what causes colour blindness?
- problem with the cone receptors (almost always)
- ‘one or more of the three types may be missing from the retina’
- or they could have different sensitivities than the ‘normal’ cones
type A
1 of 3 cones MISSING
- 3 possibilities (L, M or S missing)
type B
2 of 3 cone types missing
- 3 possibilities (only L, M or S present)
type C
all 3 cone types missing
- 1 possibility
so overall 7 potential types of colour blindness due to missing cones
- but only 5 of the 7 have ever been observed
- people who have 2 cone types
- 2% of male population (less for females)
- common in other mammals (blue and green)
- primates are usually trichromatic
- ‘can still see thousands of shades of all the different colours’
- as only require two primaries
- ‘no implication that red or blue would be absent from their experience. this is because colours are properties of conscious experience, not properties of the world’
- ‘you need two or more different photoreceptors in order to distinguish wavelengths’
- ‘the wavelengths would causes different sensitivities in the cones and therefore a different response pattern’
- this pattern doesn’t change with intensity - it’s about the ratio
- cannot be distinguished if the wavelengths produce the same/very similar ratio responses
protanopia (dichromat)
L-cones are missing
deuteranopia (dichromat)
M-cones are missing
tritanopia (dichromat)
S-cones are missing
only have one cone type or none
- truly colourblind
- ‘congenital achromatopsia’
- cannot make any discriminations between visual stimuli based on wavelength
- principle of univariance means one single cone type is not sufficient for making discriminations between stimuli based on wavelength
- cannot know what colour they see in
- cone monochromats - may be able to see more than one colour (maybe blues, yellows and greys) but cannot know for sure
- less than 1 person in a million in european populations
- photophobic in daylight illumination
- ‘can only see at light levels when the rods are active (scotopic and mesopic conditions)’
- ‘normal people do not see colour in scotopic conditions’
- ‘cone monochromats will have their blue cones active in mesopic conditions and some report seeing shades of blue and yellow (but we have no idea what they actually experience)’
- only very few animals (seals, owl monkeys, raccoons)
rod monochromacy
people who have no cones and only rods
cone monochromacy
people who have only s-cones and rods
anomalous trichromats
colour blindness due to abnormal insensitivity
- theoretically 7 types as well but only 3 have been observed
- they have the three cone types but one of them differs in sensitivity
- the cones work normally, but the sensitivities are too close together for colours to be discriminated
- most common form of colour blindness
- 6% of males
- less than 1% of females
anomolous protanopia (protanomaly)
L-cones with abnormal spectral sensitivities
- red moves to green
anomolous deutranopia (deuteranomaly)
M-cones with abnormal spectral sensitivities
- green moves to red
- most common form
anomolous tritanopia (tritanomaly)
S-cones with abnormal spectral sensitivities
- blue moves to green? i think
- the rarest form
colour blindness does not make someone incapable of experiencing colour
it does make ‘it impossible for you to distinguish visual stimuli based on the wavelengths of light they contain that colour-normal people can distinguish on this basis’
‘it limits a persons ability to distinguish between stimuli’
‘many colourblind individuals have no idea that they have any kind of deficiency’
red-green colour blindness
- the most common
- dichromats lack either l-cones (protanopia) or m-cones (deuteranopia)
- difficulty distinguishing red and green
- ‘impairs ability to discriminate between stimuli based on wavelength’
- ‘it doesn’t limit ability to experience different colours’
what is the most common form of colour blindness?
anamolous trichromacy
diagnosis of colour blindness
- developed by Dr Shinobu Ishihara at the University of Tokyo in 1917
- very easy to use and very effective in diagnosis
- the circles with coloured circles representing numbers in different colours
- a red-green colourblind person can usually tell there are different colours on the plate, but either cannot or has difficulty identifying the figure
Ishihara test plates
what careers does colourblindness affect
technicians, interior designers and aircraft pilots
congenital colour blindness
born with it and it’s due to genetics
affects cones
- it is possible to have damage from disease or chemical poisoning
colour blindness as a result of brain damage
- damage to the visual pathway (thalamus and visual cortex)
- absence of colour vision
- similar to that of monochromats
thalamic achromatopsia:
- due to damage to the thalamus
cerebral achromatopsia:
- cortical damage (V1,V2,V4)
- occipital lobe (V4)
- typically see in grey/bluish grey
- ‘ability to make discriminations based on wavelengths is impaired’
- colour looks weaker and paler
- residual colour vision
= ‘limited ability to use the spectra of images to obtain information about surfaces and light sources’ and discriminate wavelengths