2-14 thru 2-19 Flashcards
What is the genetics name for the short arm of the chromosome? The long arm?
p arm, the long arm is called the q arm
What is the difference between an oncogene and a tumor suppressor gene?
oncogenes= growth promoters, tumor suppressors = growth suppressors
What are the three functions of proto-oncogenes (when mutated, they become oncogenes)
promote cell division, differentiation, and stop cell death
What class of proteins are usually made from proto-oncogenes?
Why did scientists first believe that oncogenes were contagious
Src in rooster was the first identified oncogene, and it was known to originate from viral-induced mutation
By what 3 WAYS are proto-oncogenes activated
- one mutation needed to make hyper-activated as a gain-of-function mutation 2. gene is duplicated/ amplified and expression mevel is increased 3. gene is translocated to fuse with another gene, making it basally active
What kind of molecules are growth factor receptors?
receptor tyrosine kinases- dimerize to transphosphorylate
In what 3 WAYS are receptor tyrosine kinases made constitutively activated?
- affinity for transphosphorylating region increased 2. loss of extracellular control domain 3. overactive autocrine signalling
What are 2 commonly mutated growth factor proto-oncogenes
EGFR & HER2 (A.K.A. ERBB1 & 2)
What kind of mutation if HER2 known for?
gene amplification
What are the 3 proteins immediately downstream of ERBB receptors?
Ras, P13K, Raf
How does Ras function normally vs. when mutated to an oncogene
Ras is a GTPase that turns off when in GDP-bound form. When transformed into an oncogene, it does not care if GTP or GDP is bound- it is always active
What is the product of PIK3CA and what role does it play in cancer?
product= the catalytic residue of phosphotidylinositide-3-kinase (PI3K), a protein regulated by Ras or directly by growth factor receptors. When made constitutively active, it phosphorylates the 3’ Carbon of PIP3, signalling for cell growth
How does Adk relate to the ERBB pathway?
ERBB stimulates Ras, stimulates PI3K, stimulates PIP3, stimulates PH -> binds PDK1/Adk, PDK1 activates Adk
What is the difference between oncogene mutations and tumor suppressor mutations?
Oncogenes get gain-of-function mutations, tumor suppressors get loss-of-function mutations. Oncogenes get DOMINANT mutations, and tumor suppressors are recessive
What theory of tumor suppressor development was derived from the first tumor suppressor gene, Rb1
The two-hit hypothesis (one bad copy gives rise to cells that may develop “2nd hit” in the same cell or its progeny)