2 Flashcards
What class of drugs can be used to treat estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer? What is another use for these drugs? What is the main concern when using tamoxifen? (FA15 p412) (FA16 p413)
Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)—receptor antagonists in breast and agonists in bone. Block the binding of estrogen to ER ⊕ cells.
(Tamoxifen, raloxifene)
-Raloxifene also useful to prevent osteoporosis.
-Tamoxifen—partial agonist in endometrium, which the risk of ENDOMETRIAL CANCER; “hot flashes.” (not seen with Raloxifene, estrogen rec. antagonist in endometrial tissue)
How does an anterior shoulder dislocation present differently than a posterior shoulder dislocation? : Arm position Neurovascular compromise Classic scenario Physical exam
ant: external rotation, slight abduction, axillary n./a., due to blow to arm while abducted, externally rotated, extended, if thin may palpate prom. acromion process, loss of shoulder roundness, appears angular
post: internal rotation, adduction, unable to externally rotate arm, unusual to have nv deficits, caused by seizure/electrocution, bulge in post. shoulder area, ant. aspect of shoulder is relatively flat
Which primary bone tumor fits each of the following descriptions? (FA15 p401, 428) (FA16 p401, 429)
Most common malignancy arising within bone
11;22 translocation
Soap-bubble appearance on x-ray
Onion-skin appearance of bone (layers of new bone in periosteum)
- Most common malignancy arising within bone: multiple myeloma
- 11;22 translocation: Ewing sarcoma (11 + 22 = 33 (Patrick Ewing’s jersey number).
- Soap-bubble appearance on x-ray: giant cell tumor (osteoclastoma)
- Onion-skin appearance of bone (layers of new bone in periosteum): Ewing sarcoma
Which primary bone tumor fits each of the following descriptions? (FA15 p401, 428) (FA16 p401, 429)
Codman’s triangle (periosteal elevation on XR)
May arise from osteochondroma or appear as a primary tumor
Anaplastic small cells, aggressive mets, good chemo response
Most common malignant bone tumor in children
- Codman’s triangle (periosteal elevation on XR): Osteosarcoma
- May arise from osteochondroma or appear as a primary tumor: chondrosarcoma
- Anaplastic small cells, aggressive mets, good chemo response: Ewing sarcoma
- Most common malignant bone tumor in children: osteosarcoma
A 45-year-old woman receives a kidney transplant and receives cyclosporine as part of her anti-rejection regimen. What is the mechanism of action of cyclosporine? (FA15 p218) (FA16 p212)
immunosuppressant: Calcineurin inhibitor; binds cyclophilin. (inactivates NFATc) Blocks T-cell activation by preventing IL-2 transcription
uses: Transplant rejection prophylaxis, psoriasis, RA
SEs: Nephrotoxicity HTN, hyperlipidemia, neurotoxicity, gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism.
You are treating a 63-year-old woman with small cell lung cancer who develops SIADH. She becomes disoriented secondary to hyponatremia. Consequently, you rapidly correct the low serum sodium with demeclocycline and water restriction. The patient’s sodium level and disorientation improve, but several days later the patient develops diplopia. What is the cause of this patient’s diplopia?
(FA15 p456) (FA16 p492)
Massive axonal demyelination in pontine white matter 2° to osmotic changes. Commonly iatrogenic, caused by overly rapid correction of hyponatremia.
other effects besides diplopia: Acute paralysis, dysarthria, dysphagia, loss of consciousness. Can cause “locked-in syndrome.”)
(In contrast, correcting hypernatremia too quickly results in cerebral edema/herniation)
Correcting serum Na+ too fast:
“From low to high, your pons will die” (osmotic demyelination syndrome)
“From high to low, your brain will blow” (cerebral edema/herniation)
What are some of the possible causes of pericarditis? (FA15 p299) (FA16 p294)
- idiopathic (most common; presumed viral)
- confirmed infection (e.g., Coxsackievirus A or B, TB)
- neoplasia
- autoimmune (e.g., SLE, RA, scleroderma, acute RF (pancarditis)),
- uremia
- CV (acute STEMI or Dressler syndrome)
- radiation therapy, Cancer mets
A unilateral lesion to the lateral corticospinal tract results in motor deficits ipsilateral to the lesion. Where in the lateral corticospinal tract is the motor innervation to the legs located? (FA15 p469) (FA16 p472)
Legs (Lumbosacral) are Lateral in Lateral corticospinal, spinothalamic tracts
IN CONSTRAST: Dorsal column is organized as you are, with hands at sides. Arms outside, legs inside.
In cystic fibrosis thick, mucous secretions inhibit digestive enzymes, which can lead to malabsorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins. What are the fat-soluble vitamins? What are the corresponding symptoms of fat-soluble vitamin deficiency? (FA15 p88-94, 361) (FA16 p76-81, 358)
A: (antioxidant, visual pigment, essential for differentiation of epi cells into specialized tissue)
Night blindness (nyctalopia); dry, scaly skin (xerosis cutis); corneal degeneration (keratomalacia); Bitot spots on conjunctiva; immunosuppression.
D: Rickets in children (bone pain and deformity), osteomalacia in adults (bone pain and muscle weakness), hypocalcemic tetany. Breastfed infants should receive oral vitamin D. Deficiency is exacerbated by low sun exposure, pigmented skin, prematurity.
E: (antioxidant) Hemolytic anemia (fragile RBCs), acanthocytosis, muscle weakness, posterior column and spinocerebellar tract *demyelination.
K: needed for maturation of clotting factors II, VII, IX, X, (2,7,9,10) and proteins C and S. (cofactor for y-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues) Warfarin—vitamin K antagonist. deficiency: coag factor defects (blood thinning, potential hemorrhage), osteoporosis, CAD
A 22-year-old man recently lost his leg in a tragic accident involving alcohol and heavy machinery. Just prior to discharge, a vigilant nurse informs you that the patient has been very depressed about his lost limb, and she overheard him talking to a friend about just ending his life with his dad’s gun when he gets out of the hospital. What needs to be done? (FA15 p58) (FA16 p42)
Assess the seriousness of the threat. evaluate risk: male, depression, access to weapon, plan, etOH
If it is serious, suggest that the patient remain in the hospital voluntarily; patient can be hospitalized involuntarily if he/she refuses.
What branchial arch derivative abnormality causes facial abnormalities by affecting Meckel’s cartilage? What cranial nerves are affected in this abnormality? From what germ layers are the branchial arches derived? (FA15 p564-566) (FA16 p568-570)
1st arch:
Meckel cartilage: Mandible, Malleus, incus, spheno- Mandibular ligament
CN V2 and V3 “CHEW”
Muscles of Mastication (temporalis, Masseter, lateral and Medial pterygoids), Mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini
Treacher Collins syndrome—1st-arch neural crest fails to migrate–> mandibular hypoplasia, facial abnormalities
arches derived from mesoderm (musc, arts) and neural crest (bones, cartilage)
truncus arteriosus gives rise to ??
Ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk
Bulbus cordis gives rise to ??
Smooth parts (outflow tract) of left and right ventricles
Primitive atrium gives rise to ??
Trabeculated part of left and right atria
Primitive ventricle gives rise to ??
Trabeculated part of left and right ventricles
Primitive pulmonary vein gives rise to ??
Smooth part of left atrium
Left horn of sinus venosus gives rise to ??
Coronary sinus
Right horn of sinus venosus
gives rise to ??
Smooth part of right atrium (sinus venarum)