2. Factors affecting birth and death rates Flashcards
what is a disease
before industrial revolution,pandemics had major effect birth rates and death rates and pop growth rates
name 4 wildspread illnesses
- HIV & aids
- TB
- Malaria
- Diarrhoea
explain HIV and Aids
immune systems fights off illnesses
HIV comes before aids
destroys immunesystems
2005 Aids killed 25 million people worldwide
mortality rates in countries hard hit by HIV & Aids is increasing
but life expectancy is decreasing
poorer countries struggles because lack of proper healthcare
explain TB
- Airborne infections
- affects the lungs
- spreads through air when people who have TB cough or sneeze
- millions die in poorer countries
- HIV breaks down immune system causing people to die from TB
- overcrowding is major crowed because its a airborne diseases
- malnutrition weakens immune system and lack of minerals and vitamins found in certain food groups also cause increase the death rate in poorer countries
explain Malaria
- parasitic disease
- bite of an infected mosquito
- negative impact on economy of countries with disease
- increase cost of health care
- forced to stay home cant work
- children don’t go to school no proper education
- loss in productivity
- tourism suffers, people will not visit countries infected with malaria
- country will suffer financially
explain Diarrhoea
- the disease caused by infection in stomach and intestines
- result of dehydration & imbalance in body can cause death
- main factors is unsafe water, bad sanitation, poor hygiene
- developing countries no access to clean water,proper sanitation
- poor people need to use water from rivers which usually polluted
explain the black death
- arrived in Europe by sea October 1347
- trading ships docked at Sicilian port of Messina after journey through the black sea
- people at dock saw that most sailors were dead or very ill
- Sicilian authorities ordered fleet of “death ships” to depart
- too late for the next 5 years the black death killed millions of people in Europe
- pandemic carried by fleas and rats
- create panic
- healthy people avoided getting sick
- doctors refused to see people
- priest refused to administer last rites
- shopkeepers closed stores
- people fled cities to country side
- affected cows,sheep,goats,pigs,chickens,people
- so many sheep dead wool shortage in Europe
- epidemic had run corse in 1350
- plague reappears every few generations
- Ring around the Rosy are symptoms of black death
explain smallpox
- 13 feb 1713
- dirty linen of crew on dutch ship
- end of 1713 epidemic was under control
- 1/4 of pop and slaves died
- Khoisan had less resistance to sickness
- 10% of Khoisan survived
what is an economic status
can be divided into 2 sections :
high economic
low economic
explain what you will find in a High economic
- High standard of living
- Quality health care
- Clean water
- Good sanitation
- Well-constructed houses
- Modern appliances
- Warm clothing
- Good education system
- Lots of employment opportunities
- Lower birth and death rate and high life expectancy
Explain what you will find in a low economic
- Living condition are often bad
- Most people will not have proper health care
- Water supplies not clean usually only get water from polluted rivers
- Little to no sanitation
- Houses build with materials that breaks easily
- The education system is poor
- There are not alot employment opportunities and only plant only enough crops for them to use
- High birth rates High death rate and short life expectancy
explain family needs
poor family live rural area on small farm use primitive ways to produce crops. only produce enough food for themselfs. if not enough rain they won’t survive. all members work on farm. usually in developing countries.
in developed countries farmers use tractors. enough money to pay for labour. farmers produce crops for market
children go to school dont help on farm
explain family attitude
some families more children than other
explain family beliefs
family belief based on religious beliefs
explain conflicts and wars
decrease birth & increase death rates
- Men will fight , which means they are away for longer
- 25 million soldier died in WW2
- 60 million civilion died during WW2
- 6 million jews died during WW2
- 800 000 Tutsis murdered during Rwandan genocide in 1994
- infastructure & resources will be destroyed & this might lead to famine & disease has effects on pop
explain government policy
*2005 birth rate in some countries in Europe so low pop declined
* Countries like spain & Italy offered tax reduction to encourage to make more children
*cina government introduce one child policy 1978 to
lessen social, economic and environmental problems