2 Strengthening Preparedness for Pandemic Influenza Flashcards
Overview Summary
This session provides an overview of preparedness for pandemic influenza. In the introductory session, you learned about what constitutes a global health policy issue. In this session, you will apply the concepts learned in the previous session to the issue of pandemic influenza.
Overview Aims
The aim of this session is to provide students with an understanding of the global dimensions of pandemic influenza; why combating this particular disease is important; the contemporary governance mechanisms aimed at preventing and controlling this disease; and the key issues inhibiting and/or facilitating collective action to strengthen preparedness.
Overview Learning outcomes
By the end of this session, you should be able to: 1 Understand the nature, epidemiology and history of the influenza virus; 2 Analyse the various factors that contribute to and/or mitigate the risk of pandemic influenza; 3 Identify the key actors and institutions in global efforts to control and mitigate the threat of pandemic influenza; 4 Assess national measures to enhance pandemic influenza preparedness; and 5 Explain the contemporary debates/issues inhibiting effective governance of pandemic influenza.
Key Terms Antigenic drift
This occurs when there is a minor change (mutation) during virus replication in the same sub-type of the influenza virus, resulting in a new strain of the virus emerging.
Key Terms Antigenic shift
This occurs when there is a major change during virus replication resulting in an entirely new sub-type of the influenza virus emerging that may or may not be capable of crossing the species barrier, but which has pandemic potential.
Key Terms Antiviral medication
A category of medication that is used to treat viral infections (such as influenza) by inhibiting viral replication. This is usually accomplished through preventing the virus from entering and infecting cells.
Key Terms Case Fatality Rate (CFR)
The ratio of the number of deaths caused by a specific disease divided by the number of confirmed diagnoses of that disease.
Key Terms Influenza
A viral infection of the nose, throat and lungs (respiratory infection) caused by one of three sub-types of an RNA virus (Type A, B or C).
Key Terms Influenza vaccines
Biological preparations developed using deactivated or partially live influenza viruses for the purpose of conferring immunity against influenza by stimulating the human immune system to identify the virus as a foreign entity.
Key Terms Pandemic influenza
A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease. An influenza pandemic occurs when a new subtype of the influenza virus emerges to which humans have little to no immunity, that is easily transmissible between humans and causes serious illness.
Key Terms Social distancing measures
Non-pharmaceutical infection control measures. These can include quarantine, isolation, school closures, face masks, cancellation of mass public gatherings.
- Background
An influenza pandemic occurs when a new strain of influenza virus spreads around the world to which most people do not have immunity. Viruses that have caused past pandemics typically originated from animal influenza viruses. Although rare, influenza pandemics are a regular feature of human existence and are likely to remain so until the elusive (and perhaps impossible) goal of a universal flu vaccine is achieved. Every year, millions of people are exposed to seasonal influenza viruses, but in most cases these viruses only cause mild to moderate illness. For an influenza pandemic to happen, a new sub-type of the virus must emerge to which humans have little or no immunity, and which has the potential to cause severe illness. A pandemic can occur when this virus then achieves effective human-to-human transmission, meaning that it can spread easily amongst people.
- Background
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has been at the forefront of efforts to prepare the international community for another influenza pandemic. The WHO’s Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) is the foundation of the contemporary global influenza governance system. The GISRS brings together scientists and public health professionals based in laboratories and influenza research institutions around the world to share information and data, isolate viruses, and determine which strains of the virus are circulating. The information generated by this network is then used to inform the development of influenza vaccines, which offer the best protection against becoming infected with influenza.
- Background
Influenza vaccines provide the best protection against infection so the WHO has encouraged governments to secure access to influenza vaccines as part of their contingency planning. The core problem, however, is that global production capacity of influenza vaccines is limited, and it currently takes months to develop vaccines against specific virus strains (such as a new pandemic strain). Anti-viral medications may help to reduce the severity of illness, and non-pharmaceutical measures can assist in preventing infection, but vaccines continue to offer the best protection. Every government around the world has been encouraged to develop, and then exercise, a national pandemic influenza preparedness plan in order to limit the social disruption and loss of human life that may occur from an influenza pandemic. In this section we will give a brief explanation of the history and epidemiology of influenza to show why it is such an important threat to global health. The following sections will then discuss the efforts being made to prepare and respond to this threat at international and national levels.
1.1 Brief history of influenza
Influenza is one of the oldest diseases known to humans. The first documented influenza epidemic in Europe occurred in 1173 CE. There were many other epidemics over the next 400 years, but it is generally accepted that the first influenza pandemic took place in 1580 [Potter 2001]. Since then, documentary evidence reveals that pandemics have occurred with regular frequency. In the 20th century there were three major influenza pandemics, the worst in 1918 which killed tens of millions of people. For centuries, medical practitioners did not know how influenza spread. Early theories suggested that the disease was spread through foul-smelling air, or miasma, or that it was caused by meteorological or telluric conditions such as solar flares, rainfall, or even volcanoes and earthquakes. In the late 19th century, a new theory emerged that the disease was actually spread by microscopic agents that were too small to be seen by the human eye but the debate was not truly concluded until 1933 when a group of scientists isolated the influenza virus from pigs. An effective vaccine to protect humans from influenza was not developed until the 1940s.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus
As you may be aware, influenza is a respiratory infection of the upper respiratory tract – usually affecting the nose, throat and lungs. Importantly, influenza is a disease common to humans, but it is also frequently found in both pigs and birds. Less well known is that it is a disease that also affects whales, horses and seals.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus
Transmission of the influenza virus in humans most commonly occurs when there is direct contact with respiratory secretions from an infected person, usually in the form of coughing or sneezing. The influenza virus is a fairly hardy virus and is capable of surviving outside the human body for up to 48 hours. This means it can live for a period on inanimate items such as door handles, tables, and so on. Another name for these inanimate objects is fomites.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus
Symptoms usually start to appear between one to four days post exposure and commonly include coughing and sneezing accompanied by a fever. Lethargy or tiredness, muscle pains and headaches are also commonly experienced. Individuals with the influenza virus will usually be infectious for one to two days before symptoms appear, and up to five days after symptoms appear. Most people usually recover within one to two weeks. Although influenza is often confused with other illnesses such as the common cold, influenza is far more serious, as it has the potential to overwhelm the body’s immune system which can lead to more life-threatening conditions.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus Subtypes of Influenza
Following the isolation and identification of the influenza virus in 1933, scientists identified three main types of the virus (and numerous sub-types), which have been named A, B and C.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus Subtypes of Influenza
Type A - Type A influenza is known to be the most dangerous for humans. It is also found in pigs, birds and other mammals. This ability to infect a wide range of animal hosts as well as humans means that the virus has ample opportunity to mutate and change. Type A virus is often the virus that is responsible for causing epidemics and pandemics.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus Subtypes of Influenza
Type B - Type B influenza has been found in seals but is otherwise believed to be exclusive to humans. The limited number of hosts means that the virus has less opportunity to change. Type B has been identified as being responsible for occasional epidemics in humans, but historically these have been relatively mild.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus Subtypes of Influenza
Type C - Type C influenza is the rarest. It is believed to be found in pigs and dogs as well as humans, but generally will only cause mild respiratory illness.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus Subtypes of Influenza
Most viruses are DNA based, so that every time these viruses copy themselves, the new virus is identical to the first. But influenza is an RNA-based virus, which means that it is much more prone to mutation when it replicates.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus Structure of Influenza A virus
Figure 1 shows a simplified image of the influenza A virus as if it has been cut in half through the middle. The pink and purple stripes that surround the virus represent the proteins on the surface of the virus: neurominidase (NA) and hemagglutinin (HA) which the virus uses to attach itself to another cell so it can then invade that cell.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus Antigenic drift
When a minor change in the composition of the virus occurs, but the virus remains of the same subtype, this is described as antigenic drift. Antigenic drift is quite common, and in the case of influenza, will result in a new strain emerging. Antigenic drift is the reason why people can become sick from influenza again and again, even though they may have been exposed to the virus in the past. It is also why new influenza vaccines need to be developed each year, as the antigenic drift results in small changes to the structure of the virus that means the vaccines are less effective against the new strain.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus Antigenic shift
Occasionally, two or more viruses will combine to create an entirely new subtype of the virus. The process is known as antigenic shift. In the context of influenza, antigenic shift only occurs in type A, as influenza A is found in (and can infect) many different species. When two viruses combine within the same host cell, it can create a new hybrid virus, or sub-type, to which humans have little or no acquired immunity. If the new virus then acquires the ability to transmit effectively between humans, the virus has what we refer to as “pandemic potential.” In Figure 2, we see antigenic drift and antigenic shift represented visually. In figure 2, the image on the left represents antigenic drift, which is the phenomenon where only small changes or mutations occur. Antigenic drift may result in a new strain of influenza emerging, whereas antigenic shift (represented on the right) is when different influenza A viruses combine to create an entirely new subtype. It is this antigenic shift that raises the chance of a pandemic emerging, as humans may have little to no immunity to the new subtype.
1.2 Basic epidemiology of the influenza virus Summary
In this section, you have learned that throughout human history outbreaks of influenza have regularly killed millions of people. Influenza is especially dangerous because of its ability to cross species and to mutate (antigenic drift and antigenic shift), so humans may have little immunity. This creates a particular challenge for public health professionals and policy-makers. The next section will discuss what happens when antigenic shift occurs, and an influenza outbreak develops into a pandemic.
2.1 Seasonal Influenza
Because of antigenic drift, every year multiple strains of the influenza virus circulate around the world causing illness. Influenza is often confused with the common cold due to the similarity in symptoms. While getting colds can certainly be inconvenient, exposure to influenza will usually cause much more severe symptoms and can be life threatening. Influenza is most prevalent in the winter months. This is because lower temperatures allow the virus to survive longer outside the human body, and because people are often more likely to be found in confined spaces together where the virus can spread much more easily between people.
2.1 Seasonal Influenza
Vaccines are developed twice a year to counter the effects of influenza, one for the northern hemisphere and a second for the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, the influenza season extends from October-February/March, whereas in the southern hemisphere the influenza season extends from March/April-September. Seasonal influenza is one of the diseases that we have, by and large, learned to live with, and which we consider relatively harmless. Yet while most of us who contract influenza will go on to make a full recovery within about two weeks, according to WHO, annual epidemics of seasonal influenza result in about 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness and about 290,000 to 650,000 deaths. Far from being a harmless disease, influenza adds a considerable burden to healthcare systems.
2.2 Influenza Pandemics
A pandemic is, by definition, something much more serious and very different from the seasonal influenza that circulates around the world every year. An influenza pandemic may occur when a new subtype of the Influenza A virus emerges to which humans have little or no immunity. It is a virus that causes serious disease in humans, and it is capable of human-to-human transmission, meaning that it can spread very easily. Thus, there are three requirements for an influenza pandemic: 1 The existence of a novel virus, and 2 The ability of the novel virus to infect humans, and 3 Efficient human-to-human transmission of the novel virus
2.2 Influenza Pandemics
Influenza pandemics are acknowledged to be fairly rare events, and yet billions of dollars have been spent over the past decade to strengthen pandemic preparedness. It can legitimately be asked why this money is not instead invested on treating the many other infectious diseases, such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, cholera and tuberculosis which kill millions of people every year? While it is true that influenza pandemics are fortunately very rare events, when they occur, they can be catastrophic. In 1918 at the end of World War 1, an influenza pandemic began that killed an estimated 40-50 million people worldwide - more deaths than in both world wars combined. Whereas influenza usually affects only the very young or the very old, the 1918 virus killed people in the prime of their lives. The majority of victims were young healthy adults between the ages 25-35.
2.2 Influenza Pandemics
Smaller pandemics in 1957 and 1968 each killed around one million people. Some controversy arose over WHO declaring a pandemic in 2009 following the global spread of the H1N1 virus. Even though this virus had achieved effective human-to-human transmission, it was not known to cause serious illness in humans, except for pregnant women and people with pre-existing medical conditions. As a consequence, WHO was criticised for calling it a pandemic. We will discuss more about the work of WHO in the next section. Human cases of avian influenza are still an ongoing problem in many countries throughout Asia, the Middle East, and certain parts of Africa. The case fatality rate for avian influenza is approximately 60%. In other words, almost two out of every three people who contract the avian flu virus die as a result of their exposure.
2.2 Influenza Pandemics
Most natural disasters have a clearly defined beginning and end, but influenza pandemics are non-linear events, as there can be several waves of infection. In 1918, the virus that caused so many deaths it is believed to have circulated the globe up to five times in 18 months. This was before the age of commercial aircraft. The virus was transported around the world by people on ships. Today, we live in a very different environment where people are able to get on a plane and be virtually anywhere in the world within 24 hours. Influenza viruses can therefore spread much more rapidly than ever before, and it is very likely that if a new sub-type of Influenza A emerges that meets the criteria of a pandemic, then there will be multiple waves of the pandemic. This makes it very difficult for people to enter a recovery phase, as they simply don’t know if and when another wave of the virus will emerge. A pandemic “event” will usually last a minimum of two years. Aside from the risk of a massive loss of human life, therefore, a pandemic will likely cause prolonged social and economic disruption that will last not just for a few weeks, but in all likelihood for a number of years.
2.3 Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical Response Measures
There are two main types measures that governments can take to strengthen a country’s pandemic preparedness. They are broadly classified into pharmaceutical measures and non-pharmaceutical measures.
2.3 Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical Response Measures Pharmaceutical Measures
Pharmaceutical measures are drug-based interventions. Vaccines remain by far the most effective means of protecting human populations from influenza. Influenza vaccines are developed using deactivated or partially live viruses to stimulate the immune system into recognising the virus as a foreign threat, thereby provoking an immune response.
2.3 Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical Response Measures Pharmaceutical Measures
Ideally, for an individual to achieve immunity, they should be vaccinated prior to infection, as this provides the immune system with sufficient time to develop an immune response to fight off the infection. Vaccines can still be effective, however, if they are administered soon after infection, as they will stimulate the immune system to respond much more rapidly. In contrast, antiviral medications work on the basis of inhibiting viral replication. Antiviral medications are usually only effective if administered prior to infection
2.3 Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical Response Measures Pharmaceutical Measures
Therefore, vaccines are a key weapon in the battle against influenza. A crucial problem however, is that vaccines take time to develop. Because antigenic drift and antigenic shift mean that the influenza virus is changing all the time, the first step in developing an effective vaccine is to identify the strain or subtype that is causing illness. This means that we have to wait for the virus to appear and spread a little to make sure that we have isolated and identified the correct virus. On average it takes around 3- 6 months to develop an effective influenza vaccine and produce it in a sufficient quantity to begin a vaccination campaign. Although efforts are being made to speed up this process, this delay is obviously a problem if a pandemic has started.
2.3 Pharmaceutical and Non-Pharmaceutical Response Measures Non-Pharmaceutical Measures
Governments have a variety of non-pharmaceutical measures that they might implement during the delay while an effective vaccination is being developed. For example, children are known to be highly susceptible to influenza and therefore often suffer higher morbidity and mortality. They are more likely to have poor personal hygiene and can therefore spread the virus very easily to others. To counteract the possibility that children may become what in epidemiological terms is described as “super spreaders”, governments may close schools and child care centres to try and prevent further transmission.