2. Developing Skills in Academic Reading & 3. Understanding Academic Text Flashcards
Said that Developing Skills in Academic Reading is “An interactive and socio-cognitive process involving a text, a reader, and a social context within which the activity takes place”.
Bernhardt (1991)
Said “there is a transaction between the reader and the text which involves the reader’s act on interpreting the text. The interpretation is influenced by the reader’s experiences, language and cultural background as well as the reader’s purpose for reading”
Hudelson 1994
Known as the Father of Reading
William Gray (1950)
Strategies In Academic Reading
- Efficient Reading
- Critical reading
- Drawing Conclusions
Academic texts generally conform to a set structure, are written in a formal, academic way, and contain specific language from your discipline area.
Efficient Reading
The 4s-System for Efficient Academic Reading
used when the reader needs to know the general idea or ideas of a particular passage
Used when the reader goes over a selection rapidly using the writer’s tools until reaching the passage which contains the information sought.
Using both scanning and skimming to decide what to read more closely
Is also reading in detail and paying close attention to the main points the reader wants to learn.
The reader reads carefully and makes a variety of comments about the text being read.
Critical reading
It is a kind of reading that involves the reader to respond to a text, whether in writing, speaking, answering a test, or presenting a report.
Critical reading
It involves the use of visual clues, titles and illustrations to understand something indirectly stated in the text.
Drawing Conclusions
Ways in drawing out valid conclusions
Deductive process or top-down approach & Inductive process or bottom-up approach
presents information from general to specific.
Deductive process or top-down approach
It involves prediction and inference on the basis of facts, propositions and expectations.
Deductive process or top-down approach
It starts from reading a text, then uses the background information to understand a text.
Deductive process or top-down approach