2. Review of Cellular Neuroanatomy Flashcards
Parts of Neuron and Function (3)
- Cell Body(Soma)-metabolic supply
- Single Axon-output for electrical impulses
- Dendrites(including spines)-receive input
Gray vs. White Matter
Gray-unmyelinated, primarily somas and dendrites
White-myelinated axons
Nissl Stain
Stains “Nissl Substance” made up of basophilic “Nissl Bodies” (rER/ribosomes) in neuronal somas and proximal dendrites
Pyramidal Neuron
pear-shaped soma and prominent apical dendrite with a group of basal dendrites
Are there organelles at the axon hillock?
What is between the axon hillock and the beginning of myelination and why is it important?
Axonal Initial Segment. Site of AP generation
Branches of the axon are called?
Buzzwords: Unipolar Pseudounipolar Bipolar Multipolar
Not in humans
Sensory in DRG
Local Circuit Neurons
Motor, pyramidal, purkinje
Projection Neuron
integrate info and send axons to other brain areas
- Golgi Type I
- ie. Principal Cells(pyramidal neuron)
don’t send axon out of local brain area(local circuit)
- Golgi Type II
- ie. Chandlier, basket and double bouquet cells
Electrical vs Chemical Synapse
Electrical-direct connection via gap junctions (6 connexion= 1 connexon; 2 connexons= gap jcn)
Chemical-unidirectional, neurotransmitters released after Ca influx, postsynaptic receptors
Name 5 neuronal synapses based on subcellular target
Axosomatic Axodendritic -Axospinous Axoaxonic Dendrodendritic
Excitatory Neurotransmitters
Glutamate at AMPA and NMDA receptors
Ach at nicotinic
Inhibitory Neurotransmitters
Modulatory Neurotransmitters
Dopamine NE ACh at muscarinic GABA at GABA-B Serotonin