#2 & 3. Plexuses Flashcards
what does the Lesser occipital innervate?
skin of scalp posterior and superior to ear
Where does the lesser occipital originate from?
What does the great auricular innervate?
skin anterior, inferior and over ear and over parotid glands
Where does the great auricular originate from?
What does the transverse cervical innervate?
skin over anterior aspect of neck
Where does the transverse cervical originate from?
What does the supraclavicular innervate?
skin over superior portion of chest and shoulder
Where does the supraclavicular originate form?
What are the superficial (sensory) branches of the cervical plexus?
lesser occipital
great auricular
transverse cervical
What are the deep (mostly motor) branches of the cervical plexus?
Ansa cervicalix superior and inferior root
segmental branches
What does the ansa cervicalis superior root innervate?
infrahyoid and geniohyoid muscles of the neck
Where does the ansa cervicalis superior root originate from?
What does the ansa cervicalis inferior root innervate?
infrahyoid muscles of the neck
Where does the ansa cervicalis inferior root originate form?
What does the phrenic nerve innervate?
the diaphragm
Where does the phrenic nerve originate?
What do the segmental branches innervate?
the prevertebral (deep) muscles of the neck, the lev scap and middle scalene
Where do the segmental branches originate?
What does the dorsal scapular innervate?
lev scap, rhomboid major & rhomboid minor muscle
Where does dorsal scapular originate from?
What does the long thoracic innernate?
serratus anterior muscle
Where does the long thoracic originate?
Where does the nerve to subclavius originate?
What does suprascapular innervate?
supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle
Where does the suprascapular nerve originate?
What does the musculocutaneous never innervate?
coracobrachialis, biceps brachii and brachialis muscles
Where does the musculocutaneous nerve originate?
What does the lateral pectoral muscle innervate?
pectoralis major and minor
Where does the lateral pectoral muscle originate?
What does the upper subscapular innervate?
Where does the upper subscapular originate?
What does the thoracodorsal nerve innervate?
latissimus dorsi
Where does the thoracodorsal nerve originate?
What does the lower subscapular innervate?
subscapularis & teres major
Where does the lower subscapular originate?
What does the axillary nerve innervate?
deltoid and teres minor muscles; skin over deltoid and superior posterior aspect of arm
Where does the axillary nerve originate?
What does the median nerve innervate?
all forearm flexors except flexor carpi ulnaris; half of flexor digitorum profundus and some muscles of hand (lateral palm); skin of lateral 2/3 of palm of hand and fingers.
Where does the median nerve originate?
What does the radial nerve innervate?
triceps brachii, anconeus, and extensor muscles of forearm; skin of posterior arm and forearm, lateral 2/3 of dorsum of hand, and fingers over proximal and middle phalanges.
Where does the radial nerve originate?
What does the medial pectoral innervate?
pectoralis major and minor
Where does the medial pectoral nerve originate?
What does the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm innervate?
skin of medial and posterior aspect of distal 1/3 of arm
Where does the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm originate?
What does the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm innervate?
skin of medial and posterior aspects of forearm
Where does the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm originate?
What does the ulnar nerve innervate?
flexor carpi ulnaris, ulnar 1/2 of flexor digitorum profundus and most of hand; skin of medial side of hand, little finger and medial half of ring finger
Where does the ulnar nerve originate?
What the iliohypogastic nerve innervate?
muscles of anterolateral abdominal wall; skin of inferior abdomen and buttock
Where does the iliohypogastic originate?
What does the ilioinguinal nerve innervate?
muscles of anterolateral abdominal wall; skin of superior and medial aspect of thigh, root of penis, and scrotum in men and the labia majora and the mons pubis in females.
Where does the ilioinguinal nerve originate?
What does the Genitofemoral nerve innervate?
cremaster muscle; skin over middle anterior surface of thigh, scrotum in male and labia majora in females
Where does the genitofemoral nerve originate?
What does the lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh innervate?
skin over lateral, anterior and posterior aspects of thigh
Where does the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh originate?
What is the largest nerve arising from the lumbar plexus?
Femoral nerve
What does the femoral nerve innervate?
distributed to flexor muscles of hip joint and extensor muscles of the knee joint, skin over anterior and medial aspect of thigh and medial side of leg and foot.
Where does the femoral nerve originate?
What does the obturator nerve innervate?
adductor muscles of hip joint; skin over medial of thigh
Where does the obturator nerve originate?
What does the superior gluteal nerve innervate?
glute min and med. and TFL
Where does the superior gluteal originate?
What does the inferior gluteal innervate?
glute max
Where does the inferior gluteal originate?
What does the nerve to piriformis innervate?
piriformis muscle
Where does the nerve to piriformis originate?
What does the nerve to quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus innervate?
Quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus muscles
Where does the nerve to quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus
What does the nerve to obturator interus and superior gemellus innervate?
obturator internus and superior gemellus muscles
Where does the nerve to obturator internus and superior gemellus originate?
What does the perforating cutaneous nerve innervate?
skin over inferior medial aspect of buttock
Where does the perforating cutaneous nerve originate?
What does the posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh innervate?
skin over anal region, inferior lateral aspect of buttock, superior posterior aspect of thigh, superior part of calf, scrotum in males and labia majora in females.
What is the largest nerve in the body?
sciatic nerve
What is the longest nerve in the body?
sciatic nerve
What does the sciatic nerve innervate?
hamstrings and adductor magnus
Which two nerves make up the sciatic nerve?
tibial and common fibular
Where does the sciatic nerve split?
at the knee
Where does the sciatic nerve originate?
What does the tibial nerve innervate?
gastroc, plantaris, solues, popliteus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus muscles.
-branches of tibial nerve in the foot are the medial plantar and lateral plantar
Where does the tibial nerve originate from?
What does the medial plantar nerve innervate?
- abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis and flexor hallucis brevis
- skin over medial 2/3 of plantar surface of foot.
What does the lateral plantar nerve innervate?
- remaining muscles of foot not supplied by medial plantar
- skin over lateral third of plantar surface of foot.
Where does the medial plantar nerve originate?
it is a branch of the tibial nerve.
Where does the lateral plantar nerve originate?
it is a branch of the tibial nerve.
What does the common fibular nerve innervate?
-divides into superficial fibular and deep fibular branches
Where does the common fibular nerve originate?
What does the superficial fibular nerve innervate?
- fibularis longus and brevis muslces
- skin over distal 1/3 of anterior aspect of leg and dorsum of foot.
What does the deep fibular nerve innervate?
- tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, fibularis tertius and extensor digitorum longuse and extensor digitorum brevis muscles
- skin on adjacent sides of first and second toes
Where does the superficial fibular nerve originate?
it is a branch of the common fibular
Where does the deep fibular nerve originate?
it is a branch of the common fibular
What does the pudental nerve innervate?
- muscles of the perineum
- skin of penis and scrotum in males
- clitoris, labia majora, labia minora and vagina in females
Where does the pudental nerve originate?
Which nerves are in the posterior division of the lumbar plexus?
- lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
- femoral nerve
- lumbosacral trunk
Which nerves are in the anterior division of the lumbar plexus?
- iliohypgastric
- ilioinguinal
- genitofemoral
- obturator