2. Structure and function of the respiratory system Flashcards
What 2 regions make up the respiratory tract?
- Upper respiratory tract
- Lower respiratory tract
What makes up the upper respiratory tract?
- Nose
- Nasal cavity
- Pharynx
What makes up the lower respiratory tract?
- Larynx
- Trachea
- Bronchi
- Lungs
What 2 compartments make up the nose?
- External nose
- Interal nasal cavity
What cartilage forms the bridge of the nose?
Greater alar cartilage
What 2 cartilages and bones make up the external nose?
- Septal cartilage
- Greater alar cartilage
- Extensions of frontal & maxillary bones
Term for nostrils
Term for internal nares
The internal nasal cavity consists of.. (4)
- Nares
- Interal nares (choanae)
- Posterior region of the nasal cavity
- Vestibule (opening)
What is the anterior portion of the nasal septem made from?
What is the posterior region of the nasal septem made from?
Vomer & ethmoid bone
What is the floor of the nasal cavity is made from?
Hard palate
Term for 3 bony ridges in the nasal cavity
Which side of the nasal cavity are the conchae located?
Lateral wall
What is the purpose of the conchae?
To filter out impurities
Term for the passage ways between the conchae
Between which conchae do the openings of the paranasal sinuses exist?
Superior and median
Where is the opening of the nasolacrinal duct?
Between the median and lower conchae
What type of epithelium lines the vestibule (opening) of the nasal cavity?
Stratified squamous
What 2 types of cell line the posterior side of the nasal cavity?
- Goblet cells
- Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelial cells
What type of epithelium lines the superior region of the nasal cavity?
Name 3 regions of the pharynx
- Nasopharynx
- Oropharynx
- Laryngopharynx
Where are the pharyngeal tonsils located?
Posterior region of the nasopharynx
The nasopharynx contains the openings for which tubes?
Auditory/eustachian tubes
Junction point between the GI tract and respiratory tract
Section of the pharynx that extends from the uvula to the epiglottis
What type of epithelium lines the oropharynx?
Stratified squamous epithelium
Immune tissue that contains antigen presenting cells