high school student.)
여왕. 여 = Female. 왕 = King. Combined Meaning = 여왕 refers to a queen. 여왕은 성에서 살았다. (The queen lived in the castle.)
To be postponed
연기되다. 연 = To extend. 기 = Period, time. 되다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 연기되다 refers to something being postponed or delayed. 회의가 연기되었다. (The meeting was postponed.)
열. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The condition of being hot; temperature. 열이 높다. (The heat is high.)
예약. 예 = Beforehand. 약 = Promise. Combined Meaning = 예약 refers to making a reservation or booking. 호텔을 예약했다. (I made a reservation at the hotel.)
To get on
올라타다. 올 = To rise. 라타 = To get on. Combined Meaning = 올라타다 refers to getting on or boarding a vehicle. 버스에 올라탔다. (I got on the bus.)
운동화. 운동 = Exercise. 화 = Shoes. Combined Meaning = 운동화 refers to sneakers or athletic shoes. 운동화를 신었다. (I wore sneakers.)
Here and there
이곳저곳. 이 = This. 곳 = Place. 저 = That. 곳 = Place. Combined Meaning = 이곳저곳 refers to various places or here and there. 이곳저곳 여행을 다녔다. (I traveled here and there.)
Next time
이다음. 이 = This. 다음 = Next. Combined Meaning = 이다음 refers to the next time or later. 이다음에 다시 만나자. (Let’s meet again next time.)
Disposable items
일회용품. 일 = One. 회 = Time. 용품 = Items. Combined Meaning = 일회용품 refers to disposable items used once. 일회용품 사용을 줄이자. (Let’s reduce the use of disposable items.)
To be read
읽히다. 읽다 = To read. 히다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 읽히다 refers to something being read. 책이 많이 읽히고 있다. (The book is being read a lot.)
To eat
잡수다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A polite form of “to eat.” 맛있게 잡수세요. (Please eat well.)
장사꾼. 장사 = Business. 꾼 = Person. Combined Meaning = 장사꾼 refers to a merchant or trader. 장사꾼이 물건을 팔고 있다. (The merchant is selling goods.)
점심때. 점심 = Lunch. 때 = Time. Combined Meaning = 점심때 refers to the time during lunch. 점심때 같이 먹자. (Let’s eat together at lunchtime.)
주일. 주 = Week. 일 = Day. Combined Meaning = 주일 refers to Sunday. 주일 예배에 참석했다. (I attended Sunday worship.)
To be delighted
즐거워하다. 즐거워 = To be delighted. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 즐거워하다 refers to being delighted or pleased. 친구들과 즐거워했다. (He was delighted with his friends.)
To concentrate
집중하다. 집 = To gather. 중 = Center. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 집중하다 refers to concentrating or focusing. 공부에 집중했다. (I concentrated on my studies.)
To be salty
짜다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To have a salty taste. 이 음식은 너무 짜다. (This food is too salty.)
To be annoying
짜증스럽다. 짜증 = Annoyance. 스럽다 = To be like. Combined Meaning = 짜증스럽다 refers to being annoying or irritating. 그의 말투가 짜증스럽다. (His tone is annoying.)
천재. 천 = Heaven. 재 = Talent. Combined Meaning = 천재 refers to a genius or someone with exceptional talent. 그는 수학 천재다. (He is a math genius.)
Elementary school
초등학교. 초 = Beginning. 등 = Grade. 학교 = School. Combined Meaning = 초등학교 refers to an elementary school. 나는 초등학교에 다닌다. (I attend elementary school.)
초보. 초 = Beginning. 보 = Steps. Combined Meaning = 초보 refers to a beginner or novice. 운전 초보다. (I am a beginner at driving.)
Early summer
초여름. 초 = Beginning. 여름 = Summer. Combined Meaning = 초여름 refers to early summer. 초여름 날씨가 좋다. (The early summer weather is nice.)
Early evening
초저녁. 초 = Beginning. 저녁 = Evening. Combined Meaning = 초저녁 refers to early evening. 초저녁에 산책을 했다. (I took a walk in the early evening.)
To collide
충돌하다. 충 = To collide. 돌 = To hit. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 충돌하다 refers to colliding or crashing into something. 차가 충돌했다. (The car collided.)
코트. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = An outer garment worn for warmth or style. 겨울에 코트를 입는다. (I wear a coat in the winter.)
피곤. 피 = Fatigue. 곤 = Exhaustion. Combined Meaning = 피곤 refers to feeling tired or fatigued. 일하느라 피곤하다. (I am tired from working.)
학비. 학 = Study. 비 = Cost. Combined Meaning = 학비 refers to the cost of tuition or education. 대학 학비가 비싸다. (College tuition is expensive.)
해. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A period of twelve months. 해가 바뀌었다. (The year has changed.)
Overseas travel
해외여행. 해 = Overseas. 외 = Outside. 여행 = Travel. Combined Meaning = 해외여행 refers to traveling abroad. 해외여행을 계획하고 있다. (I am planning an overseas trip.)
Dutiful son
효자. 효 = Filial piety. 자 = Son. Combined Meaning = 효자 refers to a dutiful or filial son. 그는 효자다. (He is a dutiful son.)
To decrease
감소되다. 감 = To reduce. 소 = To diminish. 되다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 감소되다 refers to something being decreased or reduced. 인구가 감소되고 있다. (The population is decreasing.)
강변. 강 = River. 변 = Side. Combined Meaning = 강변 refers to the side of a river or riverside. 강변에서 산책했다. (I took a walk by the riverside.)
To be performed
공연되다. 공 = Public. 연 = To perform. 되다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 공연되다 refers to a performance being held. 연극이 공연되었다. (The play was performed.)
Public holiday
공휴일. 공 = Public. 휴일 = Holiday. Combined Meaning = 공휴일 refers to a public holiday. 공휴일에 쉬었다. (I rested on the public holiday.)
To be distressed
괴로워하다. 괴롭다 = To be distressed. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 괴로워하다 refers to feeling distressed or troubled. 그는 괴로워하고 있다. (He is feeling distressed.)
Class period
교시. 교 = Teaching. 시 = Time. Combined Meaning = 교시 refers to a class period or session. 첫 교시는 영어 수업이다. (The first period is English class.)
To that place
그리로. 그리 = There. 로 = To. Combined Meaning = 그리로 refers to going to that place. 그리로 가자. (Let’s go there.)
To forget
까먹다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A colloquial term for forgetting. 약속을 까먹었다. (I forgot the appointment.)
To blink
깜빡. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A quick closing and opening of the eyes. 그는 깜빡하고 지나갔다. (He blinked and passed by.)
깡패. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A member of a gang or a gangster. 그는 깡패가 되었다. (He became a gangster.)
To dream
꾸다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To see visions or imagine while sleeping. 나는 꿈을 꾸었다. (I had a dream.)
낚시꾼. 낚시 = Fishing. 꾼 = Person. Combined Meaning = 낚시꾼 refers to a fisherman. 낚시꾼들이 많이 모였다. (Many fishermen gathered.)
To become diverse
다양해지다. 다양 = Diverse. 해지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 다양해지다 refers to something becoming diverse. 음식의 종류가 다양해졌다. (The variety of food has increased.)
Public transportation
대중교통. 대중 = Public. 교통 = Transportation. Combined Meaning = 대중교통 refers to public transportation. 대중교통을 이용했다. (I used public transportation.)
To bring someone
데려오다. 데리다 = To bring. 오다 = To come. Combined Meaning = 데려오다 refers to bringing someone along. 친구를 집에 데려왔다. (I brought my friend home.)
마요네즈. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A creamy condiment made from oil, egg yolks, and vinegar or lemon juice. 샐러드에 마요네즈를 넣었다. (I added mayonnaise to the salad.)
마흔. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 40. 그는 마흔 살이다. (He is forty years old.)
만세. 만 = Ten thousand. 세 = Age, years. Combined Meaning = 만세 is a cheer or shout of celebration, meaning “Hurray!” 그들은 만세를 외쳤다. (They shouted hurray.)
만화가. 만화 = Cartoon. 가 = Artist. Combined Meaning = 만화가 refers to a cartoonist or comic artist. 그는 유명한 만화가이다. (He is a famous cartoonist.)
As you please
맘대로. 맘 = Mind, heart. 대로 = As. Combined Meaning = 맘대로 refers to doing something as one pleases. 네 맘대로 해. (Do as you please.)
머리말. 머리 = Head. 말 = Words. Combined Meaning = 머리말 refers to the preface or introduction of a book. 책의 머리말을 읽었다. (I read the preface of the book.)
면접. 면 = Face. 접 = Contact. Combined Meaning = 면접 refers to an interview. 그는 면접을 보러 갔다. (He went for an interview.)
Business card
명함. 명 = Name. 함 = Card. Combined Meaning = 명함 refers to a business card. 명함을 건넸다. (I handed over my business card.)
Inside the body
몸속. 몸 = Body. 속 = Inside. Combined Meaning = 몸속 refers to the inside of the body. 약이 몸속에 퍼졌다. (The medicine spread inside the body.)
무책임하다. 무 = Not. 책임 = Responsibility. 하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 무책임하다 refers to being irresponsible. 그의 행동은 무책임하다. (His behavior is irresponsible.)
To glitter
반짝거리다. 반짝 = To sparkle. 거리다 = To keep doing. Combined Meaning = 반짝거리다 refers to something glittering or sparkling. 별이 반짝거렸다. (The stars glittered.)
To stay up all night
밤새우다. 밤 = Night. 새우다 = To stay up. Combined Meaning = 밤새우다 refers to staying up all night. 그는 일을 하느라 밤새웠다. (He stayed up all night working.)
번지. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A specific location or address. 집 주소는 번지 123번지이다. (The house address is 123 Beonji.)
Ballpoint pen
볼펜. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A pen with a tiny ball as its writing point. 볼펜으로 글씨를 썼다. (I wrote with a ballpoint pen.)
Red color
빨간색. 빨강 = Red. 색 = Color. Combined Meaning = 빨간색 refers to the color red. 그녀는 빨간색 옷을 입었다. (She wore a red dress.)
사립. 사 = Private. 립 = Establishment. Combined Meaning = 사립 refers to something being private or privately established. 그는 사립 학교에 다닌다. (He attends a private school.)
Private life
사생활. 사 = Private. 생활 = Life. Combined Meaning = 사생활 refers to one’s private life. 그의 사생활을 존중해라. (Respect his private life.)
In between
사이사이. 사이 = Between. Combined Meaning = 사이사이 refers to the spaces in between. 책 사이사이에 메모를 끼워넣었다. (I put notes between the books.)
사자. 사 = Lion. 자 = Son. Combined Meaning = 사자 refers to a lion. 사자가 포효했다. (The lion roared.)
새소리. 새 = Bird. 소리 = Sound. Combined Meaning = 새소리 refers to the sound of birds singing. 아침에 새소리가 들렸다. (I heard birdsong in the morning.)
Standard of living
생활수준. 생활 = Life. 수준 = Level. Combined Meaning = 생활수준 refers to the standard of living. 이 지역의 생활수준이 높다. (The standard of living in this area is high.)
서툴다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be clumsy or unskilled. 그는 요리에 서툴다. (He is clumsy at cooking.)
Master’s degree
석사. 석 = Stone, which represents the foundation. 사 = Master. Combined Meaning = 석사 refers to a master’s degree. 그는 석사 학위를 받았다. (He received a master’s degree.)
성당. 성 = Holy. 당 = Hall. Combined Meaning = 성당 refers to a cathedral. 성당에서 기도했다. (I prayed at the cathedral.)
Inner thoughts
속마음. 속 = Inside. 마음 = Heart, mind. Combined Meaning = 속마음 refers to one’s inner thoughts or feelings. 그의 속마음을 알 수 없다. (I can’t know his inner thoughts.)
To hold hands
손잡다. 손 = Hand. 잡다 = To hold. Combined Meaning = 손잡다 refers to holding hands. 우리는 손을 잡고 걸었다. (We walked holding hands.)
숙녀. 숙 = Pure. 녀 = Woman. Combined Meaning = 숙녀 refers to a lady or gentlewoman. 그녀는 정말 숙녀 같다. (She is like a true lady.)
순하다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be gentle or mild. 그 강아지는 성격이 순하다. (The puppy has a gentle personality.)
In-laws’ house
시댁. 시 = Husband’s side. 댁 = House. Combined Meaning = 시댁 refers to the in-laws’ house (husband’s family). 시댁에 갔다. (I went to my in-laws’ house.)
시부모. 시 = Husband’s side. 부모 = Parents. Combined Meaning = 시부모 refers to the parents-in-law (husband’s parents). 시부모님과 함께 살고 있다. (I live with my parents-in-law.)
신체적. 신체 = Body. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 신체적 refers to something physical or related to the body. 신체적 운동이 필요하다. (Physical exercise is necessary.)
To make a mistake
실수하다. 실수 = Mistake. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 실수하다 refers to making a mistake. 그는 실수로 커피를 쏟았다. (He spilled coffee by mistake.)
Bitter taste
쓴맛. 쓴 = Bitter. 맛 = Taste. Combined Meaning = 쓴맛 refers to a bitter taste. 이 약은 쓴맛이 난다. (This medicine has a bitter taste.)
야옹. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The sound a cat makes. 고양이가 야옹 하고 울었다. (The cat meowed.)
For a while
얼마간. 얼마 = Some. 간 = Interval. Combined Meaning = 얼마간 refers to a short period of time. 얼마간 기다렸다. (I waited for a while.)
This summer
올여름. 올 = This. 여름 = Summer. Combined Meaning = 올여름 refers to this summer. 올여름은 덥다. (This summer is hot.)
외제. 외 = Foreign. 제 = Made. Combined Meaning = 외제 refers to something foreign-made. 그는 외제 차를 탄다. (He drives a foreign-made car.)
To go out
외출하다. 외출 = Outing. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 외출하다 refers to going out. 외출 준비를 했다. (I got ready to go out.)
To swear
욕하다. 욕 = To swear. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 욕하다 refers to swearing or cursing. 그는 화가 나서 욕했다. (He swore out of anger.)
Up and down
위아래. 위 = Up. 아래 = Down. Combined Meaning = 위아래 refers to the vertical direction or relationship. 위아래로 움직였다. (It moved up and down.)
Record album
음반. 음 = Sound. 반 = Record. Combined Meaning = 음반 refers to a record album. 새 음반이 나왔다. (A new record album was released.)
의논. 의 = Thought. 논 = Discussion. Combined Meaning = 의논 refers to a discussion or debate. 중요한 문제를 의논했다. (We discussed an important issue.)
이. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to something close to the speaker. 이 책을 읽었다. (I read this book.)
Because of this
이래서. 이 = This. 래서 = Because of. Combined Meaning = 이래서 refers to something happening because of this. 이래서 늦었다. (I was late because of this.)
Barber shop
이발소. 이발 = Haircut. 소 = Place. Combined Meaning = 이발소 refers to a barber shop. 이발소에서 머리를 잘랐다. (I got a haircut at the barber shop.)
To commit suicide
자살하다. 자 = Self. 살 = To kill. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 자살하다 refers to committing suicide. 그는 자살을 시도했다. (He attempted suicide.)
자연적. 자연 = Nature. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 자연적 refers to something being natural. 자연적 현상이다. (It is a natural phenomenon.)
장례식. 장례 = Funeral. 식 = Ceremony. Combined Meaning = 장례식 refers to a funeral ceremony. 장례식에 참석했다. (I attended the funeral.)
To have bad luck
재수. 재 = Wealth, luck. 수 = Receive. Combined Meaning = 재수 refers to having bad luck. 오늘 재수가 없다. (I have bad luck today.)
Year before last
재작년. 재 = Again. 작 = Last. 년 = Year. Combined Meaning = 재작년 refers to the year before last. 재작년에 여행을 갔다. (I traveled the year before last.)
재채기. 재 = To scatter. 채기 = To sneeze. Combined Meaning = 재채기 refers to sneezing. 그는 재채기를 했다. (He sneezed.)
Light bulb
전구. 전 = Electric. 구 = Bulb. Combined Meaning = 전구 refers to an electric light bulb. 전구를 갈았다. (I changed the light bulb.)
Specialty store
전문점. 전 = Special. 문 = Door. 점 = Store. Combined Meaning = 전문점 refers to a specialty store. 치즈 전문점에서 치즈를 샀다. (I bought cheese from a specialty store.)
Traditional culture
전통문화. 전통 = Tradition. 문화 = Culture. Combined Meaning = 전통문화 refers to traditional culture. 전통문화를 배웠다. (I learned about traditional culture.)
Bus stop
정거장. 정 = Stop. 거장 = Station. Combined Meaning = 정거장 refers to a bus stop or station. 버스 정거장에서 내렸다. (I got off at the bus stop.)
Honorific speech
존댓말. 존대 = Respect. 말 = Speech. Combined Meaning = 존댓말 refers to honorific speech in Korean. 어른에게는 존댓말을 써야 한다. (You should use honorific speech with elders.)
주전자. 주전 = Pouring. 자 = Container. Combined Meaning = 주전자 refers to a kettle or teapot. 주전자에 물을 끓였다. (I boiled water in the kettle.)
To erase
지우다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To remove or erase something. 칠판을 지웠다. (I erased the blackboard.)
찬성. 찬 = Agree. 성 = Success. Combined Meaning = 찬성 refers to approval or agreement. 그의 의견에 찬성했다. (I approved of his opinion.)
초보자. 초 = Beginning. 보 = Steps. 자 = Person. Combined Meaning = 초보자 refers to a beginner or novice. 그는 운전 초보자다. (He is a beginner at driving.)
Invitation card
초청장. 초청 = Invitation. 장 = Card. Combined Meaning = 초청장 refers to an invitation card. 초청장을 받았다. (I received an invitation card.)
촌스럽다. 촌 = Village. 스럽다 = To be like. Combined Meaning = 촌스럽다 refers to something being countrified or unsophisticated. 그의 옷이 촌스럽다. (His clothes are countrified.)
카레. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A dish made with a mixture of spices, typically served with rice. 저녁으로 카레를 먹었다. (I ate curry for dinner.)
컨디션. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to one’s physical or mental state. 오늘 컨디션이 좋다. (I am in good condition today.)
Cosmos (flower)
코스모스. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A type of flowering plant. 정원에 코스모스가 피었다. (The cosmos flowers bloomed in the garden.)
킬로. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A unit of measurement equal to 1,000 meters. 우리는 5킬로를 달렸다. (We ran 5 kilometers.)
토론자. 토론 = Debate. 자 = Person. Combined Meaning = 토론자 refers to a debater or participant in a debate. 그는 훌륭한 토론자다. (He is an excellent debater.)
튼튼히. 튼튼 = Strong. 히 = Suffix indicating adverb. Combined Meaning = 튼튼히 refers to doing something strongly or firmly. 밧줄을 튼튼히 묶었다. (I tied the rope firmly.)
티셔츠. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A casual shirt with short sleeves and a round neck. 새 티셔츠를 샀다. (I bought a new T-shirt.)
페인트. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A colored substance applied to surfaces for decoration or protection. 벽에 페인트를 칠했다. (I painted the wall.)
Usual times
평상시. 평상 = Usual. 시 = Time. Combined Meaning = 평상시 refers to usual or normal times. 평상시처럼 일을 했다. (I worked as usual.)
중국. 중 = Middle. 국 = Country. Combined Meaning = 중국 refers to the country of China. 그는 중국에서 왔다. (He came from China.)
School life
학교생활. 학교 = School. 생활 = Life. Combined Meaning = 학교생활 refers to one’s life at school. 학교생활이 즐겁다. (School life is enjoyable.)
One or two
한둘. 한 = One. 둘 = Two. Combined Meaning = 한둘 refers to one or two. 한둘 정도 더 필요하다. (We need one or two more.)
해물. 해 = Sea. 물 = Product. Combined Meaning = 해물 refers to seafood. 해물 요리를 좋아한다. (I like seafood dishes.)
Older brother
형. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to an older brother. 그는 내 형이다. (He is my older brother.)
To be scolded
혼나다. 혼 = Soul. 나다 = To arise. Combined Meaning = 혼나다 refers to being scolded or getting into trouble. 그는 어머니에게 혼났다. (He got scolded by his mother.)
가만. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to being still or quiet. 가만 있어라. (Stay quiet.)
감정적. 감정 = Emotion. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 감정적 refers to being emotional. 그는 감정적이다. (He is emotional.)
Northern Seoul
강북. 강 = River. 북 = North. Combined Meaning = 강북 refers to the northern part of Seoul, typically north of the Han River. 강북에 산다. (He lives in northern Seoul.)
거리. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A public road or thoroughfare in a city or town. 거리를 걸었다. (I walked down the street.)
Rubber shoes
고무신. 고무 = Rubber. 신 = Shoes. Combined Meaning = 고무신 refers to rubber shoes, traditionally worn in Korea. 고무신을 신었다. (I wore rubber shoes.)
Red pepper powder
고춧가루. 고추 = Red pepper. 가루 = Powder. Combined Meaning = 고춧가루 refers to red pepper powder used in cooking. 김치에 고춧가루를 넣었다. (I added red pepper powder to the kimchi.)
관람. 관 = To see. 람 = To view. Combined Meaning = 관람 refers to viewing or watching something, such as a performance or exhibit. 영화를 관람했다. (I watched a movie.)
교외. 교 = Outside. 외 = Outside. Combined Meaning = 교외 refers to the suburb or outskirts of a city. 교외에 살고 있다. (I live in the suburbs.)
Education cost
교육비. 교육 = Education. 비 = Cost. Combined Meaning = 교육비 refers to the cost of education. 대학 교육비가 비싸다. (College education costs are expensive.)
국립. 국 = Country. 립 = Establishment. Combined Meaning = 국립 refers to something being national or state-established. 국립 대학에 다닌다. (I attend a national university.)
금. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A precious yellow metal used for making jewelry and coins. 금반지를 샀다. (I bought a gold ring.)
To be remembered
기억되다. 기억 = Memory. 되다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 기억되다 refers to something being remembered. 그날이 오래 기억될 것이다. (That day will be long remembered.)
To peel
까다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To remove the outer layer of something. 사과를 깠다. (I peeled the apple.)
Flower seed
꽃씨. 꽃 = Flower. 씨 = Seed. Combined Meaning = 꽃씨 refers to flower seeds. 꽃씨를 심었다. (I planted flower seeds.)
To be consistent
꾸준하다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be consistent or persistent. 그는 꾸준히 노력한다. (He is consistently putting in effort.)
난방. 난 = Warm. 방 = Room. Combined Meaning = 난방 refers to heating a room or building. 겨울에 난방이 필요하다. (Heating is necessary in winter.)
내용물. 내 = Inside. 용물 = Content. Combined Meaning = 내용물 refers to the content inside something. 상자의 내용물을 확인했다. (I checked the contents of the box.)
녹화. 녹 = Record. 화 = Picture. Combined Meaning = 녹화 refers to recording video or audio. 드라마를 녹화했다. (I recorded the drama.)
농구. 농 = To play. 구 = Ball. Combined Meaning = 농구 refers to the sport of basketball. 농구를 잘한다. (He is good at basketball.)
달다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To have a sweet taste. 사탕이 달다. (The candy is sweet.)
Every time
매번. 매 = Every. 번 = Time. Combined Meaning = 매번 refers to every time or always. 매번 같은 실수를 한다. (He makes the same mistake every time.)
To eat
먹다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To consume food. 점심을 먹었다. (I ate lunch.)
무관심하다. 무 = Not. 관심 = Interest. 하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 무관심하다 refers to being indifferent or uninterested. 그는 무관심하다. (He is indifferent.)
To be safe
무사하다. 무 = Not. 사 = Incident. 하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 무사하다 refers to being safe or unharmed. 무사히 도착했다. (I arrived safely.)
Day and night
밤낮. 밤 = Night. 낮 = Day. Combined Meaning = 밤낮 refers to both day and night. 그는 밤낮으로 일했다. (He worked day and night.)
배구. 배 = Ball. 구 = Ball. Combined Meaning = 배구 refers to the sport of volleyball. 친구들과 배구를 했다. (I played volleyball with friends.)
To translate
번역하다. 번 = To translate. 역 = To interpret. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 번역하다 refers to translating written text. 책을 영어로 번역했다. (I translated the book into English.)
병아리. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A young chicken or chick. 병아리가 귀엽다. (The chick is cute.)
To be diligent
부지런하다. 부 = Diligence. 지런 = Hardworking. 하다 = To be. Combined Meaning = 부지런하다 refers to being diligent or hardworking. 그는 매우 부지런하다. (He is very diligent.)
부피. 부 = Volume. 피 = Measure. Combined Meaning = 부피 refers to the volume or bulk of something. 이 상자의 부피가 크다. (This box has a large volume.)
To draw
비기다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To end a game or contest with no winner. 경기가 비겼다. (The game ended in a draw.)
Household items
생활용품. 생활 = Life. 용품 = Items. Combined Meaning = 생활용품 refers to household items used in daily life. 생활용품을 사러 갔다. (I went to buy household items.)
Electric fan
선풍기. 선풍 = Whirlwind. 기 = Machine. Combined Meaning = 선풍기 refers to an electric fan. 더워서 선풍기를 켰다. (I turned on the electric fan because it was hot.)
세로. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to something being vertical or lengthwise. 세로로 길게 쓰세요. (Write it vertically.)
To be sexy
섹시하다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be sexually attractive. 그녀는 섹시하다. (She is sexy.)
To consume
소비하다. 소 = To use. 비 = Expense. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 소비하다 refers to consuming or spending. 돈을 많이 소비했다. (I spent a lot of money.)
To repair
수리하다. 수 = To fix. 리 = To manage. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 수리하다 refers to repairing or fixing something. 고장난 차를 수리했다. (I repaired the broken car.)
스물. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 20. 그는 스물 살이다. (He is twenty years old.)
식료품. 식 = Food. 료 = Material. 품 = Goods. Combined Meaning = 식료품 refers to groceries or food items. 식료품을 사러 갔다. (I went to buy groceries.)
To cool down
식히다. 식다 = To cool. 히다 = To make. Combined Meaning = 식히다 refers to cooling something down. 음식을 식혔다. (I cooled down the food.)
To become disliked
싫어지다. 싫다 = To dislike. 지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 싫어지다 refers to starting to dislike something. 그가 싫어졌다. (I started to dislike him.)
To wash
씻기다. 씻다 = To wash. 기다 = To make. Combined Meaning = 씻기다 refers to washing something or someone. 아이를 씻겼다. (I washed the child.)
To freeze
얼리다. 얼다 = To freeze. 리다 = To make. Combined Meaning = 얼리다 refers to freezing something. 물을 얼렸다. (I froze the water.)
Female employee
여직원. 여 = Female. 직원 = Employee. Combined Meaning = 여직원 refers to a female employee. 여직원이 친절했다. (The female employee was kind.)
To be opened
열리다. 열다 = To open. 리다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 열리다 refers to something being opened. 문이 열렸다. (The door was opened.)
Next room
옆방. 옆 = Side. 방 = Room. Combined Meaning = 옆방 refers to the room next to another. 그는 옆방에 산다. (He lives in the next room.)
오피스텔. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A building with both office and residential units. 오피스텔에 살고 있다. (I live in an office-tel.)
This autumn
올가을. 올 = This. 가을 = Autumn. Combined Meaning = 올가을 refers to this autumn. 올가을은 따뜻하다. (This autumn is warm.)
Dress shirt
와이셔츠. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A formal shirt worn by men. 그는 와이셔츠를 입었다. (He wore a dress shirt.)
One-piece dress
원피스. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A one-piece dress. 예쁜 원피스를 입었다. (She wore a pretty one-piece dress.)
윗사람. 윗 = Upper. 사람 = Person. Combined Meaning = 윗사람 refers to a senior or superior. 윗사람을 존경해라. (Respect your seniors.)
이민. 이 = To move. 민 = People. Combined Meaning = 이민 refers to moving to another country to live. 그는 이민을 결심했다. (He decided to immigrate.)
Opposite sex
이성. 이 = Different. 성 = Gender. Combined Meaning = 이성 refers to the opposite sex. 그는 이성 친구가 많다. (He has many friends of the opposite sex.)
To divorce
이혼하다. 이혼 = Divorce. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 이혼하다 refers to ending a marriage through legal means. 그들은 이혼했다. (They got divorced.)
인제. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to the current time or now. 인제 그만해라. (Stop it now.)
To join a company
입사하다. 입 = To enter. 사 = Company. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 입사하다 refers to joining a company. 그는 대기업에 입사했다. (He joined a large company.)
To put to sleep
재우다. 재다 = To measure. 우다 = To make. Combined Meaning = 재우다 refers to putting someone to sleep. 아기를 재웠다. (I put the baby to sleep.)
To be exhibited
전시되다. 전시 = Exhibition. 되다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 전시되다 refers to something being exhibited. 작품이 전시되었다. (The artwork was exhibited.)
To be sleepy
졸리다. 졸다 = To doze off. 리다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 졸리다 refers to feeling sleepy or drowsy. 나는 졸리다. (I am sleepy.)
졸음. 졸다 = To doze off. 음 = Feeling. Combined Meaning = 졸음 refers to the feeling of sleepiness. 졸음이 몰려왔다. (Sleepiness came over me.)
Paper cup
종이컵. 종이 = Paper. 컵 = Cup. Combined Meaning = 종이컵 refers to a cup made of paper. 종이컵에 물을 담았다. (I filled the paper cup with water.)
주문. 주 = To request. 문 = Writing. Combined Meaning = 주문 refers to placing an order. 음식을 주문했다. (I ordered food.)
지능. 지 = Wisdom. 능 = Ability. Combined Meaning = 지능 refers to intelligence or cognitive ability. 그의 지능이 높다. (He has high intelligence.)
To be flustered
쩔쩔매다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be flustered or at a loss. 그는 질문에 쩔쩔맸다. (He was flustered by the question.)
철. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A strong, hard magnetic metal. 철로 된 문. (A door made of iron.)
청바지. 청 = Blue. 바지 = Pants. Combined Meaning = 청바지 refers to denim jeans. 그는 청바지를 입었다. (He wore jeans.)
To be added
추가되다. 추 = To add. 가 = To increase. 되다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 추가되다 refers to something being added. 새로운 기능이 추가되었다. (A new feature was added.)
Treatment method
치료법. 치 = To heal. 료 = Treatment. 법 = Method. Combined Meaning = 치료법 refers to a method of treatment. 새로운 치료법을 개발했다. (A new treatment method was developed.)
To tidy up
치우다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To clean up or organize. 방을 치웠다. (I cleaned the room.)
코끼리. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A large mammal with a trunk. 코끼리를 보러 갔다. (I went to see the elephant.)
콘서트. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A musical performance. 콘서트에 갔다. (I went to the concert.)
Loud voice
큰소리. 큰 = Big. 소리 = Sound. Combined Meaning = 큰소리 refers to a loud voice or sound. 큰소리로 말했다. (He spoke in a loud voice.)
First son
큰아들. 큰 = Big. 아들 = Son. Combined Meaning = 큰아들 refers to the eldest son. 그는 큰아들이다. (He is the eldest son.)
특급. 특 = Special. 급 = Class. Combined Meaning = 특급 refers to express or special class service. 특급 열차를 탔다. (I took the express train.)
평일. 평 = Regular. 일 = Day. Combined Meaning = 평일 refers to a weekday. 평일에는 바쁘다. (I am busy on weekdays.)
To be solved
풀어지다. 풀다 = To solve. 지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 풀어지다 refers to something being solved or untangled. 문제가 풀어졌다. (The problem was solved.)
한겨울. 한 = One. 겨울 = Winter. Combined Meaning = 한겨울 refers to the middle of winter. 한겨울에 눈이 많이 내렸다. (It snowed a lot in midwinter.)
Whole life
한평생. 한 = One. 평생 = Lifetime. Combined Meaning = 한평생 refers to one’s whole life. 그는 한평생을 헌신했다. (He dedicated his whole life.)
해수욕장. 해수 = Sea water. 욕장 = Bathing place. Combined Meaning = 해수욕장 refers to a beach or bathing resort. 해수욕장에서 놀았다. (I played at the beach.)
Cell phone
핸드폰. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A portable telephone. 새 핸드폰을 샀다. (I bought a new cell phone.)
Haha (laughing sound)
허허. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = An expression of laughter. 그는 허허 웃었다. (He laughed heartily.)
Room number
호실. 호 = Room number. 실 = Room. Combined Meaning = 호실 refers to the room number in a building. 101호실에 산다. (I live in room 101.)
Trash can
휴지통. 휴지 = Tissue, trash. 통 = Container. Combined Meaning = 휴지통 refers to a trash can or waste bin. 휴지통을 비웠다. (I emptied the trash can.)
To become cloudy
흐려지다. 흐리다 = To become cloudy. 지다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 흐려지다 refers to something becoming cloudy or unclear. 날씨가 흐려졌다. (The weather became cloudy.)
To hope
희망하다. 희망 = Hope. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 희망하다 refers to hoping or wishing for something. 성공을 희망했다. (He hoped for success.)
To have a hard time
힘들어하다. 힘 = Strength. 들어하다 = To be difficult. Combined Meaning = 힘들어하다 refers to having a hard time or struggling. 그는 일을 힘들어했다. (He struggled with the work.)
강의하다. 강의 = Lecture. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 강의하다 refers to giving a lecture or teaching. 그는 학생들에게 강의했다. (He lectured the students.)
To be worried
걱정되다. 걱정 = Worry. 되다 = To become. Combined Meaning = 걱정되다 refers to feeling worried or concerned. 시험 결과가 걱정된다. (I am worried about the exam results.)
To perform
공연하다. 공연 = Performance. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 공연하다 refers to performing on stage. 연극을 공연했다. (He performed a play.)
귤. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A small citrus fruit. 귤을 먹었다. (I ate a tangerine.)
Internal medicine
내과. 내 = Internal. 과 = Department. Combined Meaning = 내과 refers to internal medicine, a medical specialty. 내과 진료를 받았다. (I received internal medicine treatment.)
넷째. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The fourth position in a sequence. 그는 넷째 아들이다. (He is the fourth son.)
목걸이. 목 = Neck. 걸이 = Pendant. Combined Meaning = 목걸이 refers to a necklace. 그녀는 금목걸이를 찼다. (She wore a gold necklace.)
무지개. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A multicolored arc in the sky. 비가 그친 후 무지개가 떴다. (A rainbow appeared after the rain.)
문법. 문 = Writing. 법 = Rule. Combined Meaning = 문법 refers to grammar, the rules of a language. 한국어 문법을 공부했다. (I studied Korean grammar.)
볶음. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A method of cooking by frying quickly in a small amount of oil. 야채볶음을 먹었다. (I ate stir-fried vegetables.)
볼링. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A sport where players roll a ball to knock down pins. 친구들과 볼링을 쳤다. (I bowled with friends.)
비둘기. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A bird commonly found in urban areas. 공원에서 비둘기를 보았다. (I saw pigeons in the park.)
Living expenses
생활비. 생활 = Life. 비 = Expenses. Combined Meaning = 생활비 refers to the cost of living or daily expenses. 생활비가 많이 든다. (Living expenses are high.)
Ski resort
스키장. 스키 = Ski. 장 = Place. Combined Meaning = 스키장 refers to a ski resort or place for skiing. 겨울에 스키장에 갔다. (I went to the ski resort in winter.)
Historical era
시대적. 시대 = Era. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 시대적 refers to something related to a historical era. 시대적 배경을 연구했다. (I studied the historical background.)
To write
쓰다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To put words on paper or a screen. 편지를 썼다. (I wrote a letter.)
Front door
앞문. 앞 = Front. 문 = Door. Combined Meaning = 앞문 refers to the front door of a building. 앞문으로 들어갔다. (I entered through the front door.)
인도. 인 = Mark, print. 도 = Road, way. Combined Meaning = 인도 refers to the country of India. 그는 인도에서 왔다. (He came from India.)
책방. 책 = Book. 방 = Room. Combined Meaning = 책방 refers to a bookstore. 책방에서 책을 샀다. (I bought a book at the bookstore.)
To add
추가하다. 추 = To add. 가 = To increase. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 추가하다 refers to adding something. 목록에 이름을 추가했다. (I added a name to the list.)
칠판. 칠 = To paint. 판 = Board. Combined Meaning = 칠판 refers to a blackboard or chalkboard. 칠판에 글씨를 썼다. (I wrote on the blackboard.)
크리스마스. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A holiday celebrated on December 25th to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. 크리스마스를 즐겁게 보냈다. (I had a joyful Christmas.)
Table tennis
탁구. 탁 = Table. 구 = Ball. Combined Meaning = 탁구 refers to the sport of table tennis or ping-pong. 친구들과 탁구를 쳤다. (I played table tennis with friends.)
현대적. 현 = Present. 대 = Generation. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 현대적 refers to something modern or contemporary. 현대적 디자인이 좋다. (I like modern design.)
구. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A specific area or district within a city. 그는 서울 구에 산다. (He lives in a district of Seoul.)
Four days
나흘. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A period of four days. 나흘 동안 여행을 갔다. (I traveled for four days.)
Late autumn
늦가을. 늦 = Late. 가을 = Autumn. Combined Meaning = 늦가을 refers to late autumn. 늦가을에 단풍이 아름답다. (The autumn leaves are beautiful in late autumn.)
다이어트. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A regimen of eating and exercise for weight loss or health. 다이어트를 시작했다. (I started a diet.)
목요일. 목 = Wood. 요일 = Day of the week. Combined Meaning = 목요일 refers to Thursday. 목요일에 약속이 있다. (I have an appointment on Thursday.)
To be ugly
못생기다. 못 = Cannot. 생기다 = To look. Combined Meaning = 못생기다 refers to being unattractive or ugly. 그는 못생겼다. (He is ugly.)
Movie theater
영화관. 영화 = Movie. 관 = Hall. Combined Meaning = 영화관 refers to a movie theater. 영화관에서 영화를 봤다. (I watched a movie at the theater.)
예술적. 예술 = Art. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 예술적 refers to something artistic. 그녀는 예술적 감각이 뛰어나다. (She has a great sense of artistry.)
장모. 장 = Chief. 모 = Mother. Combined Meaning = 장모 refers to one’s mother-in-law (wife’s mother). 장모님이 우리 집에 오셨다. (My mother-in-law came to our house.)
Chinese restaurant
중국집. 중국 = China. 집 = House. Combined Meaning = 중국집 refers to a Chinese restaurant. 중국집에서 짜장면을 먹었다. (I ate jajangmyeon at the Chinese restaurant.)
지우개. 지우다 = To erase. 개 = Tool. Combined Meaning = 지우개 refers to an eraser. 연필 지우개를 샀다. (I bought a pencil eraser.)
지하도. 지하 = Underground. 도 = Road. Combined Meaning = 지하도 refers to an underground passage or underpass. 지하도를 건넜다. (I crossed the underpass.)
Fried food
튀김. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Food cooked by frying. 튀김을 먹었다. (I ate fried food.)
Ancient palace
고궁. 고 = Ancient. 궁 = Palace. Combined Meaning = 고궁 refers to an ancient palace. 고궁을 방문했다. (I visited the ancient palace.)
Express bus
고속버스. 고속 = High speed. 버스 = Bus. Combined Meaning = 고속버스 refers to an express bus. 고속버스를 탔다. (I took the express bus.)
단추. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A small fastener on clothing. 단추를 채웠다. (I fastened the button.)
대중적. 대중 = Public. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 대중적 refers to something being popular or for the public. 그 노래는 대중적이다. (That song is popular.)
미역. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A type of edible seaweed. 미역국을 먹었다. (I ate seaweed soup.)
Informal speech
반말. 반 = Half. 말 = Speech. Combined Meaning = 반말 refers to informal or casual speech. 친구에게 반말을 썼다. (I used informal speech with my friend.)
Pink color
분홍색. 분홍 = Pink. 색 = Color. Combined Meaning = 분홍색 refers to the color pink. 그녀는 분홍색 옷을 좋아한다. (She likes pink clothes.)
사. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 4. 나는 사과 네 개를 샀다. (I bought four apples.)
소포. 소 = Small. 포 = Bundle. Combined Meaning = 소포 refers to a parcel or package. 소포를 받았다. (I received a parcel.)
손녀. 손 = Descendant. 녀 = Female. Combined Meaning = 손녀 refers to a granddaughter. 손녀가 예쁘다. (My granddaughter is pretty.)
Swimming pool
수영장. 수영 = Swimming. 장 = Place. Combined Meaning = 수영장 refers to a swimming pool. 수영장에서 수영했다. (I swam at the swimming pool.)
Lower floor
아래층. 아래 = Lower. 층 = Floor. Combined Meaning = 아래층 refers to the lower floor of a building. 아래층으로 내려갔다. (I went down to the lower floor.)
Japanese language
일본어. 일본 = Japan. 어 = Language. Combined Meaning = 일본어 refers to the Japanese language. 일본어를 공부했다. (I studied Japanese.)
Uncle (father’s younger brother)
작은아버지. 작은 = Small. 아버지 = Father. Combined Meaning = 작은아버지 refers to one’s father’s younger brother. 작은아버지가 방문하셨다. (My uncle visited.)
잠옷. 잠 = Sleep. 옷 = Clothes. Combined Meaning = 잠옷 refers to clothes worn for sleeping. 잠옷을 입었다. (I wore pajamas.)
장갑. 장 = Hand. 갑 = Cover. Combined Meaning = 장갑 refers to gloves. 장갑을 꼈다. (I wore gloves.)
Early days of the month
초순. 초 = Beginning. 순 = Ten days. Combined Meaning = 초순 refers to the early days of the month. 초순에 중요한 행사가 있다. (There is an important event in the early days of the month.)
To be discharged from the hospital
퇴원하다. 퇴원 = Discharge. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 퇴원하다 refers to being discharged from the hospital. 그는 어제 퇴원했다. (He was discharged from the hospital yesterday.)
Late days of the month
하순. 하 = Lower. 순 = Ten days. Combined Meaning = 하순 refers to the late days of the month. 하순에 여행을 갈 것이다. (I will travel in the late days of the month.)
갈비. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A cut of meat from the rib area. 갈비를 구웠다. (I grilled ribs.)
기혼. 기 = Already. 혼 = Marriage. Combined Meaning = 기혼 refers to being married. 그는 기혼자다. (He is married.)
대장. 대 = Big. 장 = Chief. Combined Meaning = 대장 refers to a high-ranking military officer. 그는 대장으로 승진했다. (He was promoted to colonel.)
The day after tomorrow
모레. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The day after tomorrow. 모레 만나자. (Let’s meet the day after tomorrow.)
Samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup)
삼계탕. 삼 = Ginseng. 계 = Chicken. 탕 = Soup. Combined Meaning = 삼계탕 refers to a Korean ginseng chicken soup. 삼계탕을 먹었다. (I ate samgyetang.)
Birthday (honorific)
생신. 생 = Life. 신 = Body. Combined Meaning = 생신 refers to one’s birthday in an honorific way. 어머니 생신을 축하드렸다. (I celebrated my mother’s birthday.)
서른. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 30. 그는 서른 살이다. (He is thirty years old.)
City bus
시내버스. 시내 = City. 버스 = Bus. Combined Meaning = 시내버스 refers to a city bus. 시내버스를 탔다. (I took the city bus.)
아홉. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 9. 나는 아홉 살이다. (I am nine years old.)
To make a reservation
예약하다. 예 = Beforehand. 약 = Promise. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 예약하다 refers to making a reservation. 호텔을 예약했다. (I made a reservation at the hotel.)
우표. 우 = Post. 표 = Ticket. Combined Meaning = 우표 refers to a postage stamp. 우표를 모았다. (I collected stamps.)
장미. 장 = Long. 미 = Beautiful. Combined Meaning = 장미 refers to a rose. 장미꽃을 샀다. (I bought a rose.)
천둥. 천 = Sky. 둥 = Sound. Combined Meaning = 천둥 refers to the sound of thunder. 천둥 소리가 들렸다. (I heard the sound of thunder.)
Discharge from hospital
퇴원. 퇴 = To retire. 원 = House. Combined Meaning = 퇴원 refers to being discharged from the hospital. 그는 어제 퇴원했다. (He was discharged from the hospital yesterday.)
Blue color
파란색. 파란 = Blue. 색 = Color. Combined Meaning = 파란색 refers to the color blue. 파란색 셔츠를 입었다. (I wore a blue shirt.)
To be lazy
게으르다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be unwilling to work or use energy. 그는 게으르다. (He is lazy.)
기념품. 기념 = Commemoration. 품 = Item. Combined Meaning = 기념품 refers to a souvenir or keepsake. 여행에서 기념품을 샀다. (I bought a souvenir from the trip.)
Cold noodles
냉면. 냉 = Cold. 면 = Noodles. Combined Meaning = 냉면 refers to a dish of cold noodles. 여름에는 냉면이 맛있다. (Cold noodles are delicious in the summer.)
Autumn foliage
단풍. 단 = Red. 풍 = Leaf. Combined Meaning = 단풍 refers to the autumn foliage or leaves changing color. 단풍이 아름답다. (The autumn foliage is beautiful.)
German language
독일어. 독일 = Germany. 어 = Language. Combined Meaning = 독일어 refers to the German language. 독일어를 배웠다. (I learned German.)
문학적. 문학 = Literature. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 문학적 refers to something literary. 그녀는 문학적 재능이 있다. (She has literary talent.)
To be slippery
미끄럽다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To be smooth and difficult to hold or walk on. 길이 미끄럽다. (The road is slippery.)
복숭아. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A sweet fruit with fuzzy skin and a pit. 복숭아를 먹었다. (I ate a peach.)
비빔밥. 비빔 = Mixed. 밥 = Rice. Combined Meaning = 비빔밥 refers to a Korean dish of mixed rice with vegetables and meat. 점심으로 비빔밥을 먹었다. (I ate bibimbap for lunch.)
여든. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 80. 그는 여든 살이다. (He is eighty years old.)
Only son
외아들. 외 = Only. 아들 = Son. Combined Meaning = 외아들 refers to an only son. 그는 외아들이다. (He is an only son.)
이따가. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = After a while; later. 이따가 보자. (See you later.)
일흔. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 70. 그는 일흔 살이다. (He is seventy years old.)
장인. 장 = Chief. 인 = Man. Combined Meaning = 장인 refers to one’s father-in-law (wife’s father). 장인어른이 방문하셨다. (My father-in-law visited.)
화요일. 화 = Fire. 요일 = Day of the week. Combined Meaning = 화요일 refers to Tuesday. 화요일에 만날까요? (Shall we meet on Tuesday?)
강아지. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A young dog. 강아지를 키우고 있다. (I am raising a puppy.)
Five days
닷새. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A period of five days. 닷새 동안 쉬었다. (I rested for five days.)
To give a gift
선물하다. 선물 = Gift. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 선물하다 refers to giving a gift. 친구에게 선물했다. (I gave a gift to my friend.)
Ice cream
아이스크림. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A frozen dessert made from cream or milk. 아이스크림을 먹었다. (I ate ice cream.)
Maternal grandfather
외할아버지. 외 = External, maternal. 할아버지 = Grandfather. Combined Meaning = 외할아버지 refers to one’s maternal grandfather. 외할아버지를 방문했다. (I visited my maternal grandfather.)
To cook
요리하다. 요리 = Cooking. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 요리하다 refers to cooking food. 저녁을 요리했다. (I cooked dinner.)
To enter a country
입국. 입 = To enter. 국 = Country. Combined Meaning = 입국 refers to entering a country. 그는 입국 심사를 통과했다. (He passed through immigration.)
주차. 주 = To stop. 차 = Vehicle. Combined Meaning = 주차 refers to parking a vehicle. 주차 공간이 없다. (There is no parking space.)
체육관. 체육 = Physical education. 관 = Hall. Combined Meaning = 체육관 refers to a gymnasium. 체육관에서 운동했다. (I exercised in the gymnasium.)
최소. 최 = Most. 소 = Small. Combined Meaning = 최소 refers to the minimum or smallest amount. 최소한의 노력으로 성공했다. (I succeeded with minimal effort.)
칠. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 7. 나는 칠 살이다. (I am seven years old.)
Kalguksu (knife-cut noodles)
칼국수. 칼 = Knife. 국수 = Noodles. Combined Meaning = 칼국수 refers to Korean knife-cut noodles. 점심으로 칼국수를 먹었다. (I ate kalguksu for lunch.)
Uncle (father’s older brother)
큰아버지. 큰 = Big. 아버지 = Father. Combined Meaning = 큰아버지 refers to one’s father’s older brother. 큰아버지가 방문하셨다. (My uncle visited.)
Black tea
홍차. 홍 = Red. 차 = Tea. Combined Meaning = 홍차 refers to black tea. 홍차를 마셨다. (I drank black tea.)
국민적. 국 = Country. 민 = People. 적 = Related to. Combined Meaning = 국민적 refers to something national or related to the people. 그 사건은 국민적 관심을 받았다. (The incident received national attention.)
International flight
국제선. 국제 = International. 선 = Line. Combined Meaning = 국제선 refers to an international flight. 국제선을 타고 여행했다. (I traveled on an international flight.)
To be tasteless
맛없다. 맛 = Taste. 없다 = Not have. Combined Meaning = 맛없다 refers to something being tasteless or not delicious. 이 음식은 맛없다. (This food is tasteless.)
백. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 100. 나는 백 번 시도했다. (I tried a hundred times.)
사십. 사 = Four. 십 = Ten. Combined Meaning = 사십 refers to the number 40. 그는 사십 살이다. (He is forty years old.)
안과. 안 = Eye. 과 = Department. Combined Meaning = 안과 refers to the medical field of ophthalmology. 안과에 가서 눈을 검사했다. (I went to the ophthalmologist for an eye exam.)
Contact information
연락처. 연 = Connect. 락 = Contact. 처 = Place. Combined Meaning = 연락처 refers to contact information. 연락처를 교환했다. (We exchanged contact information.)
연세. 연 = Age. 세 = Year. Combined Meaning = 연세 refers to age in an honorific way. 할머니의 연세는 일흔 살이다. (My grandmother is seventy years old.)
Wedding hall
예식장. 예식 = Ceremony. 장 = Place. Combined Meaning = 예식장 refers to a wedding hall. 결혼식은 예식장에서 열렸다. (The wedding was held at a wedding hall.)
Monthly rent
월세. 월 = Month. 세 = Rent. Combined Meaning = 월세 refers to the monthly rent for a house or apartment. 월세를 지불했다. (I paid the monthly rent.)
Upper floor
위층. 위 = Upper. 층 = Floor. Combined Meaning = 위층 refers to the upper floor of a building. 위층으로 올라갔다. (I went up to the upper floor.)
Ginseng tea
인삼차. 인삼 = Ginseng. 차 = Tea. Combined Meaning = 인삼차 refers to tea made from ginseng. 인삼차를 마셨다. (I drank ginseng tea.)
Medical examination
진찰. 진 = Diagnose. 찰 = Examine. Combined Meaning = 진찰 refers to a medical examination. 의사의 진찰을 받았다. (I received a medical examination from the doctor.)
Green color
초록색. 초록 = Green. 색 = Color. Combined Meaning = 초록색 refers to the color green. 초록색 옷을 입었다. (I wore a green dress.)
Soccer ball
축구공. 축구 = Soccer. 공 = Ball. Combined Meaning = 축구공 refers to a soccer ball. 축구공을 차서 놀았다. (I played by kicking the soccer ball.)
First daughter
큰딸. 큰 = Big. 딸 = Daughter. Combined Meaning = 큰딸 refers to the eldest daughter. 그녀는 내 큰딸이다. (She is my eldest daughter.)
팔. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 8. 나는 팔 살이다. (I am eight years old.)
결석. 결 = Absence. 석 = Seat. Combined Meaning = 결석 refers to being absent from a class or meeting. 그는 학교에 결석했다. (He was absent from school.)
Kimchi stew
김치찌개. 김치 = Kimchi. 찌개 = Stew. Combined Meaning = 김치찌개 refers to a stew made with kimchi. 저녁으로 김치찌개를 먹었다. (I ate kimchi stew for dinner.)
Green tea
녹차. 녹 = Green. 차 = Tea. Combined Meaning = 녹차 refers to green tea. 녹차를 마셨다. (I drank green tea.)
독감. 독 = Poison. 감 = Cold. Combined Meaning = 독감 refers to influenza or the flu. 독감에 걸렸다. (I caught the flu.)
만두. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A type of filled dough commonly eaten in East Asia. 만두를 먹었다. (I ate dumplings.)
To pronounce
발음하다. 발 = To emit. 음 = Sound. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 발음하다 refers to pronouncing or articulating sounds. 단어를 정확하게 발음했다. (I pronounced the word correctly.)
Purple color
보라색. 보라 = Purple. 색 = Color. Combined Meaning = 보라색 refers to the color purple. 보라색 꽃이 피었다. (The purple flowers bloomed.)
To review
복습하다. 복 = To repeat. 습 = Study. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 복습하다 refers to reviewing or revising material previously learned. 시험 전에 복습했다. (I reviewed before the test.)
스케이트. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The activity or sport of gliding on ice or a hard surface using skates. 우리는 스케이트를 타러 갔다. (We went skating.)
To excuse oneself
실례하다. 실례 = Excuse. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 실례하다 refers to excusing oneself or asking for pardon. 실례합니다, 길을 잃었습니다. (Excuse me, I am lost.)
Like that
그렇게. 그 = That. 렇게 = Like. Combined Meaning = 그렇게 refers to doing something in that manner. 그렇게 하면 안 돼. (You shouldn’t do it like that.)
여섯. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 6. 나는 여섯 살이다. (I am six years old.)
Light green color
연두색. 연두 = Light green. 색 = Color. Combined Meaning = 연두색 refers to the color light green. 연두색 옷을 입었다. (I wore a light green dress.)
Ondol (Korean floor heating system)
온돌. 온 = Warm. 돌 = Stone. Combined Meaning = 온돌 refers to a traditional Korean underfloor heating system. 온돌 방에서 잤다. (I slept in a room with an ondol heating system.)
육. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 6. 나는 육 살이다. (I am six years old.)
일곱. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 7. 나는 일곱 살이다. (I am seven years old.)
출입국. 출 = To exit. 입국 = To enter. Combined Meaning = 출입국 refers to entering and exiting a country. 출입국 심사를 통과했다. (I passed through immigration.)
Classical music
클래식. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A genre of music characterized by a formal style. 클래식을 들었다. (I listened to classical music.)
Pop song
팝송. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A genre of popular music. 팝송을 좋아한다. (I like pop songs.)
팩스. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A device used for sending documents electronically. 팩스를 보냈다. (I sent a fax.)
Radish kimchi
깍두기. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A type of kimchi made with cubed radish. 깍두기를 먹었다. (I ate radish kimchi.)
Domestic flight
국내선. 국 = Country. 내 = Inside. 선 = Line. Combined Meaning = 국내선 refers to a domestic flight within a country. 국내선을 타고 부산에 갔다. (I took a domestic flight to Busan.)
복습. 복 = To repeat. 습 = Study. Combined Meaning = 복습 refers to the act of reviewing or revising material previously learned. 시험 전에 복습했다. (I reviewed before the test.)
삼십. 삼 = Three. 십 = Ten. Combined Meaning = 삼십 refers to the number 30. 그는 삼십 살이다. (He is thirty years old.)
Name (honorific)
성함. 성 = Family name. 함 = Name. Combined Meaning = 성함 refers to someone’s name in an honorific way. 선생님의 성함은 무엇입니까? (What is your name, sir?)
Laundry shop
세탁소. 세 = Wash. 탁 = Rinse. 소 = Place. Combined Meaning = 세탁소 refers to a laundry shop. 세탁소에 옷을 맡겼다. (I left my clothes at the laundry shop.)
Intercity bus
시외버스. 시외 = Suburban. 버스 = Bus. Combined Meaning = 시외버스 refers to an intercity or suburban bus. 시외버스를 타고 여행했다. (I traveled by intercity bus.)
Baseball stadium
야구장. 야구 = Baseball. 장 = Place. Combined Meaning = 야구장 refers to a baseball stadium. 야구장에서 경기를 봤다. (I watched the game at the baseball stadium.)
오십. 오 = Five. 십 = Ten. Combined Meaning = 오십 refers to the number 50. 그는 오십 살이다. (He is fifty years old.)
운동복. 운동 = Exercise. 복 = Clothes. Combined Meaning = 운동복 refers to clothing worn for exercising. 운동복을 입고 운동했다. (I wore sportswear and exercised.)
Uncle (father’s younger brother)
작은아들. 작은 = Small. 아들 = Son. Combined Meaning = 작은아들 refers to one’s father’s younger brother. 작은아들이 방문했다. (My uncle visited.)
Sleeping place
잠자리. 잠 = Sleep. 자리 = Place. Combined Meaning = 잠자리 refers to a place for sleeping. 새로운 잠자리를 준비했다. (I prepared a new sleeping place.)
To park
주차하다. 주차 = Parking. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 주차하다 refers to parking a vehicle. 주차장을 찾았다. (I found a parking lot.)
Chinese language
중국어. 중국 = China. 어 = Language. Combined Meaning = 중국어 refers to the Chinese language. 중국어를 공부했다. (I studied Chinese.)
Vacuum cleaner
청소기. 청소 = Clean. 기 = Machine. Combined Meaning = 청소기 refers to a vacuum cleaner. 청소기로 방을 청소했다. (I cleaned the room with a vacuum cleaner.)
칠십. 칠 = Seven. 십 = Ten. Combined Meaning = 칠십 refers to the number 70. 그는 칠십 살이다. (He is seventy years old.)
Pencil case
필통. 필 = Pen. 통 = Container. Combined Meaning = 필통 refers to a pencil case. 새 필통을 샀다. (I bought a new pencil case.)
Student ID card
학생증. 학생 = Student. 증 = Certificate. Combined Meaning = 학생증 refers to a student ID card. 학생증을 제시했다. (I showed my student ID card.)
형수. 형 = Older brother. 수 = Sister-in-law. Combined Meaning = 형수 refers to one’s older brother’s wife. 형수가 요리를 잘한다. (My sister-in-law is good at cooking.)
Gyeongsang Province
경상도. 경 = Respect. 상 = Upper. 도 = Province. Combined Meaning = 경상도 refers to the Gyeongsang Province in South Korea. 경상도 출신이다. (He is from Gyeongsang Province.)
Airport bus
공항버스. 공항 = Airport. 버스 = Bus. Combined Meaning = 공항버스 refers to a bus that goes to and from the airport. 공항버스를 탔다. (I took the airport bus.)
Tourist bus
관광버스. 관광 = Tourism. 버스 = Bus. Combined Meaning = 관광버스 refers to a bus used for tours or sightseeing. 관광버스를 타고 여행했다. (I traveled by tourist bus.)
Day before yesterday
그저께. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Two days ago; the day before yesterday. 그저께 만났다. (I met him the day before yesterday.)
Air conditioning
냉방. 냉 = Cold. 방 = Room. Combined Meaning = 냉방 refers to air conditioning. 여름에는 냉방이 필요하다. (Air conditioning is necessary in summer.)
Eye disease
눈병. 눈 = Eye. 병 = Disease. Combined Meaning = 눈병 refers to an eye disease or infection. 그는 눈병에 걸렸다. (He got an eye infection.)
다섯째. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The fifth position in a sequence. 그는 다섯째 아들이다. (He is the fifth son.)
Napa cabbage kimchi
배추김치. 배추 = Napa cabbage. 김치 = Kimchi. Combined Meaning = 배추김치 refers to kimchi made from napa cabbage. 배추김치를 담갔다. (I made napa cabbage kimchi.)
사탕. 사 = Sand. 탕 = Sugar. Combined Meaning = 사탕 refers to candy or sweets. 사탕을 먹었다. (I ate candy.)
Colored pencil
색연필. 색 = Color. 연필 = Pencil. Combined Meaning = 색연필 refers to a colored pencil. 색연필로 그림을 그렸다. (I drew a picture with colored pencils.)
소아과. 소아 = Child. 과 = Department. Combined Meaning = 소아과 refers to the medical field of pediatrics. 소아과에서 진료를 받았다. (I received treatment at the pediatrics department.)
Solar calendar
양력. 양 = Sun. 력 = Calendar. Combined Meaning = 양력 refers to the solar calendar. 오늘은 양력 3월 1일이다. (Today is March 1st on the solar calendar.)
예순. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 60. 그는 예순 살이다. (He is sixty years old.)
오. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 5. 나는 오 살이다. (I am five years old.)
Aunt (father’s younger brother’s wife)
작은어머니. 작은 = Small. 어머니 = Mother. Combined Meaning = 작은어머니 refers to one’s father’s younger brother’s wife. 작은어머니가 방문하셨다. (My aunt visited.)
Soccer stadium
축구장. 축구 = Soccer. 장 = Place. Combined Meaning = 축구장 refers to a soccer stadium. 축구장에서 경기를 봤다. (I watched the game at the soccer stadium.)
Hangul Day
한글날. 한글 = Korean alphabet. 날 = Day. Combined Meaning = 한글날 refers to the Korean national holiday celebrating the creation of the Hangul alphabet. 한글날을 기념했다. (I celebrated Hangul Day.)
Korean food
한식. 한 = Korea. 식 = Food. Combined Meaning = 한식 refers to Korean cuisine. 한식을 좋아한다. (I like Korean food.)
King Sejong the Great
세종대왕. 세종 = Sejong. 대왕 = Great King. Combined Meaning = 세종대왕 refers to King Sejong the Great, who created the Korean Hangul alphabet. 세종대왕은 한글을 창제했다. (King Sejong the Great created Hangul.)
넉. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 4. 나는 넉 살이다. (I am four years old.)
메일. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Electronic mail. 메일을 보냈다. (I sent an email.)
복사기. 복 = To copy. 사 = Print. 기 = Machine. Combined Meaning = 복사기 refers to a photocopier. 복사기로 문서를 복사했다. (I copied the documents with the photocopier.)
빗. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A tool used for arranging hair. 머리를 빗으로 빗었다. (I combed my hair with a comb.)
Seolleongtang (ox bone soup)
설렁탕. 설렁 = Ox bone. 탕 = Soup. Combined Meaning = 설렁탕 refers to a traditional Korean soup made from ox bones. 설렁탕을 먹었다. (I ate seolleongtang.)
Jongno (district in Seoul)
종로. 종 = Bell. 로 = Road. Combined Meaning = 종로 refers to a district in Seoul, South Korea. 종로에서 쇼핑했다. (I shopped in Jongno.)
Silla (ancient kingdom)
신라. 신 = New. 라 = Silla. Combined Meaning = 신라 refers to an ancient kingdom in Korean history. 신라의 역사를 공부했다. (I studied the history of Silla.)
십. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 10. 나는 십 살이다. (I am ten years old.)
Son (honorific)
아드님. 아들 = Son. 님 = Honorific suffix. Combined Meaning = 아드님 refers to someone’s son in an honorific way. 아드님이 몇 살입니까? (How old is your son?)
천. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 1,000. 나는 천 원을 받았다. (I received one thousand won.)
To be absent
결석하다. 결석 = Absence. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 결석하다 refers to being absent from a class or meeting. 그는 학교에 결석했다. (He was absent from school.)
기념일. 기념 = Commemoration. 일 = Day. Combined Meaning = 기념일 refers to an anniversary or commemorative day. 결혼 기념일을 축하했다. (I celebrated my wedding anniversary.)
Black color
까만색. 까만 = Black. 색 = Color. Combined Meaning = 까만색 refers to the color black. 까만색 셔츠를 입었다. (I wore a black shirt.)
Year after next
내후년. 내 = Inside. 후년 = Two years later. Combined Meaning = 내후년 refers to the year after next. 내후년에 졸업할 것이다. (I will graduate the year after next.)
쉰. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 50. 그는 쉰 살이다. (He is fifty years old.)
시아버지. 시 = Husband’s side. 아버지 = Father. Combined Meaning = 시아버지 refers to one’s father-in-law (husband’s father). 시아버지가 친절하다. (My father-in-law is kind.)
Grocery store
식품점. 식품 = Food. 점 = Store. Combined Meaning = 식품점 refers to a grocery store. 식품점에서 장을 봤다. (I bought groceries at the grocery store.)
약혼녀. 약혼 = Engagement. 녀 = Female. Combined Meaning = 약혼녀 refers to one’s fiancée. 그의 약혼녀는 아름답다. (His fiancée is beautiful.)
The day before yesterday
어저께. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Two days ago; the day before yesterday. 어저께 만났다. (I met him the day before yesterday.)
영상. 영 = Shadow. 상 = Image. Combined Meaning = 영상 refers to a video or visual media. 영상을 촬영했다. (I recorded a video.)
To make a reservation
예매하다. 예 = Beforehand. 매 = Purchase. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 예매하다 refers to reserving or purchasing tickets in advance. 공연 티켓을 예매했다. (I reserved tickets for the performance.)
예습. 예 = Beforehand. 습 = Study. Combined Meaning = 예습 refers to studying or preparing material before class. 예습을 철저히 했다. (I prepared thoroughly.)
To preview
예습하다. 예습 = Preview. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 예습하다 refers to previewing or studying material in advance. 수업 전에 예습했다. (I previewed the material before class.)
육십. 육 = Six. 십 = Ten. Combined Meaning = 육십 refers to the number 60. 그는 육십 살이다. (He is sixty years old.)
To attend
출석하다. 출석 = Attendance. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 출석하다 refers to attending or being present at a place. 그는 수업에 출석했다. (He attended the class.)
Aunt (father’s older brother’s wife)
큰어머니. 큰 = Big. 어머니 = Mother. Combined Meaning = 큰어머니 refers to one’s father’s older brother’s wife. 큰어머니가 방문하셨다. (My aunt visited.)
팔십. 팔 = Eight. 십 = Ten. Combined Meaning = 팔십 refers to the number 80. 그는 팔십 살이다. (He is eighty years old.)
Woof (barking sound)
멍멍. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The sound a dog makes. 개가 멍멍 짖었다. (The dog barked.)
분필. 분 = Powder. 필 = Writing. Combined Meaning = 분필 refers to chalk used for writing on a blackboard. 칠판에 분필로 글씨를 썼다. (I wrote on the blackboard with chalk.)
약혼자. 약혼 = Engagement. 자 = Person. Combined Meaning = 약혼자 refers to one’s fiancé. 그녀의 약혼자는 잘생겼다. (Her fiancé is handsome.)
Western food
양식. 양 = Western. 식 = Food. Combined Meaning = 양식 refers to Western-style food. 저녁으로 양식을 먹었다. (I ate Western food for dinner.)
One hundred million
억. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 100 million. 그는 억을 벌었다. (He earned a hundred million.)
여덟. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 8. 나는 여덟 살이다. (I am eight years old.)
외과. 외 = Outside. 과 = Department. Combined Meaning = 외과 refers to the medical field of surgery. 외과에서 수술을 받았다. (I had surgery at the surgical department.)
제과점. 제 = To make. 과 = Confectionery. 점 = Store. Combined Meaning = 제과점 refers to a bakery or confectionery shop. 제과점에서 빵을 샀다. (I bought bread at the bakery.)
Chinese cuisine
중식. 중 = Middle. 식 = Food. Combined Meaning = 중식 refers to Chinese cuisine. 중식을 먹었다. (I ate Chinese food.)
케첩. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A tomato-based condiment. 감자튀김에 케첩을 뿌렸다. (I put ketchup on my fries.)
Convenience store
편의점. 편의 = Convenience. 점 = Store. Combined Meaning = 편의점 refers to a convenience store. 편의점에서 음료수를 샀다. (I bought a drink at the convenience store.)
Galbitang (beef short rib soup)
갈비탕. 갈비 = Rib. 탕 = Soup. Combined Meaning = 갈비탕 refers to a Korean soup made with beef short ribs. 갈비탕을 먹었다. (I ate galbitang.)
Black color
검정색. 검정 = Black. 색 = Color. Combined Meaning = 검정색 refers to the color black. 검정색 신발을 샀다. (I bought black shoes.)
Beauty salon
미용실. 미용 = Beauty. 실 = Room. Combined Meaning = 미용실 refers to a beauty salon. 미용실에서 머리를 잘랐다. (I got my hair cut at the beauty salon.)
아흔. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The number 90. 그는 아흔 살이다. (He is ninety years old.)
이십. 이 = Two. 십 = Ten. Combined Meaning = 이십 refers to the number 20. 그는 이십 살이다. (He is twenty years old.)
Chungcheong Province
충청도. 충 = Loyal. 청 = Clear. 도 = Province. Combined Meaning = 충청도 refers to the Chungcheong Province in South Korea. 충청도 출신이다. (He is from Chungcheong Province.)
Seoraksan (mountain)
설악산. 설악 = Snowy peak. 산 = Mountain. Combined Meaning = 설악산 refers to a famous mountain in South Korea. 설악산을 등반했다. (I climbed Seoraksan.)
Joseon (ancient kingdom)
조선. 조 = Morning. 선 = Fresh. Combined Meaning = 조선 refers to an ancient Korean kingdom. 조선의 역사를 공부했다. (I studied the history of Joseon.)
Upside down
거꾸로. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Inverted or in reverse. 그림을 거꾸로 걸었다. (I hung the picture upside down.)
Incheon Airport
인천공항. 인천 = Incheon. 공항 = Airport. Combined Meaning = 인천공항 refers to Incheon International Airport. 인천공항에서 비행기를 탔다. (I took a plane from Incheon Airport.)
Like that
저렇게. 저 = That. 렇게 = Like. Combined Meaning = 저렇게 refers to doing something in that manner. 저렇게 하면 안 돼. (You shouldn’t do it like that.)
Daejeon (city)
대전. 대 = Big. 전 = Field. Combined Meaning = 대전 refers to a city in South Korea. 대전에 살고 있다. (I live in Daejeon.)
New York
뉴욕. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A major city in the United States. 뉴욕에서 공부했다. (I studied in New York.)
풍경. 풍 = Wind. 경 = Scenery. Combined Meaning = 풍경 refers to the landscape or scenery. 산의 풍경이 아름답다. (The scenery of the mountain is beautiful.)
아프리카. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A continent south of Europe. 아프리카를 여행했다. (I traveled to Africa.)
근본. 근 = Root. 본 = Origin. Combined Meaning = 근본 refers to the fundamental or basic nature of something. 근본적인 문제를 해결했다. (I solved the fundamental problem.)
To organize
정리. 정 = Order. 리 = Arrange. Combined Meaning = 정리 refers to organizing or arranging something. 방을 정리했다. (I organized my room.)
Tokyo (city)
도쿄(동경). 도 = East. 경 = Capital. Combined Meaning = 도쿄 refers to the capital city of Japan, also known as Tokyo. 도쿄에서 일했다. (I worked in Tokyo.)
워낙. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To a great degree or very. 그는 워낙 유명하다. (He is very famous.)
독일. 독 = Alone. 일 = Country. Combined Meaning = 독일 refers to the country of Germany. 그는 독일에서 왔다. (He came from Germany.)
Like this
이렇게. 이 = This. 렇게 = Like. Combined Meaning = 이렇게 refers to doing something in this manner. 이렇게 하면 돼. (Do it like this.)
To develop
발달하다. 발달 = Development. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 발달하다 refers to developing or advancing. 기술이 발달했다. (Technology has developed.)
To point out
지적하다. 지적 = Pointing out. 하다 = To do. Combined Meaning = 지적하다 refers to pointing out or indicating something. 그의 실수를 지적했다. (I pointed out his mistake.)
United Kingdom
영국. 영 = Brave. 국 = Country. Combined Meaning = 영국 refers to the United Kingdom. 그는 영국에서 공부했다. (He studied in the United Kingdom.)
회사. 회 = Assembly. 사 = Company. Combined Meaning = 회사 refers to a company or business. 그는 큰 회사에 다닌다. (He works at a big company.)
유럽. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A continent to the west of Asia. 유럽을 여행했다. (I traveled to Europe.)
의식. 의 = Thought. 식 = Knowledge. Combined Meaning = 의식 refers to consciousness or awareness. 그는 의식을 잃었다. (He lost consciousness.)
구십. 구 = Nine. 십 = Ten. Combined Meaning = 구십 refers to the number 90. 그는 구십 살이다. (He is ninety years old.)
아시아. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The largest continent on Earth. 아시아를 여행했다. (I traveled to Asia.)
To wait
기다리다. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = To stay in place in expectation of something. 친구를 기다렸다. (I waited for my friend.)
인천. 인 = Mark. 천 = River. Combined Meaning = 인천 refers to a city in South Korea. 인천에 살고 있다. (I live in Incheon.)
거기. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = Refers to a place away from the speaker but close to the listener. 거기에 가고 싶다. (I want to go there.)
Japanese cuisine
일식. 일 = Japan. 식 = Food. Combined Meaning = 일식 refers to Japanese cuisine. 일식을 먹었다. (I ate Japanese food.)
Younger daughter
작은딸. 작은 = Small. 딸 = Daughter. Combined Meaning = 작은딸 refers to the younger daughter. 그녀는 작은딸이다. (She is the younger daughter.)
That place
저곳. 저 = That. 곳 = Place. Combined Meaning = 저곳 refers to that place away from both the speaker and listener. 저곳이 좋아 보인다. (That place looks good.)
Elementary school student
초등학생. 초등 = Elementary. 학 = Study. 생 = Student. Combined Meaning = 초등학생 refers to an elementary school student. 나는 초등학생이다. (I am an elementary school student.)
White color
하얀색. 하얀 = White. 색 = Color. Combined Meaning = 하얀색 refers to the color white. 하얀색 옷을 입었다. (I wore a white dress.)
South America
남미. 남 = South. 미 = America. Combined Meaning = 남미 refers to South America. 남미를 여행했다. (I traveled to South America.)
Geumgangsan (mountain)
금강산. 금강 = Diamond. 산 = Mountain. Combined Meaning = 금강산 refers to a famous mountain in North Korea. 금강산을 등반했다. (I climbed Geumgangsan.)
Jeonju (city)
전주. 전 = All. 주 = Province. Combined Meaning = 전주 refers to a city in South Korea. 전주에서 전통 음식을 먹었다. (I ate traditional food in Jeonju.)
Jeolla Province
전라도. 전라 = Complete. 도 = Province. Combined Meaning = 전라도 refers to the Jeolla Province in South Korea. 전라도 출신이다. (He is from Jeolla Province.)
North Korea
북한. 북 = North. 한 = Korea. Combined Meaning = 북한 refers to North Korea. 북한에서 온 탈북자. (A defector from North Korea.)
Busan (city)
부산. 부 = Port. 산 = Mountain. Combined Meaning = 부산 refers to a city in South Korea. 부산에 갔다. (I went to Busan.)
United States
미국. 미 = Beautiful. 국 = Country. Combined Meaning = 미국 refers to the United States. 그는 미국에서 공부했다. (He studied in the United States.)
Baekdusan (mountain)
백두산. 백두 = White head. 산 = Mountain. Combined Meaning = 백두산 refers to a famous mountain in North Korea. 백두산을 등반했다. (I climbed Baekdusan.)
Baekje (ancient kingdom)
백제. 백 = White. 제 = Empire. Combined Meaning = 백제 refers to an ancient Korean kingdom. 백제의 역사를 공부했다. (I studied the history of Baekje.)
Beijing (city)
베이징(북경). 북 = North. 경 = Capital. Combined Meaning = 베이징 refers to the capital city of China, also known as Beijing. 베이징에서 일했다. (I worked in Beijing.)
Our country
우리나라. 우리 = Our. 나라 = Country. Combined Meaning = 우리나라 refers to one’s own country. 우리나라를 사랑한다. (I love my country.)
South Korea
대한민국. 대 = Great. 한 = Korea. 민국 = Republic. Combined Meaning = 대한민국 refers to the Republic of Korea, commonly known as South Korea. 대한민국에서 태어났다. (I was born in South Korea.)
한국. 한 = Korea. 국 = Country. Combined Meaning = 한국 refers to the country of Korea. 한국에서 살고 있다. (I live in Korea.)
Gangwon Province
강원도. 강 = River. 원 = Original. 도 = Province. Combined Meaning = 강원도 refers to the Gangwon Province in South Korea. 강원도에서 휴가를 보냈다. (I spent my vacation in Gangwon Province.)
Gyeonggi Province
경기도. 경 = Respect. 기 = Foundation. 도 = Province. Combined Meaning = 경기도 refers to the Gyeonggi Province in South Korea. 경기도 출신이다. (He is from Gyeonggi Province.)
Gyeongbokgung (palace)
경복궁. 경 = Great. 복 = Blessing. 궁 = Palace. Combined Meaning = 경복궁 refers to a historic palace in Seoul, South Korea. 경복궁을 방문했다. (I visited Gyeongbokgung.)
Gyeongju (city)
경주. 경 = Respect. 주 = Province. Combined Meaning = 경주 refers to a city in South Korea. 경주에서 역사를 공부했다. (I studied history in Gyeongju.)
Goguryeo (ancient kingdom)
고구려. 고 = High. 구려 = Glorious. Combined Meaning = 고구려 refers to an ancient Korean kingdom. 고구려의 역사를 공부했다. (I studied the history of Goguryeo.)
Goryeo (ancient kingdom)
고려. 고 = High. 려 = Glorious. Combined Meaning = 고려 refers to an ancient Korean kingdom. 고려의 역사를 공부했다. (I studied the history of Goryeo.)
Gwangju (city)
광주. 광 = Light. 주 = Province. Combined Meaning = 광주 refers to a city in South Korea. 광주에서 친구를 만났다. (I met a friend in Gwangju.)
Gimpo Airport
김포공항. 김포 = Gimpo. 공항 = Airport. Combined Meaning = 김포공항 refers to Gimpo International Airport in Seoul, South Korea. 김포공항에서 비행기를 탔다. (I took a plane from Gimpo Airport.)
Ulsan (city)
울산. 울 = Cry. 산 = Mountain. Combined Meaning = 울산 refers to a city in South Korea. 울산에서 일했다. (I worked in Ulsan.)
Honam (region)
호남. 호 = Lake. 남 = South. Combined Meaning = 호남 refers to the Honam region in South Korea. 호남 지역을 여행했다. (I traveled to the Honam region.)
일본. 일 = Sun. 본 = Origin. Combined Meaning = 일본 refers to the country of Japan. 그는 일본에서 왔다. (He came from Japan.)
파리. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The capital city of France. 파리에서 공부했다. (I studied in Paris.)
Jirisan (mountain)
지리산. 지리 = Wisdom. 산 = Mountain. Combined Meaning = 지리산 refers to a famous mountain in South Korea. 지리산을 등반했다. (I climbed Jirisan.)
Jeju Island
제주도. 제 = Sacrifice. 주 = Province. 도 = Island. Combined Meaning = 제주도 refers to Jeju Island, a province of South Korea. 제주도를 여행했다. (I traveled to Jeju Island.)
서울. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = The capital city of South Korea. 서울에서 살고 있다. (I live in Seoul.)
Seoul Station
서울역. 서울 = Seoul. 역 = Station. Combined Meaning = 서울역 refers to the main train station in Seoul. 서울역에서 기차를 탔다. (I took a train from Seoul Station.)
Namdaemun (market)
남대문. 남 = South. 대문 = Gate. Combined Meaning = 남대문 refers to a historic gate and market in Seoul. 남대문시장에서 쇼핑했다. (I shopped at Namdaemun Market.)
Han River
한강. 한 = Korea. 강 = River. Combined Meaning = 한강 refers to the Han River in Seoul, South Korea. 한강에서 산책했다. (I took a walk along the Han River.)
Hallasan (mountain)
한라산. 한라 = High peak. 산 = Mountain. Combined Meaning = 한라산 refers to the highest mountain in South Korea, located on Jeju Island. 한라산을 등반했다. (I climbed Hallasan.)
Korean Peninsula
한반도. 한 = Korea. 반도 = Peninsula. Combined Meaning = 한반도 refers to the Korean Peninsula. 한반도의 역사를 공부했다. (I studied the history of the Korean Peninsula.)
Pyongyang (city)
평양. 평 = Flat. 양 = Bright. Combined Meaning = 평양 refers to the capital city of North Korea. 평양에서 일했다. (I worked in Pyongyang.)
프랑스. No Hanja for this word. Meaning = A country in Western Europe. 그는 프랑스에서 왔다. (He came from France.)
호주. 호 = Lake. 주 = Continent. Combined Meaning = 호주 refers to the country of Australia. 그는 호주에서 공부했다. (He studied in Australia.)
Namdaemun Market
남대문시장. 남대문 = Namdaemun. 시장 = Market. Combined Meaning = 남대문시장 refers to a famous market in Seoul. 남대문시장에서 쇼핑했다. (I shopped at Namdaemun Market.)
Namsan (mountain)
남산. 남 = South. 산 = Mountain. Combined Meaning = 남산 refers to a mountain in Seoul, South Korea. 남산에서 산책했다. (I took a walk on Namsan.)