2. Psychology of Depression 2 Flashcards
Qualitatively new phenomena appear in major depression which represents a particular form of depressive experience. This includes some form of e____ c____ i____ and, according to Freud, profound alterations in i____ and e____ function of the s____ which hinder r____ and processing of l____.
enduring cognitive influence
id, ego
self, recognition, loss
Three psychological models of depression:
1. L____ h____
2. C____ c____ model
3. P____-o____
- Learned helplessness
- Clinical cognitive model
- Process-orientation
Learned helplessness is the g____ of hopelessness and l____ of m____. One experiment found exposure to u____ s____ in one experiment led to helplessness in s____ experiments.
generalisation, loss of meaning
uncontrollable shock, subsequent
Motivational symptoms of learned helplessness include l____ r____ i____ and s____ to r____.
Cognitive symptoms of learned helplessness include d____ ability to l____ that r____ p____ r____.
lower response initiation, sensitivity to reinforcement
dampened, learn, responding produces reinforcement
Mere exposure to u____ is not s____ to render humans h____
uncontrollability, sufficient, helpless
Life s____ is not n____ a____ with o____ of depression
stress, necessarily associated, onset
In Klein et al (1976), helplessness was shown to be d____ on a____
Dependent on attributions
The attributional styles theory focuses on i____ rather than e____ factors, s____ rather than u____ factors and g____ rather than s____ factors
internal, external
stable, unstable
global, specific
Depressed students attributed failure on a bogus task to i____ whereas they attributed success to the e____ of the task
Attributional style predicts s____ and o____ of depression
severity, onset
There are g____ differences in attributional style
Beck studied depression in war veterans and found that negative t____ seemed to come up an i____ b____ his patients reported feeling v____ l____.
instant before
very low
Depressive organisation refers to s____-s____ (related to p____ l____ and f____) create d____ e____ and p____ f____. They include d____ a____.
self-schemas, personal loss and failure, depressive experience, phenomenal field
dysfunctional attitudes
Depression is cause by negative c____ about the s____, the f____ and the w____
self, future, world
CBT is one of the most widely used p____. It is designed to modify i____, m____ i____
idiosyncratic, maladaptive ideation
Central mode of action involves d____ and testing v____ of faulty thinking and its premises to l____ g____ of d____ i____. Cognitive r____ of ideation content brings s____ r____. M____ tendencies can be ‘u____’ without need for i____.
delineating, validity, loosen grip, distorted ideation
cognitive re-structuring, symptom relief
maladaptive, unlearned, insight
Both treatment with C____ and p____ showed d____ in depressive s____. CBT resulted in significantly g____ i____. Reduced risk of depression r____ in the ___ group. ____ had lower dropout.
CBT, pharmacotherapy, decreases, symptoms
greater improvement
returning CBT