1.What is Psychology? Flashcards
define psychology
psychology is defined formally as a science of mental processes (cognism) and behaviour (behaviourism) and how they are affected /affect by our experience
define mental processes
activities happening in mind schema which emerges as a result of interactions of experiences with environment
mind activities vs brain activities
mind activities :: association , grouping , assertion
brain activities :: neural signals , brain waves changes
example of mental process
remembering, learning, knowing, perceiving.
define behaviour
behaviour as an association between stimulus (S) and response (R)
types of behaviour
overt / covert
Psychology as science
scientific exp. method minimum bias objective systematic verifiable biological principles Cause - effect relationship hypothetico - deductive model evolutionary approach
psychology as social science
multiple cause and effect
humans as social beings
increased role of culture and society but in science it is nil
who gave unified theory of brain
Sperry & Penrose
What is phantom arm and duplicate parent experience ?
What does they prove ?
prove that their is an entity other than brain . that is mind
what is positive visualization technique ?
its uses ?
unclog blocked arteries
fight fear psychosis
how to improve immune system?
mind help in Psychoneuroimmunology ?
popular notion which may not be true
men more intelligent than women
student who were taught one by one vs students who were given question randomly
one is not able to give one’s best if you are asked to perform before a large audience.
popular notion which may not be true
men more intelligent than women
student who were taught one by one vs students who were given question randomly
one is not able to give one’s best if you are asked to perform before a large audience.
first lab Wilhelm Wundt. break consciousness in part introspection criticism