2: Particles & Radiation Flashcards
Relative Charge & Mass of Proton, Neutron & Electron
Particle | Charge | Mass
Proton| +1 | 1
Neutron | 0 | 1
Electron | -1 | 0.0005
Nuclide Notation
Proton number is Z
Nucleon number is A
Atom is X
Nuclei with the same atomic numbers, but different mass numbers
Strong Nuclear Force (5)
- A fundamental force, which keeps nuclei stable
- Closer than ~0.5 fm, there’s very-short range repulsion
- In-between ~0.5 fm & ~3 fm, there’s short range attraction
- Greater than ~3 fm, it has negligible effect
- Only felt by quarks (so felt by protons & neutrons)
Decay in Unstable Nuclei
Alpha & Beta Decay
Equation for Alpha Decay
(A, Z)X → (A - 4, Z - 2)Y + (4, 2)α
Equation for Beta Minus Decay
(A, Z)X → (A, Z + 1)Y + e⁻ + ̅νₑ
Neutrino’s Existence
Was hypothesised to ensure conservation of energy in beta decay (energy difference between neutron and proton wasn’t completely filled by electron)
For Every Type of Particle ____
There is a corresponding antiparticle
Comparison of Particle & Antiparticle Properties
Equal mass & rest energy (in MeV) but opposite charges
Antiparticles of Proton, Electron, Neutron & Neutrino
Antiproton, positron, antineutron, antineutrino
A discrete packet of an electromagnetic wave (and the energy it carries)
Photon Energy Equation
E = h f = h c / λ
Energy of Laser Equation
E = n h f where n is number of photons
Pair Production
If there is enough energy density in a region, the energy is converted into mass producing a particle-antiparticle pair, travelling in opposite directions
Pair Production Examples (2)
- A high energy photon can produce an electron-positron pair
- Two protons (with high kinetic energy) may collide & produce an extra proton & antiproton
Minimum Energy needed for Pair Production
The total rest energy of the particle-antiparticle pair
Eₘᵢₙ = 2E₀
Eₘᵢₙ is the minimum energy for pair production in MeV
E₀ is the rest energy of a produced particle / antiparticle in MeV
Total Energy of Particles in Pair Production
Equal to the rest energy & kinetic energy of the photon
When a particle meets its corresponding antiparticle, all of their mass is converted into energy in the form of two high energy photons travelling in opposite directions
Minimum Energy of a Photon in Annihilation
Equal to the rest energy of the particle / antiparticle
Total Energy of Photons in Annihilation
Equal to the total rest energy and total kinetic energy of the particle-antiparticle pair
Fundamental Interactions (4)
- Gravity
- Electromagnetic
- Weak nuclear
- Strong nuclear (or strong interaction)
Exchange Particles
A concept (virtual / unreal), which explain forces between elementary particles
Exchange Particle for Electromagnetic Force
Virtual photon
What is the Weak Interaction Responsible for? (3)
- Beta decay
- Electron capture
- Electron-proton collisions
Exchange Particles for Weak Interaction
W⁺ and W⁻ bosons
Beta- Decay Diagram
Equation: n → p + e⁻ + ̅vₑ
Beta Plus Decay Diagram
Textbook page 44 figure 8
p⁺ → n + e⁺ + vₑ
Electron Capture
A nuclear proton interacts with an atomic electron (via the weak interaction), producing a neutron and electron neutrino (because the nucleus is proton-rich)
Electron Capture Diagram
p + e⁻ → n + vₑ
Electron-Proton Collision
A high kinetic energy electron interacts with a proton (via the weak interaction), producing a neutron and electron neutrino
Electron-Proton Collision Diagram
Equation: p + e⁻ → n + vₑ
Hadrons are Subject to the ____
Strong interaction
Classes of Hadrons (2)
- Baryons (proton, neutron, 3 quarks) and antibaryons (antiproton, antineutron, 3 antiquarks)
- Mesons (pion, kaon, quark and antiquark)
Baryon Number
A quantum number, which is conserved in particle interactions
Only Stable Baryon
The proton is the only stable baryon into which all other baryons will eventually decay
Exchange Particle of Strong Nuclear Force
____ is a Particle that Can Decay into Pions
Leptons & Antileptons (4)
- Electron & positron
- Muon & antimuon
- Electron neutrino & electron antineutrino
- Muon neutrino & muon antineutrino
Lepton Number
A quantum number, which is conserved in particle interactions for muon leptons and electron leptons individually (conservation of lepton type)
____ is a Particle that Decays into Electrons
Strange Particles are a Type of ____
Production & Decay of Strange Particles
Produced through the strong interaction
Decay through the weak interaction
Strangeness (s)
A quantum number, which is only conserved in strong interactions and shows strange particles are always created in pairs
Strangeness can Change by ____ in Weak Interactions
0, +1 or -1
Properties of Quarks & Antiquarks (3)
- Charge
- Baryon number
- Strangeness
Combinations of Quarks & Antiquarks (3)
- Baryons
- Antibaryons
- Mesons
Combinations of Quarks & Antiquarks for Baryons (2)
- Proton = uud
- Neutron = udd
Combinations of Quarks & Antiquarks for Antibaryons (2)
- Antiproton = ̅u ̅u ̅d
- Antineutron = ̅u ̅d ̅d
Combinations of Quarks & Antiquarks for Mesons (7)
- π⁰ = u ̅u, d ̅d, s ̅s
- π⁺ = u ̅d
- π⁻ = d ̅u
- K⁰ = d ̅s
- ̅K⁰ = s ̅d
- K⁺ = u ̅s
- K⁻ = s ̅u
Quarks (3)
- Up (u)
- Down (d)
- Strange (s)
Antiquarks (3)
- Antiup ( ̅u)
- Antidown ( ̅d)
- Antistrange ( ̅s)
Neutron Decay
Neutrons decay into protons by β⁻ decay
Change of Quark Character in β⁻ & β⁺ decay (2)
- β⁻: d → u
- β⁺: u → d
Conservation Laws (4)
- Charge
- Baryon number
- Lepton number
- Strangeness
____ & ____ are Conserved in Interactions
Energy, momentum
Photoelectric Effect
A metal substance is irradiated with EM waves, which are greater than a certain frequency. The delocalised electrons may absorb a photon and gain enough energy to be emitted from the substance as photoelectrons
Threshold Frequency
Minimum frequency of the EM radiation to produce the photoelectric effect. This is because the electron has to absorb a photon of a minimum energy to be emitted. The photoelectron will have 0 kinetic energy so: f₀ = Φ / h
Work Function (Φ)
Minimum energy an electron needs to be emitted from a certain metal
Stopping Potential
V_s is the pd needed to stop the photoelectrons with maximum kinetic energy by making them do work against the pd to lose their kinetic energy. e V_s = E_k(max)
Photoelectricity Equation
h f = Φ + E_k(max)
hf is energy of photon in J
Φ is work function in J
E_k(max) is maximum kinetic energy of electron in J
An atomic electron gains the exact energy difference between two energy levels, so it moves to a higher energy level
An electron, from the ground state of an atom, absorbs enough energy so it is emitted from the atom
Fluorescent Tubes (6)
- Fluorescent tubes contain mercury vapour, across which a high potential difference is applied
- This accelerates free electrons, which ionise some mercury atoms, producing more free electrons
- These free electrons collide with atomic electrons, exciting them to a higher energy level
- When these electrons de-excite, they emit UV photons
- Atomic electrons in a phosphor coating on the inside of the tube absorbs these photons, exiting them
- When these electrons de-excite them emit visible light photons
Electron Volt
The kinetic energy carried by an electron after it has been accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 1 V
1 eV
= 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ J
Line Emission Spectra
Photons are emitted from a hot element and the specific wavelengths of the photons produce bright lines on a black spectrum
Line Absorption Spectra
White light is passed through a cool gas. Photons of specific wavelength are absorbed, which produce black lines on a continuous, bright spectrum
Line Spectra are Evidence that ____
Electrons exist in discrete energy levels as elements always produce the same spectra so have the same energy levels in their atoms, which emit the same wavelengths of light when an electron moves between them
Energy Levels Equation
h f = E₁ - E₂
E₁ & E₂ are the energy of energy levels 1 & 2 in J
hf is energy in J
____ suggests particles possess ____
Electron diffraction, wave properties
____ Suggests Electromagnetic Waves have ____
The photoelectric effect, a particulate nature
De Broglie Wavelength Equation
λ = h / p = h / m v
λ is wavelength in m
h is the Planck constant in J s
p = mv is momentum in kg m s⁻¹
Amount of Diffraction vs Momentum (3)
- Increasing a particle’s momentum decreases its de Broglie wavelength
- According to wave theory, the amount of diffraction and spread of lines in the diffraction pattern increases with the wavelength of the wave
- Therefore, increasing momentum decreases the amount of diffraction and spread of lines in the diffraction pattern