#2 Company Organization/Accountability Flashcards
According to Book #30, Command Procedures, the definition of a. “Tactical Level” operation is:
Objectives assigned to Divisions, Groups, etc.
Book #30, Command Procedures states, The tactical priorities (listed in order of priority) area:
Rescue, Hazard Control, Loss Limiting, Victim/Occupant Stabilization, Safety
Book #30, Command Procedures, Incident Command terminology is required anytime a category ___ assignment is held to work at an incident.
Book #30, Command Procedures, Incident Command, There are situations that require immediate action in order to stabilize the incident and require the company officer’s direct involvement. In these situations company officers normally stay with their crew to provide the appropriate level of supervision. Which answer is not correct?
ANSWER: First arriving apparatus to a dispatched Structure Fire
correct statements:
-offensive fire attack
-critical life safety situations must be achieved in compressed time
-any incident where there is an inordinate concern for the safety and welfare of firefighters
-obvious working incidents that require further investigation by a company officer
Book #30, Command Procedures, Incident Command, In a defensive mode, the risk versus gain to firefighters is too significant to make an interior fire attack. When the probability of saving lives is highly unlikely and the risk to Firefighters in attempting to save any salvageable property outweighs the gain. Therefore, a defensive mode is the recommended choice of strategy in these situation. Per Book 30 Defensive mode is considered?
Protecting the exposures from further loss, confining the damage to the structure involved.
Book #30, Command Procedures states that the Standards of Command define those standard activities that are performed by the Incident Commander to achieve the tactical priorities and incident objectives. Which of the following I snot one of the Standards of Command?
Establish an Incident Command Post
Book #30, Command Procedures states, If the company officer assumes the Incident Command mode, the following options are available regarding the assignment assignment of their remaining crew members. All of the following are correct EXCEPT:
The company officer may allow the crew members to perform any task as long as they are all on the tactical channel
Book #30, Command Procedures, the basic configuration of Incident Command addresses three operational levels. The three operational levels are:
Strategic Level, Tactical Level, and Task Level
Book #30, Command Procedures states that the number of Divisions/Groups that can effectively managed by the Incident Commander varies. FIRESCOPE, NWCG, and MIMS provide for a span of control from __ to __with__being optimal.
3; 7 ; 5
Book #30, Command Procedures states that form ____ is also known as the Incident Briefing Form.
ICS 201
According to Book 93 Tactical Alert Operations Manual, LAFD Expanded Command Operations Manual, which one of the following is the Departments City-wide Command Post:
Department Operations Center (DOC)
According to Book 93 Tactical Alert Operations Manual, LAFD Expanded Command Operations Manual, which one of the following is the NOT a primary agency in Phase 1 Tactical Alert preplanning stage:
Emergency Management Department (EMD)
correct options:
According to Book 93 Tactical Alert Operations Manual, LAFD Expanded Command Operations Manual, which one of the following represents PHASE III of Tactical Alert:
The commitment of resources on missions/incidents into an impact area as result of civic disturbance or other tactical operation
According to Book 93 Tactical Alert Operations Manual states that some of the criteria that should be considered when selecting an Area Command facility include all of the following EXCEPT:
Close to highway to expedite travel
correct options:
-close proximity to incidents
-capable of continuous operation
-near commercial sources of support for food and lodging
-availability of back up power
According to Book 93 Tactical Alert Operations Manual, the Department has developed tactical alert guidelines and divided them into _____ phases.
According to Book 93 Tactical Alert Operations Manual states that resources will be pre-deployed during which phase?
According to Book 93 Tactical Alert Operations Manual states that in terms of firefighter safety, during Phase II members shall do all of the following:
-all members should take safety clothing and uniforms home when going off duty for possible recall.
-shop off duty for meals, if possible
-discontinue all outside non-emergency activities or as directed by MFC
-use direct routes and avoid known problem areas commuting to and from work
According to TB #135 Fire Department Operations at Tactical Law Enforcement Incidents, The Hartford Consensus’ practical recommendations include the actions contained int eh acronym THREAT which answer is not correct?
A - ALS intervention by medical providers
correct answers:
T - threat suppression
H - Hemorrhage control
RE - Rapid Extraction to safety
T - Transport to definitive care
According to TB #135 Fire Department Operations at Tactical Law Enforcement Incidents, The first arriving fire department unit on scene of an active shooter incident should do ALL of the following except?
establish command for fire department resources and collocate with law enforcement (LE).
correct statements
-confirm the nature of the incident
-provide a size-up to MFC and responding units
designate a stain area, Consider an area not in direct line of sight or immediately proximate to the incident
According to TB #135 Fire Department Operations at Tactical Law Enforcement Incidents, The Rescue Group is configured to extract viable patients from the _____ zone or Casualty Collection Point to the treatment areas?
According to TB #135 Fire Department Operations at Tactical Law Enforcement Incidents states that the elements of the IAP may vary based on the situation, but key components that the fire department will be responsible for include all of the following.
-rescue group
-communications plan
-fire group
-medical group
According to TB #135 Fire Department Operations at Tactical Law Enforcement Incidents, as a minimum, a Rescue Task Force shall have ____ fire department personnel and _______ force protection officers. When possible, RTFs, should incorporate a paramedic.
two; two
According to TB #135 Fire Department Operations at Tactical Law Enforcement Incidents, who should normally be assigned to Medical Communications?
The first arriving EMS Supervisor
According to TB #135 Fire Department Operations at Tactical Law Enforcement Incidents, experience has shown that the number one cause of preventable death in victims of penetrating trauma is _______.
According to TB #135 Fire Department Operations at Tactical Law Enforcement Incidents states that the area where a potential threat exists, but the threat is not direct or immediate is called the
warm zone
According to TB #135 Fire Department Operations at Tactical Law Enforcement Incidents, the _____ is the appropriate location for treatment of patients, staging, and command functions.
cold zone
According to TB#139, Air Management Policy, Activation of the low air alarm is an immediate action item for the individual/team and according to NFPA is to be treated with the same urgency as a Mayday or firefighter emergency. All team members shall immediately retreat to a safe area / non-IDLH environment. At what % does/should this occur?
According to TB#139, Air Management Policy, The LAFD annual member retraining and certification shall be completed annually during the month of January at the company level and documented where?
personal record book, F2 journal, Target (Vector) Solutions
According to TB #139, Air Management Policy, the “Standard for Fire Service Respiratory Protection Training” is NFPA
According to TB#139, Air Management Policy states that supervisors and members share responsibility for and shall consider time needed for safe exit when objective is reached or SCBA air reserve is at ___% whichever occurs first. This shall be based on the member with the least amount off remaining air.
According to TB#139, Air Management Policy states that Company Commanders shall ensure all members participate in _____, company based drills. Members are encouraged to train more frequently but in no case less than ____.
quarterly; quarterly
According to TB#139, Air Management Policy states that the external red LED at the 500 ms period when the percentage of the rated cylinder reaches
10% - 33%
According to DB #15-11 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/MAYDAY PROCEDURES, The following situations require the immediate initiation of a “Mayday” call EXCEPT:
correct answer: any life threatening condition that cannot be resolved in 60 seconds
correct other options:
-separated from crew/lost (FF missing)
-injured and/or disabled (FF down)
-trapped, pinned, and/or entangled in debris (FF trapped)
-malfunction of SCBA or activation of a low air alarm in an IDLH and unable to reach an exit safely
S held your airway
According to DB #15-11 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/MAYDAY PROCEDURES, members can communicate this information by using “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” on the radio to identify the situation, what answer is best?
in the event of an extraordinary hazard or a sudden change in conditions that creates an imminent danger to personnel
According to DB #15-11 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/MAYDAY PROCEDURES, ______ which is common language, shall be used to notify personnel working on-scene of a “MAYDAY” situation that a fire fighter accident or emergency has occurred.
“Clear Text”
According to DB #15-11 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/MAYDAY PROCEDURES, the LAFD’s risk management policy to “risk a lot, to save a lot” can also be stated as:
Activities that present a significant risk to the safety of members shall be limited to situations where there is a potential to save endangered lives.
According to DB #15-11 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/MAYDAY PROCEDURES, states that if after ____ “mayday” attempt(s) the member doest not receive acknowledgement on the incident tactical channel he/she shall activate the Emergency Alert Button (EAB) and declare the “mayday” again verbally
According to DB #15-11 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/MAYDAY PROCEDURES, states that the “mayday” call will be delivered on the _____
Incident Tactical Channel
According to DB #15-11 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/MAYDAY PROCEDURES, If unable to contact incident command, the member in distress shall push the EAB or turn the channel dial ______ to access “Emergency 6”.
all the way to the right
A activate your pass device
According to DB #15-11 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/MAYDAY PROCEDURES, _______ is the most critical element of the Self Survival procedure
identifying a viable exit
According to DB #15-11 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/MAYDAY PROCEDURES, states that when a field Chief officer becomes the Incident Commander, all of the following radio channels shall be monitored fore possible communications with the effected member(s) EXCEPT:
answer is all of the above monitored:
-rapid intervention group tactical channel
-emergency channel 6
-dispatch channel
-incident command channel
-incident tactical channel
According to the Daily Company Operations Briefing, the briefing should take place
no later than 0800
Which of the following is not part of the Daily Company Operations Briefing?
Station Visitors
other options:
-special hazards
apparatus knowledge
Which of the following is not part of the Daily COmpany Operations Briefing?
other options:
-mission validation
-company unity
-safety briefing
-experience of the Crew
According to the Daily Company Operations Briefing, the briefing is designed to provide situational awareness, leader’s intent, and clarity with the goal of
enhancing firefighter safety
Which of the following is not one of the departments CORE values?
other options:
Which of the following is a department CORE value that members of the department will “uphold moral and ethical conduct at all times”?
“The Los Angeles Fire Department will preserve life and property, promotes public safety and fosters economic growth through a commitment to prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery as an all risk life safety response provider” is the department’s
Mission Statement