2 Ethnic Differences In Achivement Flashcards
Cultural Deprivation
Intellectual and language skills
Attitudes, values and family structure
Intellectual and language skills
Theory claims low income black families lack intellectual stimulation -> Failure of reasoning and problem solving
Poorer black families is ungrammatical and disjointed (Bereiter and Engelman)
Attitudes, values and family structure
Fatalism and immediate gratification
Lack of male role models
The impact of slavery
Asian families -> Chinese and Indian pupils benefit from supportive famillies (Sewell)
Fathers, gangs and culture (Sewell)
Compensatory Education
Operation Head Start-Established to compensate children for the cultural deficit they are said to suffer because of deprived backgrounds (USA
Sure Start- Aims to support the development of pre-school children in deprived areas
Criticism of cultural deprivation
Victim blaming
Cultural exclusion (Ball)
Cultural domination- Compensatory education imposed the dominant white middle-class culture on minority ethnic group culture
Material deprivation and class
Half of ethnic minority children live in low-income households
Ethnic minority’s are twice more likely to be unemployed
Minorities face discrimination in the housing and labour markets
Racism in wider society
Racial discrimination in jobs and housing
> Social exclusion
> Unemployment, low pay, inadequate housing
> Affects children’s education
Internal factors and ethnic differences
Pupil subcultures
Ethnocentricity and institutional racism
Labelling (Black pupils)
Higher levels of exclusion of black boys
Black pupils being placed in lower sets or streams
Teachers have racialise do expectations (Threatening and more discipline problems)
Labelling (Asian pupils)
Assumed the children have a poor grasp of English
Mispronounced children’s names
Saw them as a problem they could ignore
Girls are marginallised and prevented from participating fully
Passive and comformist, Asian boys are seen to be more feminine (Connolly)
Pupil subcultures
Conformists (technically keenos)
Innovators (Pro ed but not teacher’s approval)
Retreatists (Isolated individuals disconnected from school and black subcultures)
Rebels (aim to be in the ‘street hood’)
Ethnocentric Curriculum (Sociologists)
Gives priority to white culture and the English Language (Troyna and Williams)
National Curriculum is a specifically British (David)
History curriculum in British schools recreates past glories, ignores black and Asian history (Ball)
Other examples of institutional racist
Selection and segregation
Access to opportunities: Whites are twice more likely as black pupils to be identified as gifted and talented. Tikly and Strand found blacks were more likely to be entered for lower tier exams
New IQism: IQ tests to allocate pupils to different streams on entry, based on false assumption that potential is fixed quality that can be measured.