2. Code I: Community Property Flashcards
Matrimonial Regime
system of principles and rules governing the property of married persons, as between themselves and third parties
- legal (default in LA)
- contractual
- partly legal/ partly contractual
Default Matrimonial Regime
legal regime
aka community of acquets and gains
presumption of community property
Matrimonial Agreements: Form
- made by authentic act OR
- act under private signature duly acknowledged by both spouses
(An authentic act is executed in the presence of a notary and two witnesses, and a private act is executed by the parties without a notary present and later acknowledged by a notary or before a court.)
Matrimonial Agreements: Timing
- prenuptial = meet form requirements
- postnuptial = meet form requirements and obtain approval by court
Matrimonial Agreements: Substance
Spouses have freedom to contract as to all matters not prohibited by public policy.
(1) modifying or altering the marital portion;
(2) renouncing or altering the established order of succession;
(3) limiting, with respect to third persons, the right one spouse has alone to obligate or alienate, encumber, or lease community property;
(4) waive interim spousal support (note that final spousal support may be waived)
Marital Portion
General Principals of Community Property Regime
Louisiana’s community property regime applies to spouses domiciled in Louisiana and have not contracted out of the community property regime.
- mass of assets of liabilities where each spouse has an undivided 1⁄2 interest in all of the community property (distinct from the interest of a co-owner)
Limitations on Alienation of Property in Community Property
spouses, unlike co-owners, cannot alienate their undivided interest during the community
CAN alienate community assets where the other spouse has an interest, under the equal management scheme
Separate Property
(1) property acquired in advance of the community property regime
(2) property acquired with separate property or with a mixture of separate and community property where the community prop is inconsequential in comparison with the separate property used
(3) inheritance or donation from a third party to a spouse individually
(4) damages one spouse is awarded against the other for breach of contract or a claim for fraud or bad faith management of community property
(5) damages a spouse is awarded in connection with his separate property; AND
(6) things a spouse is awarded in voluntary partition
Community Property
everything not separate is community
(1) property acquired during the existence of the community property regime through the effort, skill, or industry of a spouse
(2) property acquired with community property or with a mixture of separate and community property where the community property is consequential in comparison with the separate property used
(3) property donated to spouses jointly
(4) natural and civil fruits of community property AND
(5) damages awarded for loss of community property
Presumption of Community Property
All property in the possession of either spouse during marriage is presumed to be community property.
rebuttable by other spouse by preponderance of the evidence
Real Subrogation
a CONVERSION principle under which a new thing is classified in the same manner as the old thing from which it was converted
Estoppel Based on Double Declaration in an Act of Acquisition
When a spouse makes, in an act of acquisition, a declaration that:
(1) the funds are separate AND
(2) were acquired by the spouse as separate property
= the other spouse who concurs in that act is estopped from later claiming that the property is community property, even if the substance of the declaration is a lie
Classification of Prop: Inter Vivos / Mortis Causa Donations from 3P
- to spouse individually = separate
- to spouses jointly = community
donor’s intent controls
Classification of Prop: Inheritance
always separate property of inheriting spouse
Contemporaneous Mixing of Separate and Community Property to Acquire a New Asset
When spouses mix separate and community property to acquire an asset, the asset acquired will be separate property unless the community property is CONSEQUENTIAL in comparison with the separate property used.
Mixing Fungible Goods
When the spouses mix fungible things identical in kind (e.g. bank accounts), the mixing generally has no effect on classification and they retain their distinct character.
But when there is an indiscriminate commingling such that the funds can no longer be traced, courts may apply the principle of commingling to find the entirety of the mixture community property.
Property Acquired through Expert, Skill, or Industry of Spouse
ALL property acquired through the effort, skill, or industry of a spouse is community property.
Property of this type would include salaries and earnings. Any effort, however slight, is sufficient to trigger community classification. (including sweepstakes/ lottery)
A spouse may unilaterally reserve the fruits of his separate property to himself, but he must:
(1) execute an authentic act or act under private signature duly acknowledged
(2) record that act, even to trigger effect between spouses, in the parish where the immovables are located AND
(3) provide notice to the other spouse
active investments = kinda both fruits and earnings so court weighs
Classification of Prop:
Insurance Renewal Commissions
apportioned and classified pro rata based on when effort was expended to earn them
Classification of Prop:
Credit Acquisitions
governed by the inception of title rule
= source of the funds used to make the down-payment (or cash portion of the price) determines classification
Management of Community Property
Either spouse, acting alone, may generally manage, control, or dispose of community property under the equal management scheme.
The participation and consent of the other spouse is not required.
Exception to Equal Management: Concurrence of BOTH SPOUSES
required for the alienation, encumbrance or lease of:
(1) community immovables and related timber interests;
(2) furniture or furnishings while located in the family home;
(3) all or substantially all of the assets of a community property enterprise;
(4) movables issued or registered in a spouse’s name as provided by law;
(5) all donations of community property, unless the donation is a usual or customary gift commensurate with the economic position of the spouses at the time of the marriage
Sole and Exclusive Management
The Code allows for sole and exclusive management in one spouse when:
(1) a spouse acting as the sole manager of a community enterprise to alienate, encumber, or lease its movables
(2) movables issued or registered as required by law in the name of one spouse alone
(3) partnership and LLC interests
(4) contractual relationships under the privity of contract principle
Remedies for Mismanagement of Community Property
when a spouse acts violating management rules, it is a relative nullity
if fraud/ bad faith, other spouse can sue for damages
Alternatives to Concurrence for Alienation/ Encumbrance
- renunciation of right to concur
- judicial authorization in summary proceeding
Termination of Community Property Causes
- Death
- Declaration of Death
- Declaration of Nullity of Marriage
- Judgment of Legal Separation in Covenant Marriage
- Judgment of Divorce
- Judgment of Separation of Property
- Matrimonial Agreement Terminating Community Prop Regime
Effects of Termination of Community Property Regime
After termination of the community property regime, but before the spouses partition their property, they are co-owners of the former community property.
The rules of co-ownership apply to spouses during this interim period: Spouses each own an undivided 1⁄2 interest in the former community property, but they must now preserve and prudently manage former community property within their control, in a manner consistent with the use prior to termination.
Classification of Obligations (DEBT)
owed as monetary claims to one spouse from another
requires some sort of mismatch between funds contributed to property and the classification of that property
Accession Rule between spouses when they created SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENTS on the other’s land
he who owns the land owns the improvments
Reimbursement: Use of Separate Property to Benefit Other Spouse’s Separate Estate
entitled to value of the sep prop at the time used
Reimbursement: Use of Separate Property to Satisfy a Common Obligation or to Acquire/ Improve/ Benefit Community Property
spouse is entitled to reimbursement for 1⁄2 of the amount or value the separate property had at the time it was used
limitation of liability = only paid if the spouse owing reimbursement has a sufficient net share in the community to pay the claim (NOT limited if obligation was one for ordinary and customary expenses of marriage, or for the support, education, or maintenance of the children of either spouse)
Reimbursement: Use of community funds to satisfy a separate obligation or to acquire, improve or benefit separate property
entitled to ½ of amount or value property had at time it was used
*EXCEPTION FOR FMAILY HOME: if family is living there or receiving community prop fruits – reimbursement only for ½ of funds used to reduce the principal portion of loan. Funds used to pay interest of loan are not reimbursed
Reimbursement: use of community labor devoted to spouse’s separate property
entitled to ½ of the increase in value of separate property attributable to labor
(1) community labor devoted to separate property;
(2) spouse was uncompensated or undercompensated;
(3) labor assisted in increasing value of thing
= burden shifts to other spouse to prove that some or all of the enhanced value is attributable to another cause
Educational Reimbursement Claims
= claims for recoupment of monies paid in tuition, books, and living expenses to allow a spouse to get an education, license, or special job training during marriage
(1) claimant’s expectation of shared benefit;
(2) degree of detriment suffered by claimant;
(3) magnitude of benefit to other spouse
judicial discretion
Community property partitions can be done voluntarily or judicially, although judicial partitions are not permissible during the existence of the community property regime.
Voluntary partitions are contracts subject to all the vices of consent applicable to basic contracts.
JUDGMENT OF SEPARATION OF PROPERTY: A spouse may seek to terminate the community property regime and may obtain a judgment of separation of property but stay married.
(1) a spouse’s community interest is threatened by the fraud, fault, neglect, incompetence, or disorder of the affairs of the other spouse;
(2) the other spouse is an absent person;
(3) they have filed a petition for divorce and have lived separate and apart for 30 days before or after filing; and
(4) the spouses have lived apart for six months
Responsibilities for Family Obligations
even in separate property regimes, spouses are solidarily liable for NECESSARIES obtained by a spouse for himself or for the family
Putative Marriage in Community Property: Common Spouse in GOOD FAITH
common spouse gets 1/2 comm prop
legal and putative spouse share 1/2 share
Putative Marriage in Community Property: Common Spouse in BAD FAITH
common spouse gets NOTHING
legal spouse gets 1/2 comm prop
putative spouse gets 1/2 comm prop
Credit Acquisitions
Credit acquisitions in Louisiana are governed by the inception of title rule.
funds used to make downpayment on house = classification
Classification of Property: Acquiring House on Credit During Community Property Regime
The Louisiana Supreme Court has held that when a couple acquires a home on credit during the existence of the community property regime, the source of the funds used to make the down-payment (or cash portion of the price) determines classification.
Home Bought by Separate Funds (down payment) and then a Loan
Separate property because determined by the source of funds used to make the down payment
DO NOT APPLY CONSEQUENTIALITY TEST HERE – Under Curtis, that test does not apply to credit acquisitions.
When you get reimbursement for contributing labor AND for materials, you CANNOT ______ ______.
When you get reimbursement for contributing labor AND for materials, you CANNOT “double dip”.
aka receive multiple overlapping reimbursements
Classification of Property: Note Payments on SEPARATE PROPERTY from a Spouse’s Income During Marriage
= monies here are the result of effort/ skill/ industry of the spouse, so community funds
the spouse will be entitled to 1/2 reimbursement of the community funds to benefit the separate property
Limitation for Reimbursement of Note Payments as it Relates to the Family Home
Louisiana jurisprudence generally limits a spouse’s right of reimbursement when it relates to note payments on the family home to reimbursement of 1⁄2 of the funds used to make principal payments ONLY.
Funds used to make interest payments are charged to the community, and reimbursement is typically unavailable for that portion. AKA NO REIMBURSEMENT FOR INTEREST PAYMENTS, ONLY PRINCIPAL!
Post-Nuptial Opting Out of Community Property Regime
file a joint petition and wait for the court to approve the agreement to opt out of the community . . .
upon a finding that it serves their best interests and that they understand the governing principles and rules
A thing possessed during the marriage is presumed to be ____________ property.
But the spouse can overcome that presumption by a ___________________.
A thing possessed during the marriage is presumed to be community property.
But the spouse can overcome that presumption by a preponderance of the evidence.
Obligations in Louisiana are presumed to be __________, except as otherwise provided in article _________.
Obligations in Louisiana are presumed to be community, except as otherwise provided in article 2363.
Separate obligations, under article 2363, include:
“an obligation resulting from an intentional wrong . . . to the extent that it does not benefit both spouses, the family, or the other spouse.”
embezzled funds into the couple’s joint bank account and “used the funds for household obligations, such as the mortgage payment”
= community obligation because it was an obligation that benefitted the family
The rule of _________ in the spousal context is that buildings made on the separate property of a spouse with community funds belong to __________.
The rule of accession in the spousal context is that buildings made on the separate property of a spouse with community funds belong to the owner of the ground.
Although obligations incurred by a spouse alone during the existence of the community regime are presumed to be __________ obligations, that presumption may be rebutted by __________ ________.
An obligation will be _____________ when it is one incurred during the existence of the community property regime though _____________________________________.
Although obligations incurred by a spouse alone during the existence of the community regime are presumed to be COMMUNITY obligations, that presumption may be rebutted by contrary evidence
An obligation will be separate when it is one incurred during the existence of the community property regime though not for the common interest of the spouses or for the interest of the other spouse.