2. Reflexes and Descending Control of Reflexes Flashcards
definition of reflex
unlearned motor response to sensory stimulus
what is reflex mediated by
spinal cord, brainstem, cortex
(circuitry for a reflex may be present in the spinal cord or brainstem but reflex strength or gain may be modulated by descending pathways - stronger, weaker, totally suppressed; descending axons can be excitatory or inhibitory)
spinal transection
lose sensation and voluntary movement below the cut (axons carrying sensory info to brain and descending axons carrying commands for voluntary movement are cut)
neurons and tracts in spinal cord
- motoneurons (ventral horn)
- sensory neurons (dorsal horn)
- interneurons (btw motor and sensory)
- ascending tract (carry info TO brain)
- descending tract (carry info FROM brain)
neurons and tracts in spinal cord
- motoneurons (ventral horn)
- sensory neurons (dorsal horn)
- interneurons (btw motor and sensory)
- ascending tract (carry info TO brain)
- descending tract (carry info FROM brain)
stretch reflex stimulus, response, and clinical test
- stimulus: stretch of a muscle
- response: contraction of same muscle
- clinical test: tendon tap which stretches the muscle (deep tendon reflex)
- stretch reflex works to keep muscle length constant
afferent (sensory input)
- IA fiber from muscle spindle makes an excitatory synapse on the alpha mn whose axon goes to the same muscle: one synapse, monosynaptic reflex
- very short latency reflex (fast reflex, little synaptic delay, short delay from stimulus to response)
muscle tone definition
resistance to passive stretch of a muscle (stretch reflex mediates muscle tone)
- abnormalities in muscle tone found in various disorders of motor system
stretch reflex and coordination
- as one muscle, the agonist, contracts, its antagonist relaxes
- circuitry includes an inhibitory interneuron to mn to antagonist muscle (this is called reciprocal innervation)
- agonist mn are excitatory
- antagonist mn are inhibitory
- circuitry for coordination present at the level of the spinal cord
flexion-crossed extension reflex
- protective reflex (ex: pulling hand away from hot stove)
- stimulus: noxious (damaging, painful) stimulus to skin (may be a very small area)
- sensory fibers carrying pain info synapse on neurons in the spinal cord dorsal horn, pain info is then widely distributed in spinal cord
contraction of flexors and relaxation of extensors at every joint in the limb
response-crossed extension
posture is disturbed (esp in 4 legged animal); the contralateral leg extends, increasing postural support
spinal reflex
- conscious awareness of pain not necessary
- occurs below the cut after spinal transection