2. Calculations/Formulas/Nutrition Flashcards
1 tsp (t) = ? mL
5 mL
1 tbsp (T) = ? mL
15 mL
1 fl oz = ? mL
30 mL
1 cup = ? oz, ? mL
8 oz
240 mL
1 pint = ? oz, ? mL
16 oz
480 mL
1 quart = ? pints, ? mL
2 pints
960 mL
1 gallon = ? quarts, ? mL
4 quarts
3,840 mL
1 kg = ? Lbs
2.2 lbs
1 oz = ? grams
28.4 g
1 lbs = ? oz, ? grams
16 oz
1 grain = ? mg
65 mg
Ratio of mEq:mmol (monovalent vs divalent)
Monovalent - 1:1
Divalent - 1:0.5
1 inch = ? cm
2.54 cm
% w/v = ?
X g
100 mL
Percentage strength = ?
% strength = 100 / Ratio strength
Parts per million (PPM) to % strength conversion
Move decimal 4 to the left
Specific gravity
SG = weight (g) / weight of equal water volume (mL)
Dilutions equation
(Old quantity) x (old conc.) = (new quantity) x (new conc.)
X part high % + Y parts low % = desired %
Osmolarity equation (mOsm/L)
Weight (g)
————— x (# particles) x 1,000
Isotonicity (E) equation
58.5 [MW of NS] MW of drug
E = ———————— X ———————————
1.8 [dissociation factor of NS] Dissociation factor of drug
Moles or milimoles
Moles = grams/MW
Milimoles = mg/MW
Miliequivalents (two equations)
Mg x valence
mEq = ——————— OR mmols x valence
Fluid need equation (WEIGHT >20kg)
1,500 mL + (20 mL x [kg - 20])
How many calories are in each GRAM of CARBS, FAT and PROTEIN?
Carbs, Protein = 4 kcal/g
Fat = 9 kcal/g