Move-Ups are
Nonemergency, unless directed emergency by Metro.
All staff personnel will be dispatched nonemergency unless directed by Metro or the Incident Commander to respond emergency except
Fire Chief, Deputy Chiefs, and Medical Advisor.
The ____ responding has the discretion to continue the response in the mode as directed.
Chief Officer
Heavy rescue, emergency air, tractor companies, etc., shall respond ____ unless directed by Metro or requested emergency by the Incident Commander.
Controlled Intersections: The first apparatus of the convoy shall _____.
stop at all red lights and stop signs.
Controlled Intersections: The remaining apparatus shall _____ and only when safe to proceed.
slow down and proceed through the intersection with caution
Controlled Intersections exceptions
At intersections controlled by a Traffic Officer.
Single-unit companies shall _______
stop at all red lights and stop signs. Then, proceed with caution.
When approaching an intersection, apparatus drivers shall be prepared to stop. This shall include decelerating by removing their foot from the throttle and _____, even when the traffic signal is green
placing it over the brake pedal
Apparatus shall not be driven at speeds_____.
greater than can be maintained with reasonable safety at any time
Less than 20’
No parking, both sides of street or Fire Lane
20’ to 28’
No parking, one side parking allowed on the same side of roadway as the fire hydrant.
Over 28’
No restrictions unless there is a need to paint curbs red on sharp turns or at intersections.
When responding to emergencies, no apparatus, with the exception of _____, shall overtake and pass another
chiefs’ apparatus
Company Commanders shall have the option to equip wagon batteries with one of the following tips:
1-1/2 inch Smooth Bore Tip, or
500 G.P.M. (or larger) Fog Hog, Variable Spray Tip, or
_____ for companies regularly responding into grass areas during the grass season.
5/8 inch Smooth Bore Tip