#1 Company Organization/Accountability Flashcards
According to DB No. 11-10 - SECOND 800 MHz RADIO FOR COMPANY COMMANDERS, All officers shall carry two radios
during all emergency operations
According to TB 101 - Standardized Emergency Management System, The five organizational levels in SEMS are:
Field Response Level, Local Government Level, Operational Area, Regional, State
According to TB 101 - Standardized Emergency Management System, Some incidents may dictate a transfer of command. Transfer of command may take place for the following reasons: All of the following:
-More qualified person arrives on scene
-Situation changed where a jurisdictional or agency change in command is required by law or just makes good management sense
-Normal relief of personnel on extended incidents
-Transfer of command may also take place in certain situation when a person of lower rank but of higher qualifications would be the best suited person to assume command.
According to TB 101 - Standardized Emergency Management System, _____ means that every individual has designated supervisor
Span of Control
TB 101 - Standardized Emergency Management System states that once established, the ICP should not be moved unless absolutely necessary. Establish the Immediate Priorities. First Priority is aways the safety of: All of the following are Correct:
-Individuals involved in the incident
-Other emergency workers
According to TB 101 - Standardized Emergency Management System, the General Staff consists of the following positions:
Operations Section Chief, Planning/Intelligence Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, FInance/Administrative Section Chief
According to TB 101 - Standardized Emergency Management System, _______ are used to divide an indigent into geographical areas of operation
TB 076 - Company Operations states that NFPA Standard ______ is the Standard ion Occupational Safety and Health Program
TB 076 - Company Operations states that following the establishment of command, subsequent arriving resources will ______ . Once the first arriving officer has taken charge and announced to MFC his/her assumption of command.
stop a block away from the reported address.
According to TB 076 - Company Operations, If the officer of the first arriving Engine Company commits to a tactical objective or function (i.e. fire attack, rescue, ventilation, etc.) utilization of the ______ will permit the Company Officer’s involvement in the attack without neglecting Incident Commanders responsibilities.
portable radio
TB 076 - Company operations states that the ______ arriving on the scene shall automatically assume command.
first Fire Department resource/member
According to TB 076 - Company Operations who establish the Incident Command Post?
Battalion Commander
According to TB 076 - Company Operations, NFPA ______ mandates a backup team (“Two In/Two Out”) prior to entry into an IDLH with very limited exceptions.
TB 076 - Company Operations states that Department IC’c shall, as a minimum, designate at least one RIC upon arrival of additional resources above
the original structure assignment
TB 076 - Company Operations states no roof-cutting operation shall be performed with the presence of a(n) _______
safety member
According to TB 076 - Company Operations personnel assigned to an RA that is first-in, shall do all of the following EXCEPT:
-give a size up
-request additional resources if needed
-designate a staging or base location. if appropriate
report to and transition command to the first in officer
According to the TB 073 - Tactical/Operational Considerations for Personnel, DO NOT APPROACH OR ENTER THE STRUCTURE ALONE. Personnel safety is greatly enhanced by utilizing the “_______” in all incidents.
buddy system
According to TB 073 - Tactical/Operational Considerations for Personnel, anytime a Department member is assaulted, the member’s Battalion/Section Commander shall be notified and police response requested. Medical Liaison shall be contacted and the assaulted member shall be
sent to first care facility and be evaluated by a doctor to determine the extent of injury.
According to Vo. 1, (2/1…) when responding to move ups,
move ups are nonemergency unless directed emergency by Metro
Vo 1, (2/1…) states when responding to emergencies, no apparatus, with the exception of chiefs’ apparatus, shall overtake and pass another unless the apparatus being passed is:
-moving at a reduced speed due to terrain or type of apparatus
-giving way in order to alter the response sequence so as to obtain optimum approach and apparatus placement at the emergency
NOT: not familiar with the first-in district
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), which of the following is not correct in regards to a Category B assignment?
not correct: not less than 4 fire companies, at least two trucks
-required flow above 4500 GPM
-more than 15,000 sq. ft under one roof, on two floors
-more than 10,000 sq. ft under one roof on one floor
-schools, special schools, day nurseries, two or more stories
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), for all structure fires the mode of operation shall be declared, the modes are:
offensive, defensive, investigative
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), to prevent damage to pump packing seals, all pumps shall not be operation dry for a period exceeding _____ seconds. Where practical, fire pumps shall be carried wet.
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), state that the NFPA 704 I.D. System is used on structures. The NFPA 704 ID system can be recognized by a diamond with numerals, letters, and symbols within the four colored backgrounds. The colored backgrounds shall be used for the four categories:
blue - health; yellow - reactivity; red - flammability; white - additional information
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), states that _____ is a term to use when there is large hostile crowd and apparent danger to LAFD personnel or apparatus
Fire Department Needs Assistance
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), Fires in U.S. mail boxes shall be extinguished with _____ if possible
CO2 or dry chemical
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), Investigations are initiated to determine the cause of the fire; and, for criminal fires, to establish the “Corpus Delicti” (body of the crime). Cause investigation has as its main purpose the determination of how the fire started; what was ignited, how, and why. Upon such determination, the cause is categorized into one of four major groupings: (Which I NOT one of those categories?)
Accidental Fire
correct categories:
-other known casual cause fire
-undermined fire
-Suspicious fire
-incendiary fire
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), states that the Incident Commander shall request the immediate response of an Arson/Counter Terrorism Section when any of the following conditions exist: (all the of the following EXCEPT:)
Greater Alarm fires when more than 15 companies are working
correct answers:
-fire set willfully and maliciously by juveniles
-a suspect in custody at the scene
-undetermined fires with loss of $25,000 or more
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), Company Commanders hall have the option to equip wagon batteries with one of the following tips, (all of the following are correct Except:)
1-1/4 inch Smooth Bore Tip
correct answers:
-1-1/2 inch smooth bore tip
-variable spray tip
-500 GPM (or larger) Fog Hog
-5/8 inch smooth bore tip
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), states that Strike Teams, Tactical Task Forces, and Medical Task Forces are identified using the State Master Mutual Aid numbering system whether formed by Metro or the Incident Commander. Los Angeles City has been assigned a block of designation numbers ____ through ____under the State Mutual Aid System.
1000; 1074
According to VO. 1, (2/3…), The Incident Commander (IC) is responsible for the completion of the tactical priorities. The tactical priorities are all the following EXCEPT:
Determine the cause of the incident
Correct Answers:
-rescue endangered occupants and treat the injured
-stabilize the incident and provide for life safety
-conserve property
-provide for the safety, accountability, and welfare of personnel
Vol. (2/3,…) states that in certain emergencies the circumstances may make it necessary to further expand the organizational structure to meet the changed conditions. A Major Emergency exists when more than ___ companies are dispatched.
According to Vol. 1 (2/7….), In the case of a catastrophic event, it may not be possible to contact off-duty members. If it is obvious that members should report for work and communications are down, members should report to ______ which is the Department’s primary Base location for extended events.
Dodger stadium
Vol. 1, (2/7…) states that the following members will not be recalled:
-members on sick leave
-members on leave no pay
-members on disciplinary leave
members assigned to Accounting
INCORRECT: members assigned to special duty
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), Responsible officers shall use the following information to determine if “no parking” signs are needed on narrow streets where emergency response is restricted: if traveled roadway widths is 20’-28’.
No parking, one side parking allowed on the same side of roadway as the fire hydrant.
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), all emergency vehicles are equipped with electronic sirens. The “_____” position is the position of choice
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), states members incopmman of apparatus turned back by radio while responding to an alarm, shall make the transition from emergency to non-emergency operation in a_______
inconspicuous manner
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), states Station Commanders shall address security measures to all members under their command, with a special emphasis on securing Department property should it be necessary to “pull out” of a fire station due to degree of civil unrest. The LAPD should be notified of any vacated fire stations through Metro so they can provide necessary security. All of the following actions take place EXCEPT:
-Lights shall be left on
-All exterior doors and windows shall be closed and locked
-gates to parking lots and exterior courtyards shall be closed and locked
-all window coverings shall be drawn closed
CORRECT ANSWER: private vehicles shall be moved inside of the station
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), although all members have “peace officer” status, only those properly qualified (Penal Code Section 832) and meeting Department requirements are permitted to carry firearms. At present, this is limited to members assigned to the _______.
Arson Investigation Section
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), states any off duty member encountering an emergency situation which falls within the responsibility of the Los Angeles Fire Department, shall________
assume command of the incident if no Department apparatus is present
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), states that fire apparatus shall be be driven over hose Iines, except in cases absolutely necessity. Police action shall be requested when hose “in use: is driven over by unauthorized vehicles. Members are urged to use good judgement in these situations and properly weigh all factors involved before taking action. Aggravated cases shall be reported by telephone to the _______
Arson Unit
According to VO. 1, (2/1…), when operating Department hose lines on fires above the ____ floor, exterior standpipes shall be used when practical.
Vol. 1 (2/3…) states that the duties and responsibilities of the _______ are to assess hazards, evaluate strategy, and correct unsafe operations.
Safety Officer
According to VO. 1, (2/3…), The General Staff section gathers, assimilates, analyzes and processes information needed for effective decision making is the _____ Section.
According to VO. 1, (2/7…), Phase 2 of Recall is defined as:
a limited recall when 41 to 71 companies and/or 20 to 25 RA’s have been committed to a major emergency(s).
According to VO. 1, (2/7…), the Emergency Overtime Report
According to VO. 1, (2/3…), states that the RESOURCE AND SITUATION STATUS RECORD (Tactical Worksheet) is the
Which of the Departments CORE values state that members will Honor the Firefighter Oath?
Which of the Departments CORE values state that members will take creative risk to adapt and improve?
Which of the following is not one of the Department’s Operating Principles?
Operate by embracing diversity and recognizing individual worth.