2️⃣ Nutrient Definitions Compact Flashcards
Chris wrote so much so i compacted it
What is nutrition?
The process by which the body takes in and uses food.
What are nutrients?
Chemical substances obtained from food that your body needs to function properly, to grow, etc.
__ out of 10 causes of death are linked to your diet
What are essential nutrients?
Nutrients your body cannot make on its own.
What are the two kinds of nutrients?
Macronutrients and Micronutrients.
What are macronutrients?
Carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
*These make up the greatest portion of nutrient intake
What are carbohydrates?
- The main energy source for your body.
- They come in the form of sugar, starch or fiber.
What are complex carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates that:
- Digest more slowly.
- Rich in vitamins and minerals (healthy).
What are simple carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates that:
- Digest quickly.
- Lack nutrients (unhealthy)
What is glucose (blood sugar)?
The sugar found in your blood.
What are hidden sugars?
Sugar added to products but are hidden in some way by the companies selling it. One way is by changing sugar to another name on the label.
What are complete proteins?
Foods that contain all the proteins you need.
What are incomplete proteins?
Foods that don’t contain enough proteins you need.
What are fats/lipids?
Substances that don’t dissolve in water and produce the most energy of any food.
What does your body use fats for?
Insulation and protection.
What is cholesterol?
A waxy substance found in your blood.
What are the 2 kinds of cholesterol?
High-density lipids (HDL) and Low-Density Lipids (LDL)
What is HDL (High-Density Lipids)?
The ‘good’ kind of cholesterol as it removes its bad counterpart from the body (LDL).
What is LDL (Low-Density-Lipids)?
The ‘bad’ kind of cholesterol as gets stuck in your arteries. HDL helps remove it from the body.
What are saturated fats?
Fats that are usually solid at room temperature and contain bad cholesterol (so unhealthy).
What are the two kinds of unsaturated fats?
Monounsaturated fats and Polyunsaturated fats.
What are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats?
Fats that are both liquid at room temperature and contain good cholesterol (so healthier).
What are trans fats?
Artificially made fats that raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol (so unhealthy)
What are calories?
A measure of the energy in your foods vs the energy your body burns.
What are micronutrients?
Vitamins and Minerals.
*These you need in only small amounts (so called micro)
What are the 6 basic elements in a nutritious diet?
Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.