2- Nose (Antomy and physiology) Flashcards
nose functions
- Smell and taste
- Breathing- route for inspired air
o Filters inspired air trapping particle sin nasal hair and mucous
o Moistens (humidifies) and warms
- Resonating chamber for speech
Anatomy of the nasal cavity
- External nose (vestibule) from the external nose to the nasopharynx
- Anterior nares= nostrils (apertures)
- Posterior nasal apertures (choanae)
External nose
- Made up of cartilage (near the nostrils) and bone
- Important bone = nasal bone (paired bone)
- Clinical correlates
o Prominence of nasal bone makes them susceptible to fracture in facial injury
nose vestibule
The area just inside the nostril (nose opening) that leads into the nasal cavity.
- Lined with skin containing sebaceous/sweat glands and hair-> filters and warms inspired air
Nasal cavity
Has bony boundaries and is divided into left and right
x2 lateral walls
lateral walls of the nose
Irregular due to presence of bony projections (conchae/ turbinate’s)
- Superior (part of ethmoid)
- Middle (part of ethmoid)
- Inferior (other bone
Turbinates create: meatuses
- superior
- middle
- inferior
Opening sunder the meatuses allow for drainage of the
- Paranasal air sinus in nasal cavity
- Nasolacrimal duct in nasal cavity
Why does the nose have this irregular anatomy?
- slows airflow by causing turbulence of airflow
- increases surface area over which air passes
- doesn’t always require immediate intervention
roof of nasal cavity
anterior roof (sphenoid) can be used to
Can be used to access parts of the brain found on the cranial floor
- Transsphenoidal surgical approach- e.g. gaining access to the pituitary gland via the sphenoid bone
Medial wall of the nasal cavity
- The septum
Consists of a bony and cartilaginous part
- Anterior= septal cartilage
- Posterior= perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and the vomer bone
Nerve innervation to the nose and nasal cavity
Trigeminal nerve (V)
- V1- Ophthalmic
- V2- Maxillary
o Majority of nasal cavity (particularly lateral wall) supplies by V2
- V3- Mandibular
lining of the nasal cavity
- Vestibule-lined by skin
- Respiratory region and olfactory region - mucous membranes- very vascular
Olfactory mucous membrane
- Contains dendrites of olfactory nerves -> smell
- Covers over roof of the nasal cavity (including superior concha/superior part of the septum)
Respiratory mucous membrane
- Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
- Rich in goblet cells
- Filters (mucous and cilia)
- Humidifies and warms (rich blood supply)
paranasal sinuses
- Air filled spaces that are extension of the nasal cavity
- Rudimentary or absent at birth
- Lined with respiratory mucosa
o Ciliated and secretes mucous - Named according to the bone in which they are found
- Various functions – humidify and warm inspired air
o Reduce weight of the skull - Drain into the nasal cavity via small channels (ostia in middle conchia) into a meatus
o Most in the middle meatus - Infection of nasal cavity involving sinuses (sinusitis)
o Maxillary sinus most commonly infected
1- frontal (2,3 or 4)
2- ethmoidal
3- sphenoidal
4- maxillary
most commonly infected sinus
maxillary sinus- due to gravity and draining mucus
sensory innervation of paranasal sinuses
Va - frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal
Vb- maxillary