1st Exam (Chapter 1) Flashcards
The first Stage of Human Culture… Marked by simple social organization, the discovery of fire, and basic techniques for hunting and gathering.
Paleolithic ( or stone age)
A word meaning “all the Gods”
The Sumerian writing system, consisting of wedge marks pressed into damp clay
The Egyptian burial tomb of great size and scale
The first stage of human culture dates back before______ years BCE
1 million
Refers to the second stage of human life, characterized by planting crops instead of traveling.
Domestication of animals began during the ______
New stone age period or Neolithic age
The land between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers.
The first civilization to emerge in the Fertile Crescent.
The capital of the ruler Hammurabi was
Two of the main cities of the babylonian empire were:
Nimrud and Ninivah
Invention appearing around 3000 BCE in Sumer
First civilization to use the potters wheel
A king who was a direct link between the royal family and the creator sun god.
Son of Ra
Most important part of Egyptian achitechture
Mortuary buildings