1st Exam (Chapter 2) Flashcards
A greek city-state
‘High City’ referring to the elevated place in the center of the city occupied by the temples of the Gods.
Style of vase painting that made use of bold, simple, linear designs.
Geometric Style
In 3D art, the __ style consisted of figured that exhibit a stiff, frontal pose
Archaic Style
A freestanding sculpture of a nude male youth
A sculpture of a fully dressed female- that is the female counterpart o the kouroi.
The arrangement of body parts in sculptures that the weight-bearing leg is apart from the free leg, thereby shifting the hip/shoulder axis.
A style of architecture employing columns capped by heavy lintels and pedimented roof.
Doric Order
Minoan Civilization was centered
on Trade
The mycenaeans supplanted the __ rulers of Crete
The Mycenaean military was basis of Homers_
Tamers of Horses
Example of Mycenaean architecture
Lion Gate at the Palace
The Greek Archaic period lasted from
800-400 BCE
The word Philosophy means
Love of wisdom
Horizontal Bands used in organizing a design