2/1 Emergency Operation/ General Flashcards
Move ups
Nonemergency unless directed emergency by Metro
All staff personnel will be dispatched nonemergency unless directed by Metro or the Incident Commander to respond emergency, Exceptions =
Fire Chief, Deputy Chiefs, and Medical Advisor.
Heavy rescue, emergency air, tractor companies, etc., _____ unless directed by Metro or requested emergency by the Incident Commander.
shall respond nonemergency
The first apparatus of the convoy ____ at all red lights and stop signs.
shall stop
The remaining apparatus shall ____ and only when safe to proceed. Exception = _____
slow down and proceed through the intersection with caution / At intersections controlled by a Traffic Officer.
Single-unit companies (i.e., rescue ambulances, engine companies, Chief Officer vehicles, etc.) ______
shall stop at all red lights and stop signs. Then, proceed with caution. / At intersections controlled by a Traffic Officer.
Roadway width is: Less than 20’
No parking, both sides of street or Fire Lane
Roadway width is: 20’ to 28’
No parking, one side parking allowed on the same side of roadway as the fire hydrant.
Roadway width is: Over 28’
No restrictions unless there is a need to paint curbs red on sharp turns or at intersections.
Category A Assignment:
Not less than four fire companies, including not less than one truck
Category A Criteria:
Required fire flow: less than 4500 GPM and All occupancies not included in Category B or C
Category B Assignment:
Not less than six fire companies, including not less than two trucks
Category B Criteria:
1. Required fire flow: ____ and above.
4500 GPM
Category B Criteria:
2. Dwellings, apartments, and hotel occupancies ______.
four or more stories in height.
Category B Criteria:
3. All commercial and/or industrial properties that exceed:
More than _____ under one roof, on two floors.
More than _____ under one roof on one floor.
15,000 sq. ft. / 10,000 sq. ft.