2-1 Flashcards
Do you understand?
Wakarimasu ka?
Yes, I understand?
Hai, wakarimasu.
No, I don’t understand.
Iie, wakarimasen.
I do not know.
I know.
Shitte imasu.
I cannot see.
I can see.
I cannot hear.
I can hear.
It is good.
Ii desu.
It is no good.
Dame desu.
Let me see . . . ./Well . . . .
Eeto . . . . /Anoo . . . . (Use these expressions when you need time to think of something.)
How do you say “tree” in Japanese?
“Tree” wa Nihongo de nan to iimasu ka? (“Nan” means “what”; “to” is particle used for quotations; “iimasu” means “say “; and “ka” is a particle for questions. “Nihongo” means “Japanese language” and “de” means “by means of”
- I forgot.
- Wasuremashita.
- I lost (it).
- Nakushimashita.
- May I go to the bathroom?
- Otearai/(o)toire e itte mo ii desu ka?
- May I go to the locker?
- Rokkaa e itte mo ii desu ka?
- May I get a drink of water?
- (O)mizu o nonde mo ii desu ka?
- Please lend me a pencil.
- Enpitsu o kashite kudasai.
- Excuse me. I have a question.
- Sumimasen. Shitsumon ga arimasu.
See Grammar on page 36.
I understand.
I don’t understand.
Can you see it?
Miemasu ka?
Yes, I can see it.
Hai, miemasu.
Excuse me. Techer, I cannot hear it.
Sumimasen. Sensei, kikoemasen.
What is this?
Kore wa nan desu ka?
I do now know.
Do you understand?
Wakarimasu ka?
No, I do not understand.
Iie, wakarimasen.